>THE OFFICIAL IMAGE MODIFICATION THREAD. Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help. All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not
>>>/b/ or
>>>/r/ .
>Requesters: ● ALWAYS do a reverse image search before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
● EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
● STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (e.g., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
● KNOW your screen resolution BEFORE you ask for help:
http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ ● UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as
imgur.com , if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space.
>All: ● Be polite and try to use proper spelling.
● DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
>Want to talk to a modifier? ● Go to
http://tlk.io/wgimt , select a name and talk.
● Tools we use Photoshop, GIMP,
Paint.NET ,
pixlr.com , MSpaint, and luck...
>4chan Image/Thread Limitations ● Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels will NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
● Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG
● Maximum file size allowed is 5 MB
● Thread Image Limit - 250 +OP Image
● Thread Post Bump Limit - 300 +OP
Archived Threads:
https://archive.nyafuu.org/wg/search/text/IMT/ Previous Thread:
anna !molly997fw
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i guess i'll bump this
Mikel !KDjeBf4M6A
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Lemme just bump this thread.
Mikel !KDjeBf4M6A
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Bumping thread.
Mikel !KDjeBf4M6A
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Bumping thread.
Mikel !ANGElUebow
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Bumping thread
Could somebody get rid of the text on this wallpaper?
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>>5514159 Reverse image search, buddy.
Mikel !ANGElUebow
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>>5514159 Pretty new at this. Best i could do.
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
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Kinda slow today
Could you make this 1920x1080, keep it the same size and center it? Keep background the same color. Thanks a million.
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
w !!y5Sv5yfvmJF
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5510938 ddd !FuckWITRq.
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back to the top with you little thread
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5514536 you should be ashamed of your use of cute kitties... what are we imgur?
if they are to be kitties they should at least be fighting eachother... on horses... with chainsaw jawlines... and hoola hoops. with bikini girls in the background... and blackjack.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5514560 jawaline? what the hell is a jawaline... who fucking types like that... fucking hell!
>>5514279 You're a faggot. I hope your little mod friends don't try to back u up.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5514568 your post was less valuable than my actual shit posting... nice. I was not sure that was possible... we need a new term for something worse than shit posting...
maybe necrophiliac incest posting? git off granma fred... it's my turn.
>>5514569 ddd u probably fuck mikil in the ass go kill yourself
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5514573 and you would be?
>>5514574 All u faggot mods are the same. You deny a picture just because its to hard for you
anna !molly997fw
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>>5514577 mm, baseless, inaccurate accusations from one asshole.
we probably didn't do your mod because you're an asshole.
good night, asshole <3
jh !aDhdsuychY
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>>5514577 still trying to figure out which one you're complaining about
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5514577 still trying to figure out which one you mean..
unless it's this one
>>5511464 but that guy didn't seem like a dick
>>5514652 Not going to even lie to you, That was some shit. I'm the guy that requested that.
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5514689 well in that case i would like to remind you that colorizing something like that takes a long flipping time. as in i've put 2.5hrs into it already
>>5514690 I wasn't the guy being the dick though.
jh !aDhdsuychY
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>>5514691 well there is your answer of progress. hopefully you stick around because the last colourization i did the guy didn't even acknowledge it. and i'm probably gonna go to sleep soon so i will pick up where i stop tomorrow after i get home from class
>16:30ish Anonymous
remove ash from her face and fix grey line at top of picture thanks
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
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>>5514799 What grey line? Or did
>>5514799 do it right for you?
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5514799 What grey line? Or did
>>5514800 do it right for you?
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>>5514800 the anon fixed it, cant you see it in the first picture?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5514577 >>5514689 i know one person who does not deserve a mod now... and to think... i was going to do this image today.
