>>5378808Really like the wallpaper. And the appropriate use of rainmeter, tough to come by these days.
>>5378806In contrast to the one before, this wall is covered with far too much rainmeter. And the lack of customization is far to obvious.
>>5378791yes, clearly. again, the information overwhelms the whole spirit of the wall.
>>5378786it is pretty aesthetic. not bad, and certainly not the worst use of having a mac as far as looks go.
>>5378784I like blackmill. +1. However, it is hard to critique you because of the lack of information on your desktop. I suppose there is too much empty space. fill it up with something.
>>5378745underage b&. also, itunes+utorrent/10. And can't you understand just by being on /wg/ that there is a limit on how many icons there should be on your desktop?
>>5378740too many icons. wallpaper stresses me out. also, please lock your taskbar. it makes the little dotted lines on the taskbar go away.
>>5378727you've got the right idea. 9/10.
>>5378720nice wallpaper and icons, faggot.
>>5378656change your wallpaper. otherwise, it's not bad. not good either though.
>>5378640what the fuck are you doing tier.
>>5378587enjoy no sex for the rest of your life. other than that, not bad. 5.5/10
>>5378534you've got the right idea. 10/10
>>5378530ugly whore/10
>>5378529>absolutely no customization at all.>>5378505too nostalgic for my tastes.
>>5378478someday you will get there. for now, uninstall the botnet, resize the date, and you should be fine.
>>5378432made me laugh.
>>5378420pretty cool, the more I look at it, the more I like it.
>>5378381I'd rather not. but still, 10/10.
>>5378355Please change you're wallpaper and figure out how to customize your theme.
>>53783318/10 for ugly wallpaper.
>>5378268underage b&, or if not, a ban for reckless faggottry.
>>5378262I would give the ratings you gave to you.
>>5378255nice folders, faggot.