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[51 / 19 / ?]

No.5309029 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey guys,
This is an experimental thread. I see way too many people getting hammered on their "basic" settings for their desktops and phones. Until now I have only lurked, and never made a move to change my "basic" desktop settings to any superior custom setting. That changes today, and I encourage all the other basic kids to join me in the process of going from basic to custom. Post your desktop as is, and then outline the steps you mean to take to make it more custom, and ascend your desktop to a higher level of beauty, organization, and functionality. Those of you who already have well-customized desktops, feel free to post advice and show what you have done to your desktops to customize them, outlining the steps to help others become inspired

TL;DR: post desktop before cleanup and customization, along with what you're going to do to it, and then post the final results.