>>5514880 But i'm not the guy being a dick
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5514882 hopefully... but we'll never know...
ddd !hpGWwfOUEg
>>5514880 I can be a faggot HURRRRRR
Mikel !hpGWwfOUEg
>>5514885 >>5514886 using the same incorrect trip, how can you fail so
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5514888 he could have at least used one of the last ones... geez
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
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>>5514885 >>5514886 settle grettle
this will earn you no women or bacon
or crispi bacon for that matter
or crispi women
SaGe !r.IlgpMuUc
>>5514888 What are u talking about I'm a mod
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>>5514891 hahahahahaha you could have at leased used #0-eoCz*y and thus felt better about failing so hard
http://www.tineye.com/search/862624f45f47f77d5b15015165b7498174929dc6/ Could someone take the first result from this, give it better resolution, take off the chive logo, and thennnnnn put the girl from the next picture I post next to the guy in this photo?
>>5514907 This photo is better but
>>5514906 Would look more realistic next to the dude with the shotgun in that tineye link. His lower body isn't showing
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>>5514910 yes but the shotgun link has a max res of 640x480
so unless your making an icon it's not worth the time
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Yeah, it's an icon
Could this be resized to 1920 x 1080?
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>>5514916 >>5514917 why yes, but you'd have to decide if it should be cut on the top or bottom
so if someone could make this into a wallpaper that'd be great. just stretching the image up so that the original corners will fit flush with the screen, still located over to the right like it is. i dont really know how to do it without losing resolution. also if you could get rid of the signature. thanks peeps. and and any size is good really,
>>5514957 same guy, sort of like this but either with the old mans cloud thing tapering out more smoothly, or the entire thing extended to fit the right side of the screen
i know i sound retarded but i'm tired
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>>5514974 oh, thanks a bunch man
>>5514974 annnnnnnnnnnnd another alt
Please, could anybody colour this picture? It's made with a pencil and now the drawing looks grey. I'd like that grey in BLACK. 2) Hair/Beard = Dark brown 3) Skin = Normal skin colour (brown/pink) 4) Lips = Darker than the skin colour And that's all. If you did that, Id be so fuckin gratefull.
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>>5514984 5) I forgot the piercing --> black.
>>5514984 made it black, no interest in colouring it
Can someone please make the resolution of this 1920 x 1080? If it's too much to ask for, then any sort of touch up would be greatly appreciated.
>>5514984 >>5514986 ill color it... gimme a sec...
can someone make this a little bit darker, so it isn't as bright? thx
>>5515041 nice, overlayed the black version over it again as i think it looks better
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>>5515045 yea, it does look better, good teamwork
Hello, first time poster here.
Can anyone turn this picture into a wallpaper for the iPhone (640×960)? I'd like to have the ghosts centered, if possible. Also, is it possible to sharpen/"redraw" the edges a bit? It looks good on the computer screen but kind of blurry/unfinished on an iPhone.
Thank you very much!!
http://i.imgur.com/RzWa5Te.gif !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5515032 DAAAAAMN NIGGA! That's awesome! Thanks man, way more than what I was hoping for! Insta save <3
>>5515100 Thank you very much, this is so cute! :)
Another request, I hope this is possible: I'd like to have Minnie and Mickey as background (iPhone 4, 640*960), but I can't properly extract them from this picture, the lines are very unclean. Can anybody help and create an iPhone 4 background?
Details: The couple is centered, the lines are black, the background is preferrably white, the resolution is 640x960. Thank you!
>>5515146 What were the steps to doing this? I'd like to replicate something like you did in Photoshop but after I cut out the picture, I don't know how to paste it onto a seperate backgroumd
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>>5515151 you can either get a new layer and delete the old or you can open a new document to your clipboard size and paste.
>>5514983 Mind making a gif of you making this? For tutorial reasons? Thanks bro.
Could someone make the red highlights on here purple instead, please?
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>>5515185 perfect, thank you
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>>5515173 for the record we have a chat for questions like this, see the OP post
anna !molly997fw
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another one bites the bump
This album came out yesterday and it's awesome. I would like to use it as my desktop, but I need it in 1366 x 768. 1280 x 720 is fine too. Thanks in advance.
Can somebody remove the logos from this please?
