Minimal and looks nice, kinda reminds me of mine
Layout is very similar to my main screen, wallpaper is nice.
Wallpaper is great, has usability, and still comes off as very minimal
Good job.
>>5901741Keep working on it, pal.
That's probably the best iphone layout I've seen in ages
Just needs better fonts
Minimal, usability, and gorgeous as fuck
Would use.
>>5902077ebin :DDDDD
Nothing really wrong about it.
A thinner font would help, I think.
I like it. It's different.
>>5902432Nova or Lightning.
Also, try a plain black icon pack. It also feels like there's a slight shadow on your clock, get rid of that.
>>5902464It's actually actually hard to pull of black and white. You did it well. 8/10
>>5902497Pretty good, but get a better clock. That shit looks gross. 7/10
Mind posting your wallpaper too?