i need help with finding the right background for this...
>>7268632neat, but your fonts don't match
>>7266468jarring, hard to look at, everything is oddly spaced, and you should change the font
>>7266055nothing inherently wrong with it if the lack of contrast and slab fonts don't bother you
>>7265579remove the navbar and statusbar if you plan on blurring your fonts
>>7266070if your wallpaper doesn't have the type of colour klwp searches for, it won't return enything
>>7264211be careful not to turn into adrift with his samey rices
>>7263724pozadina ti baš i ne paše, a widget je preblizu navigacijske trake
>>7263621middle screen is missing something between call and net and no, you shouldn't have put a texture. you should've put a lighter background
>>7263571i get the inspiration but i find it genuinely revolting
>>7263438where's the rice? are you daft?
>>7262613looks nice. almost mistaked it for stock because of the wallpaper
>>7262581same as noise, to be frank
>>7262570meh. the "p f c" doesn't fit the font
>>7262431looks clunky
>>7262143reconsider that thing up top
>>7261937boring, but good job
>>7261605pad your fucking text
>>7261145make apps as wide as the big box, look for a different wallpaper, something that isn't a clas. painting