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>>5515430 closest match i could find
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>>5515473 Thanks very much
Could you add a sky with stars behind the hill and beams of light?
Example of star sky:
http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/files/2013/08/summer-traiangle-ESO.jpg Thanks mate(s)!
>>5515513 Woahh! you've got crazy PS skills!
I am not trying to be annoying, but could you mabe dim the starsky about 50% so it wont be so bright?
Thanks a thousand times!
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>>5515524 Thank you very very much!
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Key, so here it goes. Could you replace the text with this one - "If they ever tell my story let them say that I walked with giants. Men rise and fall like the winter wheat But, these names will never die... Let them say "I lived in the time of Narcissus, sculptor of physiques". Let them say "I lived in the time of Zyzz." Oh, and remove the big ZYZZ text, I means it's obvious.>If you have an idea, chance the font. Thanks in advance.
I'm going to post two images that I need for a presentation I'm giving in two weeks - I have zero PS skills, but could the blue behind the images in the flowchart be removed? I could thank you in my presentation and the subsequent paper if you want!
Thanks in advance!
http://i.imgur.com/k9SubM0.png http://i.imgur.com/Mn04W95.png Anonymous
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>>5515561 This is literally so easy I could do it in Microsoft Paint
>>5515600 I am actually not capable of doing it I don't think, I know I suck but I did try and it looked awful! I'm a scientist with no art skills whatsoever. Thanks so much for the first one, it looks so good!
anna !molly997fw
>>5515608 totally unecessary to sage the IMT. we like bumps.
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>>5515608 And I actually have a full version of PS I just can't use it for anything except assembling microscope images. I am just the worst.
>>5515611 I'm just really ashamed of myself haha!
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>>5515614 >>5515608 open 2 copys of mspaint with a picture in each
select part of the image, right click and click copy
move to the second image and right click and select paste then move it to were you need it
see gif
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5515611 s]we definitely so not like sage
could some one shoop out the planet in the background?
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>>5515622 I did it! Thanks so much for the help! This is my proudest moment.
1440x900, please. I got a couple more.
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Could somebody please make an instagram size picture 612x612 of a quote that says "The hardest part in life is making yours easier" U can make it whatever cool font u want and background Thanks in advance
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>>5515705 1920x1080
this is the last one
Hello! Could anyone either entirely remove the bright colorful city and replace it with dull muted tones like the colors around it or just tone it down, maybe taking down the intensity and adding a nice blur? Either works, whatever is easy for you.
Hey IMT could one of you makes this 1920x1080, and remove the watermark? Thanks
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Come on wg ;-;
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>>5515829 Ooh, that looks perfect. Fits my phone's icons perfectly.
Thank you very much!
Could someone please get rid of the watermark in the bottom right corner? Thank you!
remove watermark, resize to 1920x1080 please
>>5515944 Man how do you do that? I can't get the right blend with the water to make it look right.
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>>5515951 patch tool. Doesn't always come out right the first time. So, a couple tries of the patch tool, the content aware fill any weird parts
Could I get this as 1920x1200 and please get rid of the text in the upper right corner. Thanks.
Is it possible to get this image in 1920 x 1080 with out the text? I've looked all over for it but I can just find a reduced size... Thanks!
can i get this 1920x1200?
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
Would it be possible to move the woman closer to the center?
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
>>5516149 how much closer?
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>>5516151 that's perfect.
thanks man.
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5516167 1080p is a video mode that has a resolution of 1920x1080
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>>5514984 Nooo tio, Auronplay noo
>>5515609 16:9 version of this plz!
any ideas on how to turn this into a wallpaper?
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>>5516213 you'd need to find a closer match to the background
or spend a shit ton of time cutting it out
or find the original dragon pic
or just fuck it and do a fuck up job
Hey guys. Please remove text signs from this image: web-site name, red author sign(under the black blots on the top left corner), description in the bottom right corner and "Amazon:" title. If possible, please make it 1440x900 wallpaper with woman in the left, same background and same pattern on the top-right corner.
