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Fucking god damn covid. These new lock downs could have been entirely avoided if the Canadian federal government was such a bunch of ninnies. They could have made masks mandatory, gatherings are illegal, everything that isn't absolutely essential like hospitals, banks, and grocery stores are closed for a month period. Anyone who breaks any of these rules are thrown in jail for a month and a $10k fine and block anyone from entering the country without being thrown into holding facility for 2 weeks and we could have eradicated most of it here to the point that lockdowns would only occur in any hotspots that crop up and is easily monitored. But now we're facing yet another set of half assed lockdowns and the earliest someone like me could see a vaccine would be at least a year if not two from now.
Its completely screwed the university I'm attending because the online transition was absolutely horrendous and now I can't take advantage of meetings with the professors and other students which were a huge help. The job market here is completely fucked and I can't find any work when normally it was super easy to pick up a job. Now I can't even get one at a McDonalds which screws up my usual work my ass off in-between semesters to pay for the next ones and I refuse to take out a loan because I don't want to be in debt for something like university and I don't want to go on EI because there's people that need that money more than I do and Canada only pretends to be rich. At least I've got savings but I'm getting sick of applying for jobs and not getting any work, it just makes me miserable and feel like a parasite. Plus not being able to go the gym doesn't help either. Also, god damnit I just want to actually find a girlfriend since life was going pretty good but now its all gone to shit so I can forget about that happening. Going to wind up being a 30 year old virgin at this rate. At least I've got my betta to keep me company. He's pretty smart for a fish if somewhat lazy.