>>76685046/10 not terrible, better than most here, at least you're being yourself.
>>76686468/10 it's a little boring, but if you managed your cables you could be at a 9
>>76689130/10 incel trump supporter lair
>>76691654/10 douchecore101
>>76691958/10 it's a shame about your cables
>>76699037/10 lifeless but at least it's clean
>>76700313/10 How to make sure people know you don't have a personality
>>76700349.5/10 almost perfect, except them damn cables!
>>76700706/10 too much LED and ditch the kids toys.
>>76700817/10 it's better than most and it's honest.
>>76702144/10 ditch the weeb pedo shit and manage your cables and you'd be on your way to an above average battlestation
>>76718896/10 close your pc. ditch those shitty speakers. don't corner your desk. hide your cables. get rid of those old wall lamps. All that would make your set up 75% better.