>>5492767Your steam and 4chan fonts need help. Anti-aliasing is fucking them up. Try resizing them to fix it.
>>5492741When I used rainmeter I just edited an enigma skin and removed the unnecessary features until it looked alright. It shouldn't be too hard to get a nice looking weather skin that way.
>>5492636Looks good, Not sure I like those foobar colors though. The beveling on your bblean bar is neat. I tried switching my 4chan font earlier to Calibri but for some reason it displays larger than I set it to. Resizing it didn't seem to help either so I guess I'll just stick with ProggyTinySZ.
>>5492390That white font is a bit too harsh for me, especially against that dark grey scheme you have going.
>>5491762Use the windows taskbar, engima is hindering you.
>>5491601Very nice arrangement and choice choice. I'm impressed, but I can't ay the same for your choice in software.
>google chrome, utorrent, skype>>5492845I'm not a fan of black/white wallpapers.
Unhide the taskbar.
Nothing else caught my eye.
If I didn't rate you, your desktop was shit. That's just my opinion. XDD fug