>THE OFFICIAL IMAGE MODIFICATION THREAD. Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help. All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not
>>>/b/ or
>>>/r/ .
>Requesters: ● ALWAYS do a reverse image search before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
● EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
● STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (e.g., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
● KNOW your screen resolution BEFORE you ask for help:
http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ ● UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as
imgur.com , if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space.
>All: ● Be polite and try to use proper spelling.
● DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
>Want to talk to a modifier? ● Go to
http://tlk.io/wgimt , select a name and talk.
● Tools we use Photoshop, GIMP,
Paint.NET ,
pixlr.com , MSpaint, and luck...
>4chan Image/Thread Limitations ● Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels will NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
● Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG
● Maximum file size allowed is 5 MB
● Thread Image Limit - 250 +OP Image
● Thread Post Bump Limit - 300 +OP
Archived Threads:
https://archive.nyafuu.org/wg/search/text/IMT/ Previous Thread:
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>>5524671 No poop posting
No fun posting
Have a kek day
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>>5524671 Hi, could you please remove the e-mail and the signature from this image for me? Thanks in advanced.
>>5524671 haha why did you delete old thread? I wanted my reqyest xD
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>>5524692 wheres the aarchive
an someone make this a wallpaper and caption it. LOL somthing funny would be great. its me as a little kid.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
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Bumping for the Gods.
>>5524713 in 1920x1080 please. Thanks! Anonymous
Could you please make this picture 1920x1080 please. Thanks in advance
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5524722 Forgot image hahaha
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>>5524721 I did it too so I'm just going to post it lol
>>5524728 cbf removing that watermark
>>5524741 then why did u upload it
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>>5524746 Because he didn't even ask for it in the request
>>5524756 haha very funny....
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5524782 >something funny would be great I lol'd
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>>5524788 i did too but i want somthing a little less mean when i look at it.
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modified picture from the last thread.
Could someone make the background on this image transparent? Thank you very much.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5524882 do you mean: remove the white between the pics?
>>5524897 Yeah, so if I posted the modified image on /wg/, I'd get the pale reddish/orange color that's the theme of /wg/.
Or it would blend into wherever I posted.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5524917 Perfect!
Thank you so much!
I hope it wasn't difficult.
Hey guys can someone make this 1920x1080 by extending the sides?
can I get this in 1280x720?
http://imgur.com/4oMDCSW Anonymous
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>>5525005 You're awesome man thanks!
Hi! Can someone make the background darker, while keeping the gradient thing going on? I'll let you decide which colour, so long as it's not purple or orange or something that would look unnatural. Thanks!
>>5525040 Oh I forgot the file..
ddd !FuckWITRq.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5525111 lol
i have no idea what i am doing
posted it then walked away to come back to me questioning life...
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
can you turn this into a 1080p wallpaper? Also, remove the demonic sigils around the eye if possible thanks
Can some extend this so it becomes 1600x900, in advanced, thankyou.
http://images.4chan.org/wg/src/1379279948238.jpg !oSaGe.Fu/2
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5525135 >>5525195 took his and did this...
>>5524989 >>5524992 hmm can you just enlarge the original image to 1024x768? id be cool with that
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5525307 version 1 stretch and squish enlarge
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5525311 version 2 crop and enlarge
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>>5525279 Wow, looks pretty rad, thanks.
Can someone remove the current caption and replace it with I love bad bitches thats my fucking problem
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>>5525116 I like your contrasts here. Reminds me of Samurai Champloo, for some reason.
>>5525129 Thank you :)
basically yeah !JhV1i90.n2
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>>5525342 >>5525343 perfect thanks guys
Can I get this set up for my phone? When I try to make it work it's too tall. Phone screen resolution is 384 x 640. Not sure if it will even work out how I'm hoping...
basically yeah !JhV1i90.n2
>>5525363 Yerp, it just wouldn't fit the full image for me.
basically yeah !JhV1i90.n2
basically yeah !JhV1i90.n2
Filter the background please
can you take out all the text? thank you!
I would like this 1920x1080 by adding more stars to the sides and then resizing. Also remove the watermark please.
>>5525462 and if you can make it bigger possibly
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5525461 what type of filter i have 1000's
>>5525483 Please remove the distortion effect
Image looks similar as if you put .png on as wallpaper
Baldazar !AW3G9gO3PM
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>>5525474 close enough thanks
>>5525491 that is not any clearer soo smoothed to hell and png'd
Baldazar !AW3G9gO3PM
can someone remove the text please?
