>>5491588>>5490610underage b&
There are indeed moderators on /wg/. That said, I've never seen a user banned for underage on this particular board -- however, you should not post your age anywhere on 4chan. Everyone knows there are underage users, but having the fact blatantly posted -- and accepted by other users -- detracts from the majority of users' enjoyment of the site as a whole, and especially so on /wg/, where taste often correlates to age.
Case in point is the fuckscape people. Fuckscapes are nothing but regurgitated 'bad wordz lel' humor designed for #edgy users. /wg/ lurkers know this. Newfriends, and people significantly underage, do not, as proven by the amount of people who admit they are underage in those threads.
In any case, happy 17th.