>THE ETERNAL IMAGE MODIFICATION THREAD. Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help. All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not
>>>/b/ or
>>>/r/ .
>Requesters: ● ALWAYS do a reverse image search before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
● EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
● STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (e.g., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
● KNOW your screen resolution BEFORE you ask for help:
http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ ● UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as
imgur.com , if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space.
>All: ● Be polite and try to use proper spelling.
● DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
>Want to talk to a modifier? ● Go to
http://tlk.io/wgimt , select a name and talk.
● Tools we use Photoshop, GIMP,
Paint.NET ,
pixlr.com , MSpaint, and luck...
>4chan Image/Thread Limitations ● Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels will NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
● Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG
● Maximum file size allowed is 5 MB
● Thread Image Limit - 250 +OP Image
● Thread Post Bump Limit - 300 +OP
Archived Threads:
https://archive.nyafuu.org/wg/search/text/IMT/ Previous Thread:
Good afternoon, OP. I'd like this in 1600 x 900, please. Thanks in advance.
>>5530937 This as well, if you don't mind.
can someone remove his face make it black
Please get rid of the water mark at the top right. <3
>>5530934 guise
maybe this impossible, but
can you make this into 1024 x 600 without too much damage?
i love you forever if you do this
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>>5531050 You want the op pic in 1024x600?
Love this wallpaper... but I realized it was just a screeny of someone else homescreen. Someone have the original?
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
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>>5531201 reverse search and select "visually similar" it's the first one
>>5531204 >>5531205 Now you're just showing off
>>5531215 This is just a fail edit of mine, the blue in his hair isn't like this however, it's in highlights, but there is only so much I can do in Photoshop. Would any one be kind enough to improve it? maybe add a touch to the eyes.
Guy4/hyKLk <= !NSi/.LigRQ
GuyCKKFyro <= !GuyCKKFyro
>>5531287 I love it! Would be awesome if you changed the eyes blue.
make all background white
Could someone take this image and shop out the non-pointing hand (along with the rest of his arm and the bottle) and then flip the image? It would make a great "check em" image.
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Can someone make this (1440x900) please!
Can someone please make this 1440x900
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
>>5531456 I don't know these people but I instinctively hate them.
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>>5531453 Thanks mate. I just noticed my trips in my previous post. Consider them CHECKED!
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>>5531459 They're from The Trailer Park Boys. It's a pretty funny show.
Can some one make this into a 1920x1080?
Is it possible to make this transparent? I mean just her in the picture?
Is it possible that someone could make this 1366x768? I would like it that the object and text in the image to about 2/3rd's across the screen so extending the 'background' of the image on the left hand side would be awesome.
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>>5531613 we know it's you
>ponyfag Can someone make this 640 x 960 by adding more gray at the bottom or something?
http://imgur.com/MFrj4ze Anonymous
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>>5531620 You are an amazing individual, thank you <3
>>5531632 How about this? I gave your little man a chin. :)
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>>5531646 It's pretty good man, thanks.
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
>>5531646 be careful, doing MLP mods can get you banned for posting that kind of stuff outside of
>>>/mlp/ Anonymous
Could someone make this black and white, and colorsplash her shirt, but make it a brighter color, maybe reddish?
Link cause I got it from this thread
>>5531668 Anonymous
>>5531721 I guess that other one looked reddit on my screen
try this one
>>5531723 >>5531726 psst they said black and white and then colorsplash just the shirt :)
>>5531714 can someone make this 1980x1080?
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
My resolution is 1600x900. Can you guys make me a nice HD backround with this? Also please remove the text. I would greatly appreciate it.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5531683 MLP? Lol, didn't even notice it was that.
>>5531814 >>5531683 I don't see why that's bannable I mean bronies are weird but they like wps as well
>>5531842 Good job I can read them too. my question was why.
> it's not like we have a mod anyways Anonymous
>>5531850 Because nobody likes horse fuckery
>>5531855 I'm a Brony so fuck u nig
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>>5531858 >>>/mlp/ you're wasting the bump limit
>>5531855 I don't like half the mods that come through here. bronies are no worse than the waifu but you don't get banned for posting that shit here
>I miss my numeric captcha from 4chanx Anonymous
>>5531867 because there's horse version of EVERYTHING EVER and it's annoying, also 6 year old little girls show full of animated fantasy horses, rainbows, and magic
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>>5531870 not even in the slightest
>>5531868 I also know what the show is. and it's weird that grown ass men watch it and are obsessed with it. but it's also weird that grown ass men fap to anime girls.