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
Can someone change the resolution of this to 1280x720?
>>5525636 And this one too please?
basically yeah !BChnMDZg.E
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>>5525646 >>5525650 >>5525652 Thanks a lot! Much appreciated!
If I could get this without the watermark, that'd be awesome.
Could someone make this 1920x1080 please?
Can I have this without the text, please?
http://i.imgur.com/wMyVObe.jpg !oSaGe.Fu/2
Sage you've done something like this for me before. I think it was this image.
>>5525605 I would like this in 1920x1080 if you can
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5525909 don't quote me on this as i've never been in the /w/ imt much, but do they not follow the same idea as us in using images from the previous thread?
>>5525902 tomorrow i is in bad nearly 3am
>>5525915 I really appreciate it man thank you
jh !aDhdsuychY
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>>5525911 also i'm retarded.
>>5525916 for now...
lazy trip cant actually use Photoshop edition
Capcha: I'vebeena fraudthewholetime
ok guys, first off it would be great if someone could make this just a little bit darker so it isn't as distracting. Also if anyone has any ideas for making it look awesome that would be great too...
ddd !FuckWITRq.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5525959 yes yes it was wasn't it? So far yours is the best, Gold star
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>>5525959 I tried getting help on /r/, but it got buried under piles of porn
Can someone make It look like the sun is setting?
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>>5525919 It's a nice Alt image. Thanks
I think I'm losing my eye site. I've been removing water marks from this image off and on for a few days now. I need a second opinion from you IMT people
http://eolivia.com/scripts/viewlargeimage.asp?idProduct=1387 (original Image)
Edits as of today
https://www.dropbox.com/s/w4so2i42jgx14s9/G-3004-l.jpg !pngR3CNJTc
>>5526032 second opinion about what...? And how come it is taking you days?
>>5526042 I don't have the time to sit in front of my computer for endless amounts of time.
The second opinion is about the removals do they look alright so far? Sometimes a fresh set of eyes help
>>5526045 Just compared them side by side.
What are you doing to remove the watermarks? They don't look bad, but it's a little more noticeable in some areas over others.
I would say keep up the work as much as you can. And patch tool will certainly speed things up if you haven't been using it as of yet.
Didn't mean to sound rude asking what was taking so long, it didn't look like a large image at first glance.
>>5526051 Yeah the artist puts a shitload of marks on her work. The noticeable ones would those be near the areas near her body, and the black lines in the pic? Yes I'm using patch tool, and it's making easier, but with the way the marks are in some areas it's making it harder too
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could someone remove the writing from this? i wanna use it as the lockscreen on MY phone hahah. i can't find it anywhere thanks a lot if anyone can help
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5526056 i never understood why people go through such lengths to claim their work. honestly that's like 30x worse than the da ones. you could attempt a soft brush with low opacity and slowly try to paint over them as well. slightly more tedious but it could end up looking nice
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5525462 >>5525470 you still here?
1.The text can be removed, but it will take time so i am not starting on it until you reply to this.
2."bigger" is not intelligible guidance. do you want it simply increased in size at the same ratio, or do you want it to be wallpaper dimensions? what dimensions?
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>>5524698 not funny caption
Can someone please edit out the stick in the middle of the picture and make it 16:10 aspect ratio?
I was in a thread a few days ago where some moron tried to claim that this was a historical poster that he learned about in his history class from 150 years ago. Obviously not true, but it got me thinking that this would look kinda cool with some kind of effect like that. Could someone here make that happen?
>>5526142 and remove the watermark that I just noticed?
Thanks guys
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5526143 >>5526142 effect like a grunged up flag, or something along those lines?
