I updated my setup a bit and actually got the weather information worked out. Also slimmed down the bottom part.
>>7376939Maybe use darker icons? Imo the white contrasts too much with the nice bg you got there.
>>7377019I like the colorscheme that's going on there.
>>7377027The icons dont really fit the pape.
>>7377101I love that thing, especially how you incorporated informations into the design itself.
>>7377103Really looks better with the Manga font.
>>7377221The spacing between top and bottom of the screen is off imo. Might wanna move everything up just a little bit.
>>7377222As stated in
>>7377267 you might wanna customize the top area.
>>7377224I like the design. But isn't it hard to use if you have so many icons on the top? I for example like to use my phone with one hand and over time it becomes annoying to press stuff that is on the top. Thats why I got everything on the bottom.
>>7377225I really like the setup except the icons. I get the aesthetic vapor thingy, but those icons would work better with that bg if it would be more A E S T H E T I C