Not really an homescreen since i'd rather avoid posting the same thing each thread, so here's a concept instead.
I'll likely never finish it unless I find some good looking icons and more apps to fill it, so literally everything including design is place holder to test the concept.
Plan would be to have one folder for apps, one for widgets, a my computer style window, simple start menu and a volume control on the taskbar.
>>6328088Loving the animations and overall style, with some adjustments it'd be perfect.
>>6328530I seriously love this one
>>6328534I'd say you're on the right track, definitely a good start.
>>6328540Empty but looks good, kudos
>>6328543Not my thing at all.
>>6328870Original and well executed, I like it.
>>6328998Great animations once again!
>>6329334Simple, clean and functional, couldn't ask for more.
>>6329590As someone who also loved Zune I like the idea, too bad it's impossible to fully re-create this style
>>6329621Another clean and functional homescreen, also nice navigation buttons.