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>>5526144 Yeah that could work nicely
>>5526100 increased in size at the same ratio. thanks again
>>5526158 You really need to look at what requests are before you post something. And way to take the thumbnail, and increase it in size
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>>5526095 I tried that at first but my hands aren't steady enough, And yeah I have no clue why someone would go to such lengths to protect and image online. It's not like she sells digital copies. And All I want to do is make a wp
>>5526163 not the thumbnail as that had the name G-3004.S.jpg
mine had the filename G-3004.M.jpg
and yours had the name G-3004-l.jpg
i see nothing in your request of relevancy
>>5526172 First of all dip shit I made no request
>>5526032 except for a second pair of eyes, and if I had made a request is sure as shit wouldn't be in that ratio
Secondly, this guy
>>5526149 the one you're linking to and trying to pretend you did something? Requested this
>>5525462 And last but not least, all you did was take the 2nd page thumbnail, and increase it by size, you want to know how I know this? Because I just puled the image from the webpage and did exactly what you just did, all I had to do to get your exact image was open paint and type 600 into the horizontal re-size and your exact image was there stop pretending to be something you're not
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>>5526213 Fuck outta this thread with thtat faggotry
>>5525189 1080p version of this plz?
enlarge or extand background,
whatever looks best.
change the black spots to blood spots please and make the first line of text yellow.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5526373 1920x1080 is the same ratio one full wallpaper size up. It would have looked just fine simply setting is to fit or stretch.
Not being mean or rude. Just trying to help you and other people to know. Also the 1080 is a static size. The p refers to progressive scan images broadcast on your tv or lcd screen. Movies and such. Hope that helps.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5526149 here you go
without a specific size i just doubled it
>>5526429 i thinkg he ment the stick in front of the dog
but i shouldnt remove it, the dog is playing with it
>dontmakehimmadbytakingitaway also why the low res? u messin with him
>>5526458 fuck! :(
i assumed it was the sign for some reason.
The whole thing was already lowres and he/she asked for 16:10 ratio. Figured 1280x800 was the standard reolustion for it
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>>5526463 the whole thing was 4400x3000 ...
i dont care but just sayin
I'm new to photoshop and modifying images into WPs, while looking up some wallpapers for OoT, I found this picture and decided to try and have a go at making a wallpaper out of it 1/3
>>5526468 My first try ended up like this, pretty basic with just a normal circular gradient mask
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>>5526468 >>5526469 if you want to speak to any modders about your work, go to
tlk.io/wgimt this thread is actually only for requests and not for oc
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>>5526469 I quickly noticed the fact that the mask starts in the middle of the picture already. This really dulls the colours in the picture, so after some more fiddling I found mask options and played around with that to make this
Now I have the strong colours in the center, but am missing the nice edges I got on the previous one.
Are there some tricks I could do to improve this, or does it just come down to more fiddling with sliders
please remove text, logo and white blots in the center of this pic
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>>5526501 Wow. Ok, thank you
this one in 16:9 would be so much appreciated
Testing something.
>>>/wg/imt !oSaGe.Fu/2
Dunno if you're capable of this but I wanna post 2 pics. I wanna know if you can make the 1st picture a background to the second one
jh !aDhdsuychY
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>>5526636 sounds easy enough, post 'em or link um, i'd be money someone can do it
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
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>>5526627 say, that's pretty nifty
please don't abuse it ._.
can we remove the vertical book line
basically yeah !BChnMDZg.E
>>5526667 if you want it more touched up i can still fix it up a bit
basically yeah !BChnMDZg.E
>>5526680 way better job than mine
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
>>5526681 basically, yeah.
basically yeah !BChnMDZg.E
Can anyone turn this wallpaper into a 1920x1080? Thank you
basically yeah !BChnMDZg.E
basically yeah !BChnMDZg.E
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>>5526456 Thank you looks amazing
Hi /wg/, I have this picture where I want more white space on top of her head, its a wallpaper for a phone and the clock overlaps her face so if anyone could add more white space on the top would be greatly appreciated!
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
>>5526767 >● STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (e.g., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes. >● KNOW your screen resolution BEFORE you ask for help: http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ we can add space but you need to tell us how much
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>>5526769 Okay, i'll do that the next time I ask for something here
>>5526771 Great! Thanks!
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>>5526703 I will take this version over the others, thank you for the nice job you did with the glass.
>>5526142 >>5526143 >>5526144 Bumping this request please
Okay, weird request. If his hair could be made a dark blonde, his eyes a medium shade of purple, and antlers added, I would be forever grateful.
>>5526817 That looks nice, except the watermark is still on it. Could you remove it please? Upper right corner
Can I get the text removed from this please?
Alright, i need someone to shop out the island for me.
