ever since my g4 killed itself i havent been the same but here.
only rating those who rated
>>6737689very stock, you just moved some icons, try more creativity
>>6736735you pull off the google bar ok, maybe make it transparent. that plus icon kills it completely though 5/10
>>6736553i used to have a black version of this theme. whats with the colored icons though? maybe it would look better if you had a colored photo to go with it 6/10
>>6735821i dig the weather controls. do you have to tap the home button to get back home or could you tap the bg? if former 6.5/10, if latter 7/10
>>6735760>jack injack off/10
>>6735612>>6735277i like the paper
>>6735197change app drawer to motion. 6/10 generous
>>6734991dig the wallpaper just not everything else. 4/10
>>6734732nice color scheme, but wtf is the compression on that picture?
>>6734712webm wont open so judging from your thumbnail you seem to have a coherent theme. 8/10