So apparently I'm tripfagging now, but I thought it would be a good idea because this work is
>donut steelAnyway, WIP here, I'm good with the CSS but I wanted to get your guy's opinion on this.
Anyway, 6 static links on the left, custom panes in the middle of sites that the user would want. I'm thinking about including
FFFFound.comWallpaperswide.comGmail.comImgur.comBasically all of the links that the aspiring wallpaper designer would need. Gmail for contacting others, imgur for temp uploads, and the user can upload to wallpaperswide, /gd/, /wg/ whenever they wish and can get more wallpapers and inspiration from those sites. is there only for inspiration purposes only, however, if you have a account, plz let me gief you art senpai.
Let me know what you think!