>>5531870 care to elaborate
>>5531878 They are both faggots,
but i prefer bronies over weeaboos any day
>>5531880 Yeah I feel much less dirty modding bronie stuff than waifu. I Mean I wouldn't do either in public but at least if my roommate walked in pin me editing pinot it'd be less awkward than an ecchi image
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>>5531883 yeah auto correct. anyways ponies are less awkward than ecchi to mod, although i would do neither in public.
>>5531783 So I went away, now I'm back, but how did you do this, like select the shirt so well (I had trouble avoiding the hair). just so I can do it myself in the future
>I use gimp cause poor, and too lazy to pirate Anonymous
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>>5531892 Thanks, not even mad, shoulda tried that first, apologies for clogging thread
Can someone get rid of the shit at the bottom. Thank you in advance.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5531915 Why is there a bullet hole
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
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>>5531917 must of been an oversite... my guess is someone did not finish off the patch tool...
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
>>5531921 >>5531915 Can we not post more than enough images, especially if its not even apart of the request, you didn't even do the request right.
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>>5531933 u stupid faggot. kill your fucking self
>ponyfag I know GR 15 prohibits this shit, so can someone, using an imgur link, make this 1920 x 1080?
http://imgur.com/vX3HEAn Anonymous
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>>5531970 you really have the nerve
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
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>>5531976 u stupid faggot global rule 15
Could someone place the black circle containing the Tri-Spiral into the Saltire below, preferably as central as is humanely possible. Thank you greatly to any who can/
>>5531981 I would like to clarify that I, (OP) of image, have tried, but it is very difficult without a mouse.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5531986 Did you want it like this, or do you want the inside all white, not finished btw, just wanted to clarify
Please make this into 1920x1080. and if possible without making it seem like its stretched?
Can someone get rid of the little text in the bottom right corner?
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5532010 Took out the white mark, looked kind of stupid
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
>>5531992 All white in the middle, please.
>>5531995 Thank you.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5532013 You can just crop out his picture, or would you like me to do that
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>>5532011 >>5532012 Thank you! Much appretiated
>>5532016 If it were not any trouble to you, that would be great for me.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
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>>5532023 Thank you very much, it looks grand :D
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>>5532001 thanky you very much!
make a 1920x1080 wallpaper out of this:
http://cadencecomicart.com/art2.php?page=6012 preferably with the lady in the center or the right side.
feel free to change the background if you can find/make a better one.
>>5532042 Meant to upload this like 15 minutes ago. Forgot I did it
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>>5531890 I just saw you came back. I selected the shirt pre-desaturation and made it red first without worrying about the hair. Then I pasted the original on top, erased everything around the shirt area except the hair, selected all the white, and then removed that area from the mask that I changed the shirt colour with.
Hope that makes sense
this without the widgets and shadow on top? already reverse image searched, nothing with the same resolution came up
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
>>5532099 you can't find it in that resolution because whoever set that as their wallpaper picked a small one and the phone blew it up.
i swear this request was done 2-3 threads ago. check the archives.
>>5532104 I've seen it posted here before in 1080 x 1920 before.
>>5532106 >i swear this request was done 2-3 threads ago. check the archives. This same request comes back every few threads. It will be in the archives already.
>>5532099 2 threads back or so, go check the archive
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>>5532110 Looking right now
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
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i like touching myself inappropriately
>>5532111 >>5532110 >>5532104 I found it, but it's not exactly the same.
The one I found (Thread 293) is a little more zoomed in than this one.
I know it's not a big deal, but I want to be able to see the 0 on her shoulder, and the other one doesn't have that.
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5532122 >>5511748 can crop it down on your phone
>>5532126 ... not when the wallpaper itself doesn't have it because it's different.
