Shit there is a lot to review
Hahaha the background is good and the desktop matches well. The clear bars are a great look with the particle effects. I would kill the icons though. As in all of the ones at the top left, explorer, chrome, and runescape included (also since when has Emi been a pirate???)
Nothing too special here. Though the bar at the top has a very sleek look to it. And the notes on the side fit in well. But all in all minimalist at its core
Its great dude Honestly one of my favorites in a long time. Keep it up. I would give it a perfect if there was a matching boy on a bike icon there.....perfect
I was so impressed. I was like "Wow. The picture is good. But the size and position of it gravitates away from that boring minimalist feel but it also offset by the basic design of the left giving the desktop great balance. And then i looked down.....dat freaking taskbar. Jesus. I hope it auto hides (which i believe that OS doesn't) You get rid of that or clean it up. 9.5 maybe 10
Don't get me wrong i think the picture is great and with the icons everything is slick and clean.....but is there rainmeter here. I don't know what to judge?
Its got a minimalist feel to it. Sleek clean and organized. Though minus .5 points because that weird deer owl freaks me out
Its got great design, great color scheme. Though i think it would be better if you took the stuff on the far right and moved it under to condense the entire side bar. Besides that its great
Now i don't know what i'm judging but i like it. I mean the c++ on the side actually looks great along with the background. But i don't know where you actually used rainmeter either way its pretty good.
Got that simple and streamline minimalist feel to it. Nothing too out of the ordinary. Pics decent. The icons are pretty nice But solid above average