This in 1920x1080 please? Would appreciate massively
Hey guys, I saw this picture in a spooky thread earlier, and I loved it so much that I decided to put it up as my screensaver, but to my dismay I then realized the scarecrows genitals just hanging there. I'm not the only person that uses my computer and I need the genitals to either be taken out or made to look like it's part of his skirt, or just extend the skirt to cover it up. I already changed it to make it 1366x768, so I don't need any help there. I'd really appreciate a little bit of help here guys, and thanks.
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>>5526856 hummm draw half an image or just stretch it
Preferably make the writing in the background disappear and make it somewhat chrisper and 1280 x 1024, be creative or someshit
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>>5526890 Thanks so much man, I finally got my creepy wallpaper that I've been looking for.
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>>5527022 can you make this the same aspect ratio as before but keep the words off?
>>5526998 Can someone do that, but just without the text? It's the perfect size for my monitor >.>
>>5526392 thanks dude.
i love the blood spots, but somehow
the yellow text looks fatter & harder to read?
would it be possible to make that font yellow
without fatting the fonts?
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>>5527082 Thank you, looks perfect
>>5527072 Since it's a jpg file we can't change the color of it except filling it in, which will probably never be perfect unless you retype it.
If you want to give me the font names I'll retype the whole thing for you in the same fonts and it'll be in perfect quality (with no pixelation around the letters, etc.)
I retyped that part with a slightly different font
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5526845 I was working on it too, just a little slower
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>>5526823 it's ok u can thank me later
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5527072 i completely apologize... i did not see that you had replied until Steiner replied.
how's this?
Could someone remove the stupid DA watermark? I hate how they do that to almost every decent image
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5527150 i'm working on this for you, but i am trying to recreate some areas so it is as near to unnoticeable as possible
>>5527172 Take your time man. Thanks, I know these ones are pains in asses
Kinda a big request, so here we go, I want this combined with the jedi code done in the same way 1980x1020. Thanks in advance...let me know if its to big for this thread.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5527178 >>5527150 let me know if you find anything wrong with this
>>5527218 her left shoulder still has the copyright, other than that looks good to me
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5527222 shit, for some reason i didn't see it as a (c) i saw it as part of the vapor from the apple.
do you want the artist signature left or removed?
>>5527231 Leave the signature. Thanks for doing this
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5527239 Great! Thanks again!
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5527242 any time, it's why we hang out here
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Can you please make this image a 1920 x 1080 please. Thank you very much in advance
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Thank you so much! helped me out a bunch!
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>>5527203 maybe if you posted the jedi code image..
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>>5527203 What the hell Sage made this
>>5526456 for me, I will help out here
>>5527203 What the hell Sage made this
>>5526456 for me, I will help out here
Could you cross out the word "hate" in black, and add "love" on top of it in a similar font. The resolution should be 1920 x 1080. Thanks:)
>>5527323 Thanks man, that's actally better than I had in mind:) Also thanks for the speed, I thought that it would take at least hours since it's like 11 am here in Finland.
>>5527326 9am here trying to decide if i should go back to sleep or not
>>5527328 How did you do that? Can you maybe record then make a gif?
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>>5527098 >>5527121 Thanks guys! They're awesome!
Yo, can someone please make the background and the Captain's face all black and the rest of the Captain white. And also correct the shield a bit so theres none of that blueness and blots/spots left. I just want the simple shield colors. And if it's not too much work, then I'd appreciate a second image where the entire background isn't made black but the scratches near the bottom are white like the Captain. I want 2 images because i can't decide which would look better. Thanks!
>>5527285 Thanks, looks good, anyway to touch up the test quality a bit (I'll try to myself)
>>5527566 You forgot the mouth part and letter A on his forehead, man. Otherwise it's great, but if you could fix that, it'd be sweet.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5527551 >>5527568 Whoops, read the request wrong.
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>>5527570 Haha, np man I just wanted what you gave me but with the Cap and background's colors inverted.
>>5527571 Perfect, man. Cheers.
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Can any kind soul remove the watermark(top right) and change it to 1920x1080? thanks in advance
http://i.imgur.com/hgX8L0X.jpg Can any kind soul remove the watermark on top right and remake it's resolution into 1920x1080?
thanks in advance
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5527595 Level 100 Cropping
>>5527598 I was hoping that the giant tree would stay intact
>>5527599 >>5527600 with full tree, looks like shes sat on a penis fish
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>>5527604 Haha that looks great, thanks so much for your work
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5527611 Thank you for your hard work it looks awesome
Does anyone have this feeling that people in this thread have better taste in desktop wallpapers than any other person posting on /wg/?
