These two and their fandom are a large part of what's wrong with the internet and moreover, YouTube.
They get paid by YouTube to act like spastic, middle-school special needs children because their idiotic fanbase thinks it's funny. On top of that, an alarmingly large number of them hinge on their personal relationships and their personal/marital lives, as if it's of any significance or importance whatsoever. All the while, they're supposed to be two people who just play video games for those who are too stupid and/or lazy to do so (which is hard to imagine considering the hobby is more of a sedentary one now more than ever), none of which either of them are any good at.
This isn't to say I'm jealous or upset that they get paid to act like imbeciles. I'll give them credit for carving out their niche crowd in that regard; I simply wish the series as a whole and its fanbase weren't a collective bunch of drooling neanderthals.