>>6746969>>6747019I want to lick that tummy
>>6747151I do think that finding a good idea for a startpage is a hassle to be honest : it has to be simple and at the same time original
>>6747348don't really know what you're talking about, what 'left recommended bar' ?
>>6747356 see >>6747884you'll have to use a VS
I'm using win8.1, and I modded a visual style called 'Sharp Flat', you can easily find in on dA. Then I installed Aero Glass (a cracked version since I don't want to pay for it), making the visual style transaprent. After I decided to modded the VS because there were some disgusting white borders that weren't transparent. Finally, I used a software to remove completely the blur effect, making the bar really transparent.
If you're on win7, since there are much more visual style available, you can take one and modify it with Windows Style Builder (You can pay for it, or install a cracked version).
>>6747546simple dark theme, quite effective, I'm not really a fan of those rounded borders tho, would have put 'border-radius: 0px', and the shadows of the tabs aren't my thing.