Just great. Love love LOVE the clock, everything matches and meshes together perfectly.
Love your status bar, music widget is nice if a bit large imo, lucid rounds is a great icon pack. Wallpapers nice but has a bit too much intense color for my tastes. Not a fan of RSS feed widgets like that.
Because yeah that clock is ugly as sin.
Don't really know what you're looking for so I'll just tell you about ALL THE CLOCKS I like.
Elegante, CuteClockFree, flatroclock, iOS 7 clock, and simple digital skin are some nice ones for UCCW. Other ones I like are Galaxy S4 clock, eva clock HD, and simple digital clock by tymaks.
Looks nice.
I really love iOS7. Too many icons.
Yeah, could use some work. Overall it's a bit too busy, too much stuff on one screen, clock is meh, holo icons are pretty decent, power control widget is kind of ugly, dock looks a bit odd with no center icon.
Cursive font is kind of ugly. Clock/shortcuts don't look good, they look blurred in parts and cut off at the edges, plus just aren't very visually appealing to begin with. Pretty nice wall though.
Icons are great, everything goes together well and meshes, whole thing is beautifull minimal. Love the wallpapers, especially the Rei one.