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>>5532128 I cropped
>>5532126 that jh linked to to 1080x1920
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
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>>5532099 >>5532128 http :// fncombo . deviantart . com/art/Hatsune-Miku-Vector-343486841
over to the right
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Can you guys change this image to have a blackbackground. get rid of the first and electricity coming off the heart/brain, and change both the 'viens' inside the heart and brain from orange and blue to green. Some kind of emerald venom green. Can you do the resolution to 5670 by 1080, so the guys, heart and brain are in the middle and either side of him just black.5532045
Can you guys change this image to have a blackbackground. get rid of the first and electricity coming off the heart/brain, and change both the 'viens' inside the heart and brain from orange and blue to green. Some kind of emerald venom green. Can you do the resolution to 5670 by 1080, so the guys, heart and brain are in the middle and either side of him just black.
>>5532045 Anonymous
>>5532210 first is meant to be fire***
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5532211 >>5532210 do you want that texture still, or just flat black?
>oh. my. god. i. am. gonna. murder captcha. !GuyCKKFyro
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>>5532238 The rest is a little beyond my skill level when drinking if you want to finish it
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5532238 too slow, here you go
>awwwww yissssssss motherfuckin' numbers jh !aDhdsuychY
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>>5532248 forgot the res which apparently is too large for 4chin
http://i.imgur.com/hacicli.jpg !GuyCKKFyro
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>>5532210 The fine detail is beyond my skill level, so here. Maybe someone else can finish it
AxillA !imcuteJews
could someone auto-fill this on he left and make it 1680x1050, pleeease
AxillA !imcuteJews
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>>5532301 thank you so much
>>5532301 That's what he meant? I've been trying to clone the sides for 5 minutes now!
>>5532303 >>5532304 the advantage of never reading the comment, i just see the res and do what i want
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>>5532306 I apparently have much to learn oh wise one
16:9 would be much appreciated
>>5532481 do you even try reverse image search before you come here?
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
>>5532481 stretched/darkened one side
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>>5532489 yeah but that one is just cropped
>>5532492 thx
Could I have an edit of the socks in neon green and purple? Thanks. :)
>>5532510 >>5532509 Thank you, these are perfect :)
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>>5532512 HNNNGG. Thank you. You're a saint.
Her armwarmers with neon orange and purple? I like stripes if you can't tell.
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
>>5532612 I needed the URL and the one on the archive didn't work. For future reference (incl. the archives) it's:
>>>/wg/imt Anonymous
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
Can someone remove the site address from the lower right corner?
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>>5532651 thank you very much, you are the shining light in the center of this wp!
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>>5532645 oh... Now I understand what you meant. I clicked the link and it forgot and was thinking wtf are you talking about it works fine but now i get it lol
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
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>>5532722 >>5532724 I'm sure you have some grand image of what you'd like the final result to look like. There are a few ways to combine the two images and we want to get as much information as we can.
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
>>5532724 because this is what I get so far
>>5532728 can we change the olive green to blue
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
>>5532729 I thought you might ask and started working on one that didn't change the color of the union jack.
>>5532735 >>5532728 thanx but can we put the blue of the second image in the first image
>>5532750 and this is how it would look like exactly as you requested it
>>5532746 ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
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>>5532771 bump... and thrust and swirl and unf unf unf unf lights come on siren sounds... its a bust, run! oh wait... the bust has no arms or legs. god bless you Galileo.
Can I get this in higher resolution?
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5532935 >● STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (e.g., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes. Anonymous
>>5532935 >>5532939 Sorry, my bad.
1920x1080 would be perfect.
Also, just realized I believe that there is a copy with more of the universe above it.
Anyone have/see this?
Could anyone make this wall into a 1920x1080? Thank you
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5532944 >>5532945 Reverse image search
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
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>>5532977 >>5532979 Thank you very much.
Could you remove the text of the photo?
>>5532997 Anonymous
Can anyone make this 1600x1200?
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>>5533009 >53 Amazing, thank you so much!!
Make this 1920x1080 please feel free to recolor this or make any other improvements to this picture.
WebMage !!yfpUVR2259H
>>5533003 it needs something better than grey as a background
>>5532947 Tried that. Didnt find it.
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>>5533148 >>5532947 Scratch that.
