>nova>themer dialer wid>power amp wid>wanam xposed>tiny white>>5635752 I dont like that notifications thing, either the clock 5/10>>5635712 I like it/10. anyone know something free just to hide the notification bar on lockscreen?>>5635641 themer beta. meh >>5635489 multiple window, get rid of notification bar just get a wid for whatever you need it there for 7/10>>5635478 to simple, dont like the wp 3/10>>5635459 love it, just different icons. Im not sure how I feel about em>>5635384 lockscreen just like mine, nothing to rate. home screen hate it wps have nothing to do with each other, multiple window, wtf is that on the bottom and middle, waaaay too many windows for me 1/10> I dont hate multiple windows, is just that almost never use it >>5635369 I like it even with the cursive fonts 9/10cuz of useless window dot at bottom and notification bar