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17, Male.
Heavily involved in my high school's music program, practice saxophone almost two hours a day. I've been playing since 5th grade, but have no desire to major or minor in anything music related farther down my life. It's something that I enjoy doing, and I don't intend to stop playing altogether. After I have a school band that I can be in, I'll probably just play on my own. Playing saxophone is something that I can do and be good at, all while enjoying it, and I would never give it up.
However, my true passion lies in the STEM field. I actually love mathematics, I've taken a few coding classes from as early as 6th grade, in one of which I built and coded a little driving robot. I'm aiming for a major in Statistics or some form of Physics, because I love both. Overall I'm satisfied with my life at this point, and wouldn't change a thing except maybe physical appearance.
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