I started playing around a bit more with firefox,anybody know how to get it to show your own icons instead of the default ones?
>>5785857It's an improvement.
You can find a shitton of icons on deviantart,or make them your own if you feel like it
If you wanna change the taskbar without changing your visual style it's gonna be a bit more tricky i believe,like manually editing the theme fies and such
>8/10>>5785864Autohotkey as far as i know.
And no,ur a nigger :<
>8/10>>5786061>newThat looks awesome.
>9/10>>5786094Gotta work on those a bit more,also show us your VS
>5/10>>5786100It is windows indeed.
Like the wallpapers but that's about it,that split taskbar/thing looks weird
>7/10>>5786317Clean,center the system info and you're good
>7.5/10>>5786329Clock placement is weird,Like the wp,is the taskbar set to hidden or did you remove it?