I just learned some google skills.
Can I get this, but night time instead?
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>>5533091 >>5533126 Really like these thanks dudes.
>>5533192 done this before
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>>5533208 Thank you very much, but could you change it up so the lights are a bit lighter and the darks a bit darker? I think it would make me like the image quite a bit more.
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
>>5533192 >>5533208 >>5533219 Shit I'm so stoned, can I just get this in the full spectrum of day time so I can set it up to change every hour or something.
WebMage !!yfpUVR2259H
>>5533192 I felt like adding a moon to the mix
WebMage !!yfpUVR2259H
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>>5533237 that's not an 8-bit glow, too smooth
>>5533237 Now if only I had early morning too...
>>5532977 >>5532972 Hey modifiers, quick question. Are those blue lines supposed to be at the bottom left where the watermark was? Or should it be like
>>5532979 Just noticed and I'm kinda OCD about it
>>5533243 i left them in due to them being the same colour as the spots that go towards her neck/shoulder
and i think they should be there
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5533243 I agree, they were part of the artists concept, not part of the signature
WebMage !!yfpUVR2259H
>>5533241 one sunrise coming up
>>5533251 Uh oh!
Yeah, but seriously, could I please? A Sunrise without a face...
WebMage !!yfpUVR2259H
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>>5533258 I'm done, I've now delete the file
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>>5533245 >>5533249 Understood. Once again, you have my thanks.
Can you stretch this to 1920 x 1080? I'd like the actual graphic in the center to be stretched a little too, if possible. Thank you in advance.
>>5533277 well, okay. But how come you couldn't just set it to stretch?
WebMage !!yfpUVR2259H
>>5533277 I'm slow, that what I get for trying to match the background noise
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>>5533282 >>5533283 >>5533285 Thank you, you guys are awesome
Hey pro's, Looking to expand this Image in 1280tall 768wide. I will be forever great-full and bump for the future. I feel I'm making my own graveyard but I know you tricksters have some actions up your sleeve. Love you. Bookmarked with 4chanX (i don't car about color SAT or anything) Looking for a fit that isn't shit AKA: Google/
hey could someone put an epic space picture in the background? stars explosions whatever 1920x1080? please and thankyou
Can I get
>>5533076 in 1920x1080 please. Thanks!
jh !aDhdsuychY
jh !aDhdsuychY
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5533309 it's eh, my stash of space thangs is kinda limited
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>>5533328 i love it.
Can somebody add splashes of color? I would like to see the overall hexagonal and outlined theme maintained, but with splashes of color on the walls and tops of individual hexagonal prisms.
>>5533350 This is a mix of four colours, selected different shades and recoloured them separately blah blah blah potato
>>5533350 >>5533352 am I the only one who finds hexagons a wonderful shape?
Can you change the resolution to fit an iphone, I'm sorry i don't know the resolution of an iphone wallpaper
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>>5533396 And take away the watermark at the bottom left? Thanks
>>5533396 google is your friend. You can find out damn near everything there.
Also, there are a lot of different iFone models, and there are multiple resolutions, so you're best googling the res for your model.
>>5533404 Its 960x640 thank you =D
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>>5533417 Thank you so much
I would like the name on this to be changed to Mark Ryan. Also a current date would be great. and one last thing, is there any way to get it to be 8.5" by 11"? thank you so much<3
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
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>>5533497 I don't deal in counterfeits. Maybe
>>>/r/ is more your style.
can anybody remove the the whole logo thanks
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>>5533308 Why do people like you think this shit is funny?
Why do you humor every tragedy?
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>>5533497 Does mocking someone else's religion make you feel good?
can you change this to 5670 x 1080, leave the picture in the middle, and just put the background colour on either side.
>>5533582 Anonymous
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can you change this to 5670 x 1080, leave the picture in the middle, and just put the background colour on either side.
>>5532835 Anonymous
Can someone make her hair blue like in the anime? And also fix the pink, it looks funky Thanks in advance
>>5533628 Ayanami Rei for you
Could I get this image into a 1600x900 wallpaper, I understand stuff will probs have to be moved around. Thanks in advanced.
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>>5533644 I love you but I sorta wanted the pink in there just not with the sharpness
Thanks anyways!
