I've taken a liking to pink.
>>5889914I commented on yours the other day. Looks great now! Solid work.
>>5889939This would be really nice w/out fucked up icons. Get rid of those arrows!
>>5890066Ehh. Pretty much stock, yea? Also, your winamp skin has a serious "am I neo yet" feel to it. Wallpaper's cool though. Consider keeping the taskbar confined to one monitor.
>>5890101Nice and clean. I like it!
>>5890109This one really appeals to me. Can't place why, but kudos
>>5890112dear lord
>>5890158Great colors, but the little sliver of taskbar at the top is distracting
>>5890191Go look at the style sheets on DA and nanami-tan, or twily. CSS is pretty cut and dry as far as editing goes - you should be able to customize it to your needs easily.