Posted this last thread as soon as it hit bump limit. Can I please get this in 1920x1080 without the text?
>>5516245 Is the image
>>5516277 Oh wow. Thanks man!
can I get this without the widgets?
anna !molly997fw
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>>5516344 reverse image search
visually similar
this is not rocket science, people
Would it be possible to remove the watermarks on all this photo? More coming up.
jh !aDhdsuychY
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>>5516367 reverse search this one, i personally have removed that watermark twice, and don't feel like doing it again
>no i don't save me edits for more than two threads >>5516370 willing to bet this one has them removed as well
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>>5516370 i did this around 3 threads back, go look in the archive
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>>5516381 you need to lurk more
spend somw time on /wg/ 3 images and all have been done before
Hey guys! Can you make this
http://imgur.com/qtlfG9V into a 1600 x 900 wallpaper?
Either take away the black borders and just make it white OR keep it the same, but add the same color black ( I hope that last part makes sense )
Could anyone change this awesome wallpaper to 1366x768 ? It's currently 1920x1200 and his poor ears cut off at the top. Thanks a lot in advance for any help :)
Could someone please make me a wallpaper out of the album artwork from The Safety Fire - Mouth of Swords? Preferably 1920x1080 or larger. This picture isn't really the album art but it's by the artist that did it, so you might have to dig around a bit.. I'm not sure if there is a larger picture, I couldn't find many.
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>>5516425 Thanks man.
Is there anyone that could make me one out of the actual album artwork? I couldn't find a picture of the album itself that was large enough to post unfortunately.
anna !molly997fw
>>5516423 sage doesn't read the requests, don't feel bad
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>>5516434 Thank you very much.
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>>5516145 Sir, yo are the man.
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
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>>5516344 Only did this request to work on my shop skills
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
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>>5516344 Only did this request to work on my shop skills
Remove all logos (including the tron license plate) and invert the photo
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5516580 I sure hope this is what you mean by invert.
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>>5516585 Wow that was fast! Thank you!
upsize to 1920x1200 please. Hopefully without any quality loss
Please make this black&white, thanks.
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
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>>5516598 >>5516600 Which is better I can't tell
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>>5516599 >>5516603 Damn, you guys work fast. I'm impressed, thank you!
>>5515738 I'm gonna bump this request. If it's too hard to do please let me know
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
Hello wg. I'm not sure if this is a strange request or not, i don't hang around here all that often, so i wouldn't know if this is doable without too much work. Could i get this picture in 1920x1080, same background, streaks in her hair changed to the same colour as the rest and the austism tatoo on her tit removed? Would be very grateful.
Text on the bottom left removed please. Thanks!
Implying this works !DEeXSDP9V6!!4x53WtKic0h
Implying this works !DEeXSDP9V6!!4x53WtKic0h Thu 12 Sep 2013 21:33:40 No. 5516660 Report Quoted By:
>>5516290 asuiasrgn;iasugbaeruil
Could I get this entire picture in greyscale except for the orange afterburner?
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5516666 one hell of a get
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>>5516663 i am conflicted on what this 'orange afterburner' is
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5516663 What's a after burner
>>5516663 Oh fuck me, it uploaded a weird other picture for some reason.
This is the one.
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>>5516671 Thanks a lot.
Hope you have a good day, or night.
>>5516673 And if you guys are at it, could you do the same thing for this one as well?
I have no idea what happened to my original post. I don't have any picture like that. I seriously have no idea where that came from...
anna !molly997fw
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>>5516672 In layman terms, the fire that shoots out of the back of an airplane engine when its maxed out.
>>5516681 you're losing it, orange/yellow top of the tail fin
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>>5516682 i left it there cause i like it, just forgot to mention it
Turns out i have one more request, if that's fine. This pic changed to 1920x1080 Same bakground with those stripe things or just plain white, whichever works. Please.
Can I get just the logo on an all black background at 1920x1200?
Could someone remove the red dead redemption, and turn this into 1080x1920 for my phone? Crop it to hell, but save the main image please?
