I know I completely ripped off one of the inspo designs but I had my own spin of it.
>>6269688This is pretty dope. I love the soft blue that makes the fill for the rectangles with the apps and the clock. The actual background is okay. 8/10
>>6269692pretty bland but neat. It's certainly useful if that's all your phone is for. 7/10
>>6269694I don't like the picture in the square or the icons you use since they're hard to see. 6/10
>>6269714If this isn't a windows phone then why not just get one? tiles are eh. If it is, then this is a good design for the limitations.
>>6269727cute but ultimately useless. You might as well just have a default homescreen
>>6269735You added a second line of apps....
I didn't even like the first one that much.
>>6269749I'd prefer you to not have a bar across the top and just incorporate that information into a clean widget.
>>6269807Simple 7/10
>>6270169Neat icons, other than that nothing much here.