>>6754689>the green and yellow fontcan you be more specific? you can change the PS1, which is displayed before the user is prompted for input, by editing ~/.bashrc
i use: PS1='\[\e[34m\]\h\[\e[m\] \[\e[35m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '
which sets colour codes and also what the prompt should contain (hostname, current directory, newline, $).
you can change the colour palette cygwin uses by editing ~/.minttyrc (by default at least, you might use some other terminal emulator) or by making a colour palette file (or downloading one) and then setting it in the mintty options. i use one of the "base16" palettes you can find on github, with some slight modifications.
>>6754740yeah no problemo, it's from a larger set of 60~ curated wallpapers some anon posted. i can upload a zip if you want.
>>6754755looks good! I like your colours.