>>5767775Ok, I changed out the wallpaper, and I forgot to note my dock hides when i double tap the screen, so it can pop up everywhere and be hidden everywhere, anyone know if there is a way to change the clock on the lock screen while keeping it locked (requiring a combination)
>>5767942I like it, but I would get rid of the 9 icons, either put them in a drawer or on a different page or something 7/10
>>5767972>>5767979Lock screen sucks, wallpaper is blinding, ugly font, I hate it, for the home screen you need a icon pack desperately, not much I can say from those too pictures 2/10
>>5768088Minimalistic, but boring, spice it up, switch the clock 7/10
>>5768090I dislike the clock location, nice otherwise 7/10
>>5768173Clock takes up everything on home screen, you have one on every screen 4/10
>>5768220Like it, but The clock clips over the mountain, which distracts me 7/10
>>5768345Wallpaper is way too busy, 6/10
>>5768378Good, but I don't like the icons in the middle of the screen, 7/10
>>5768477Far too crowded, everything covers the background 3/10
>>5768492Too crowded on the bottom, the fog is slightly distracting at the top 5/10
>>5768498Fuck that clock, get a different icon pack, hide the status bar 5/10
>>5768531I feel the white doesn't fit on that background that well, kinda crowded, huge google play music over widget 6/10
>>5768536I don't like the wallpaper switch, way too crowded with icons, no clock on the inside 4/10