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Save money. Just because you have it doesn't mean you have to spend it. Learn about 401Ks and Roth IRAs. You can always make more money in the future. You cannot get time back. If you invest now it'll pay you back multiple times. Want to retire early? Start now.
You must love yourself before you can love others. If you're unhappy with yourself you'll be miserable in a relationship.
Material possessions are like any other drug. Don't get addicted to the rush of buying new things. You'll feel worse after the high of the new purchase wears off and seek something bigger. This is how many people get into massive debt for cars, houses, clothes, and electronics way outside their price range.
Being a selfish asshole does not mean you cannot be a nice person. You can be a good person that's empathetic, caring, and sensitive to others. That does not mean being a doormat or allowing others to take advantage of you. Your wants, needs, desires, and goals always come first.
Learning to control your emotions will take you far. This does not mean be a robot but people don't like others that are overly emotional. It tends to bring instability and raise anxiety levels.
Most problems can be solved by diet and exercise. Depression, anxiety, and other disorders are real and there's nothing wrong with going to a professional or getting on medication. That said, if you're eating McDonalds all the time, drinking high-fructose corn syrup, and being stationary then simply cooking a fresh meal for yourself and exercising for 30 minutes for three to four times a week will do more than any doctor or pill. It's also free.