>>6162938 In one incident, I drank two thirds of a fifth of vodka, and then they hid it since they thought I had too much, and then I repeatedly asked my friends "Hey guys, where's the vodka?" all night long until I passed out. It was embarrassing to hear about, to say the least. But hey, I can say I've never shit my pants or pissed myself yet.
A couple of years after I started drinking, I developed insomnia. In one incident I didn't sleep for three days straight. I put my head down in class, since I was so desperate for sleep, and did find it. I slept until after the bell rang, at which point I sleepwalked to my next class, woke up. and had to ask how I got there. Anyway, through the usage of pills and sensible bedtimes, I managed to eliminate my insomnia (mostly) over the course of about 2 years. However, I now sleep for almost 12 hours if I do not set an alarm. I am not sleep deprived, and always ensure I get at least 10 hours of sleep. I'm not sure why I sleep so much. I no longer drink, because it makes my insomnia come back for a few days.
After I graduated high school I left for college. I didn't have anything I really wanted to do; first I thought about majoring in Spanish, then psychology... College was absolute hell. I was so stressed out at times I gave myself a migraine, I had no friends, I had no free time... I dropped out after one semester, because the hell that is college is not worth it for something I'm only mildly interested in. I still live with my parents.
Since my friendships in high school were so shallow, obviously my friends and I grew apart after we graduated. I think the last time I hung out with them was a month ago, and that was to participate in a tournament. I'm very lonely; I've never even kissed a girl and have no friends. My job (FedEx package sorter) provides a limited amount of social interaction, and one of the people I work with is a huge bitch. I do have loads of free time to play video games with, so that's nice.