>>6076112You'll have to build it yourself, follow this:
1)get zooper widget
2)get media utilities (beta)
3)set media utilities: go in settings, check integration with zooper, check "make coverart aviable"
4)in zooper, build a layer with this setup (in advanced write the code): "
#TMU_coverart#"; this is the artwork wallpaper in png
5)add some rectangles and mask the image and add the border (see later).
6)add a text layer, and choose the font you want (you can put it in your zooper folder), with the code: "#TMU_TRACK#".
For the point 5 there are a lot of ways of doing that, just play with rectangles and the drawing modes (same as photoshop). I made that with 4 rectangles, but you can create a simpler design with more- for example, first delete the unwanted parts of coverart with 2 rectangles setted in "clear" mode, then build the border with 4 white rectangles setted to normal. Rember, the order of the layers are inverted than photoshop. Sy later, tell me if you made it.
Also, a similar widget can be made in UCCW, but i don't know how :)