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
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>>5527619 No because i'm sure 80% of the people who post in this thread get their pictures from other threads in /wg/
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>>5527619 i have the crappy dr who wall, i never see it so i dont care
ddd has this one
http://i.imgur.com/mVhbkF8.jpg i'm not even lying he posted that image in the chat this morning, before he went out to sniff toilets (also not a lie)
1366x768, and remove the logos on the bottom, please.
>>5526989 Can I have the "FEDOR SHMIDT" removed from this? thanks!
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>>5526697 You have to be the shittiest modder in these threads. The other modders don't teach you shit huh?
can someone make the contrast a tiny bit better and make it darker? thx
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
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>>5527651 levels + contrast
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
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>>5527654 you beat me by two whole seconds
what's wrong with the chat? i can't see anyone in it
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>>5527614 Not sure if still here, but minimal crop version
>>5527614 Not sure if still here, but minimal crop version
The feels when you upload and it has a small white border that you missed
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
Can i have this into 1366x768 without stretching and losing as much of quality possible please?
>>5527728 Forgot pic, sorry.
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>>5527676 The white border? I deleted the post, then fixed it
Could some one take the border of this for me
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5527739 Removed the watermark while i was at it
i need a couple of watermarks removed, take em or leave em
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>>5527729 best I could do it looks a little stretched but not too much...
>>5527746 sorry, meant to post this one
>>5527753 >>5527751 oh, right..
still need this watermark removed though
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>>5527758 that little, ity-bity mark in the bottom left?
you can do that in any editor, and more than likely you have one installed
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
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>>5527758 You could have cropped that out easily but yea
>>5527779 I remember a year ago or so when someone requested this to be made into a night version. It looked so freaking awesome
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>>5527780 lol i was just thinking the same thing
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
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>>5526456 I still can't get over how awesome this looks. Thanks again sage
>>5527326 I personally can't the original images are shitty, if you find me better ones I can
>>5526456 I still can't get over how awesome this looks. Thanks again sage
>>5527564 I personally can't the original images are shitty, if you find me better ones I can
>>5527786 Hmm, could you attempt to do it from scratch, then add in the symbols, like retype it. If you don't want to, just say so, and I'll try to myself, I don't really see any better quality ones out there.
can i get this 1920x1080? google reverse gives nothing also watermark removal
Baldazar !!sfNV18oDEjy
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>>5527792 is that supposed to be castiel?
>>5527782 1366 X 768
Thanks in advance.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5527792 I like your image
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5527795 You should learn photoshop. Resizing a photo takes literally 10 seconds and i see you have alot of image resize requests.
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
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>>5527817 "a lot" is an understatement.
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>>5527817 >first time i've posted in a few days >a lot of image resize requests hue.
Can I get this 1024 x 768 puhplease?
>>5527791 I'm not going to do it from scratch, and I highly doubt the people who normally do the IMT threads are either, this is as clean as I can get it. Like I said Find better images
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5527836 omg yes thank you!!
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
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>>5527839 They both work well! Thanks!
>>5527833 Ok, thanks, I'll see if I can find someone on a different forum, at this point its not a IMT thing, more a request thing, thanks for all the attempts though
>>5527842 try reddit ou'd need to find the correct sub but they do like stuff like that
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>>5527844 I'm trying /r/wallpaperrequests, they do shit like this
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5527842 Cleaned it up a little more
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>>5527846 looks 10xs better than what I did
Can someone remove the "The Last of Us" text at the top right, please?
>>5527900 How do you do that...
Which of the tools did you use to remove it? I'd like to know so I can learn/get better at using them.
Also, thank you
>>5527903 >any lasso tool >right click >"fill area" !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5527904 nope, tried that it looked like babby's first shoop
>>5527904 What options would I set the fill as for that particular image?
Contents & Blending.
>>5527911 after badly removing the writing using the spot healing tool
i just copied the left side to the right and played with the opacity
Would someone be so kind as to remove the face, text, and spider? Thank you.
Can you get rid of the logo in the left corner for me? Please and thank you.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
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Time to kill dis bitch
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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sage made this for me awhile back thanks sage!
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5528004 >>5528004 >>5528004 Anonymous
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Would be nice if someone could remove the people from this.
>>5526559 Thanks in advance :3
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hello anyone? :^|