>>7159900Tell her how things are, have conversation where you decide an ultimatum. Offer your assistance in getting her life straight but tell her that you can't keep investing time and energy on something that isn't going anywhere.
She can either accept your help and make progress or there is no reason for you to stick around.
As for the love, it will come one day. The surprise and admiration of finding that person is what fuels the love into what makes it so special in the first place.
>>7164363Two months is a worthy investment towards yourself and your parents.
Having the control in your own hands is a fortunate opportunity that not everyone gets, don't waste it mate
>>7160894I'm with you looking for those moments that will make it worth it.
You will want to be around when it gets there and be glad you got through it all. If billions already found it, so will we.
Find your strength in helping others using your experience, and in time you will find the right people doing so
Everyone goes through the things we are describing here one way or another.
Embrace the fact that you have the opportunity early in life to learn as much as you can from your problems.
Find your way, and find strength in gaining the experience required to help others in similar situations down the road