Cant record as video right now and there's not much to show really, just a transition from one screen to the other. (
Rates please.
Still need to get a small RSS feed on top of the second screen to fill out the space in there asn I'd rather not move the clock to keep some symmetry. Any ideas on how to make it look less generic but at the same time not fuck it up and overdo stuff? This happened in my previous setups I think. I'm trying to do something cleaner this time around and this feels neat for that so far but I fear it might be too boring. Also font look good?
>>7032704What is it that you want to do exactly, get started with KLWP?
>>7032687 8/10Looks pretty. Not much going on but pretty regardless.
>>7032561 7/10Simple although not a fan of the icon layout.
>>7032414 7/10Really like the concept of masking the clock under the umbrella but that's a lockscreen and the color makes it hard to read...
>>7032380 5/10Top half is alright, but it's a bit dull all-around.
>>7032332 6/10Stock but works I guess.
>>7032235 6/10Not a fan of the pape. If you wanna pull it off get rid of the white colored status bar.
>>7032128 9/10The lockscreen is uggo but your homescreen is really really nice. The pape does most the work but it looks great regardless. I'd personally put the icons a bit higher so it's evenly spaced with the time and the barcode thingy.
>>7032085 6/10I can't get myself to like this unfortunately but the layout's decent. Change the progress bar so you don't need to use gray and get a white icon for 4chan.
>>7031920 5/10Off to a good start, you have a general concept of what you are looking for. Get more visible icons and get rid of double clock. Just get rid of status bar.
>>7031893 7/10IDK if it's just lazy or simple but it looks comfy anyways.