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5516895 You probably won't like this, i didn't know if you wanted it centered or downwards
>>5516925 Is there anyway to make him a little bigger in the screen? If not it looks good as is thanks
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5516927 wait for another mod, i suck at scaling images.
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>>5516938 Will do but that looks good. I just tried it on my phone. Nice work
>>5511464 >>5511464 >>5511464 I'll wait a week for this picture. I don't care.. It will look bad ass. :) Thanks in advance jh.
http://maxcdn.zenpencils.com/comics/2012-04-09-bruce-lee-1.jpg Could you add the "reject what is useless" panel on the left side and have the "absorb what is useful" on the farthest right so it doesn't look cut off?
Keep the background the same color as well.
Thanks in advance.
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5516969 The panel containing the quote 'reject what is useless' will be on the left side.
The panel containing the quote 'absorb what is useful' will be on the right side.
The background will be the same light purple color.
I'm sorry I confused you.
>>5516973 You didn't specify a size.
>>5516975 1920 x 1080
I'm such an idiot.
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
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>>5516975 I'm going to have to rearrange the entire comic, there is no way that's all fitting on on a 1920x1080
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>>5516407 Thanks a lot mate
forever ago some anon in a IMT made me a rough template of this. Here it is 1/4
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5516976 Pretty sure this is wrong.
>>5517048 just got it back from paint. gonna put some blue resin in it then design the orb stand somehow.
i made it out of two layers of 1/8in. steel so its fucking heavy.
the next one i make will have to be aluminum. whenever i get money for that i guess.
anyway. Anon, if youre out there, thanks for the template.
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5517052 so far its cost me in materials and paint about $250.
im designing one that lights up with an LED grid to make it glow. But i need to finish this one before i go on to a second one.
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
>>5517055 You should delivar the final product in a thread down the road.
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>>5517056 i hope to. Ill definately post it in one of these threads. and on /b/ too lol.
Could someone please take the chair and the weird chair reflection out of this picture?
can someone make this a little bit darker?
Could someone blend the white gap to match?
I.M.Sin !!cnC4VVELHGw
>>5517154 That's actually really well done. Good job anon
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>>5517201 thank you kind sir
>>5516367 can i get a different request for this image?
turn it into a boy instead of a girl please.
>>5517243 And how do you suppose that?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5517345 no boobs it.. change the eyebrows to a bit thicker... make a dick bulge...
sage like making those... he should do it
>>5517565 your boobs are bigger than the girls in that picture
yet you still sort of fall under the definition of a "man"
but saying that if you was in that picture it would be a totally different kind of "cock pit"
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5517590 i strut, i crow, i am the king of the roost. so fuck you and do the edit vassal.
>>5517600 whats with everybody thinking they are king today?
we all know there is only one true king, and it's the guy with the crown
Can i have this wall re size into a 1920x1080?
>>5517669 The king is Mikel
prove me wrong
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>>5517711 he has no crown, proof in itself
can somebody help me convert this image into a wallpaper? if you could also extend the bedsheets to fit the whole screen and the person still in the center. 1366 x 768. thanks
This might be too hard, but I was wondering if anyone could help me with this request, or at least get close. If possible I would like the person between the legs erased, along with the emblem at the bottom right corner. If not maybe you can move the special meter at the bottom to help cover and erase the guy between his legs. If you can do it, thanks a lot! IF you can't, I understand. I just really LOVE this wallpaper.
I.M.Sin !!cnC4VVELHGw
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>>5517756 Sweet picture, brings back memories of Marval Super Heroes VS Street Fighter for Playstation 1
Can someone make this 1920 x 1080 please?
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>>5517756 Gotta go to work, but maybe another anon can finish what I've started.
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>>5517806 Diff pic of the sun with the same quote would be ok too!
Mikel !D0ZsMoscOw
Can someone get rid of the watermark and change the 44 to 45?
>>5517829 that water mark is close to impossible remove, can i just crop it out?
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>>5517839 Damn sportscenter... Nah it's cool. Just change the number if you can
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5516949 hey man, sorry i got busy this week haven't had a chance to sit down and mod a whole lot. sunday i should have time again though.
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>>5517859 WOW. Anon you little sneak! I knew you could manage it. Thanks^_^
Can someone make this 1366x768 by extending the part between the logo and Richard (the warlock guy). Or anyway of making that size without stretching it will work. The above is my suggestion. If you find an easier way that works just as well feel free to do it.
>>5517865 I'm an idiot forgot the upload the picture.
This happens more often than I would like to admit...
Could some just mirror this image for me? Getting rid of the text would be a nice bonus too. Please keep original size/format.
>>5517868 Derp forgot image
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>>5517870 random anon here. For the future if you only need a mirror you can do it in paint. just load the image press are select option, right click and under rotate there is flip horizontaly. And it mirrors the image.
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>>5517877 Thank /wg/uy, off to /tg/ I go
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5517866 unfortunately i'm not an artist and can't really do this work justice. but i love this comic
can you change the blue to dark red and size to 1600x900 please
>>5517880 can you move the logo to the far left please
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>>5517810 thanks a lot! you made it fuzzy and hazy like in a dream
can some one make a 1920x1080 space themed wallpaper out of this? May be a little too much to ask
jh !aDhdsuychY
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Is it at all possible to make this 1920x1080? I'm pretty sure someone can just expand the rays shooting out of the red orb so that the image wouldn't get distorted.
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>>5516694 i really like this image so i think i want to love it too.
is it possible to turn her armor to be more "red"dish. i want the tone of red is to be bright like marlboro packs but don't want to lose that "oil painting" feeling around her hips, knees and ankles.
and if it's doable background to black and the blue stripes to dark purple.
Thanks in advance as it were already done and if it couldn't you know... thanks anyway :)
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>>5517913 looks awesome, love the little 'one day' in there. explains exactly how I feel
>>5513894 I would love it if someone could turn the background of this to white.
It's a crayon drawing my child made, and i want to make a t-shirt for her mom.
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>>5517923 >>5517899 Thanks to both of you they are both great
Can someone make the dick a solid color and not pixelated like that? I'm not asking for any details on it or anything, just to make it look uncensored. Thanks in advance and sorry for the weird request
best i can do for a moment
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Could someone possibly change the background on this? I'm thinking more of a dark grey, the black is just too bland and plain.
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>>5517941 thanks mate really appreciated!
>>5517243 just came back and I am disappointed to see the picture is not here.
>>5517952 Fuck off you ungrateful little shit
>>5517953 Ungrateful would be having the picture complete and just not liking it.
They started talking about doing it then they forgot.
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>>5517956 We arent doing it for you, faggot.
>>5517956 we talked about hard it would be and honestly a pointless job
>>5517956 >>5517961 Yeah fuck you you ungratefup dipshit, you want that shit doing you do it yourself.
>>5517965 Almost Perfect. The only thing that bothers me is the line that separates the pants and the dick can you make it more like the rest that are near it. It's kinda weird now.
>>5517975 >almost perfect that was a troll post you tard, you could've done that on Paint in 10 seconds
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5517669 i am the emperor... you are my vassal...
dont make me take yer kingdom away little poppet...
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>>5517972 Honestly I was going to, but I figured I can get some tard to do it.
These guys are pretty shit anyways.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5517978 >>5517978 >>5517978 Anonymous
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>>5517977 Do you seriously believe I was serious? I answered your post in the matter in which you answered mine. Call it trolling or sarcasm whichever you prefer. No that you're done proving how stupid you are, you can leave and let someone serious do it properly
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>>5517980 Thank you for being a cool guy and not a faggot like the other guy.
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>>5517977 >>5517975 I actually did it in paint. I can't edit pics for shit.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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If anyone would like I have created a whole new image modification thread.
>>5518051 >>5518051 >>5518051 Anonymous
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>>5517045 Take the rest of the comic out, goy.
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>>5517858 Its cool man. Perfection takes time. lol