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>>5533668 Thanks so much man.
I don't know how easy or difficult this will be, but i'd REALLY appreciate it if someone can help. I need two things doing, the most important thing is the watermarks behind the images need removing. And then if the sizes can be reduced by about a third without distorting the quality, that'd be great. Thanks a ton if someone can do this, it'll help me out a lot
>>5533697 I thought i'd try here first, since it definitely falls under 'image modification'.
>>5533699 sure but i do not think its no topic for wallpapers general
>>5533707 I posted an image i'd like modified in an image modification thread. I'll say its my wallpaper, if that pleases you.
>>5533711 nothing pleases sage.
doesn't stop ddd from trying, though
>>5533711 ok i'll accept that and i guess that will also cover you for adding white space
so i'll say failure to reverse search seeing as the are just moonrunes they should not be hard to find without water marks
http://rlv.zcache.com/health_in_kanji_calligraphy_style_postcard-r9cca0c1d0bcc4f8fb6f0093ad45a3181_vgbaq_8byvr_512.jpg well finding the first one without a watermark was not hard at all (removing the border and changing the colour can be done in mspaint and is a lot easier than fixing a watermark)
>>5533715 yes it's easy to find them without watermarks, but not in the same font/size/colour.
>>5533718 Thanks dude, i appreciate it.
>>5533719 You sound like a bitter 14 year old.
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>>5533719 shhhh I'm bored in class. I'm doing it to pass time.
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>>5533720 surprisingly your not wrong
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>>5533313 >>5533318 Thanks much, works perfectly guys~
Hi there. I´d love if anyone could invert the black background and turn it white. I understand it could be difficult. I tried for myself, but the results were awful. Also, if could be turned into higher resolution, I´d be thankful.
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>>5533734 Glorious work! Thank you so much.
>>5533353 Hexagons are my favorite shape :)
Also can someone replace the cyan in this with orange?
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
Hey, i'm back. Could anyone make these symbols a TINY bit bigger, without distorting the quality for me? Thanks a lot
ᵅᶰᶰᵅ !molly997fw
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>>5533811 Thanks. Could you do me a huge favour and do a size between those two, too? I'd really appreciate it
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
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>>5533714 ha
what a funny thing to see while scrolling the thread.
you made me giggle...
Can someone make this into a 1366x768 wallpaper by adding more background to the left?
>>5533820 fuck forgot the image
Please remove the watermark
Can you make this 1366 x 768 please?
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>>5533943 Thank you very much.
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>>5532329 This is amazing. When I tried to do it the edges came out ruff. How did you get them so smooth? I'm trying to learn so I can start helping out here.
Could anyone add more contrast to the colours of this? much appreciated.
Can anyone make this 1920x1080 and make it crystal clear? Please and thank you!
>>5533983 what is that from?
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>>5534007 Khorvaire is fictional continent in universe of Eberron, a campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.
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>>5533983 this is available in a huge resolution but making it 16:9 is the hard bit as it a map and it's not like you can just add bits to a map
made this image with your version as its not my problem you did not reverse search
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Hello guyz Can i have this one in 1366x768 without cropping please?
Can anyone turn this to 1366x768? To the one who does, I'll put in a good word with Satan for you. Get you some good tickets to the gladiator fights.
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>>5534051 You, good sir, are getting a one way ticket straight to hell!
Could someone fix the colors around her hair? some of the red went a bit out of the lines it seems. Also could this be resized to 1680x1050? Thank you.
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
>>5534152 it is already the perfect size for 1680x1050. just set to fit or stretch.
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
>>5534168 v2 to be thorough...
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
>>5534175 no need to be a little gay whore about it... perhaps that should have been pointed out from the start. ever so sorry for you, or that anon, not following the basic EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL part of our rules... i wonder if you notices the finer details of what was done to the image... cayse that little section really could have been hair... just without the black line outline... so maybe i should go bad draw the line but leave the pink... since i have no idea who this image is and what the hair should look like...
Duh gee, I wonder what I'M DETAIL means...
Me dont know. I just request...
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>>5534175 If you have paint, which you obviously do, that would have been a simple fix, easier than the arrow you drew
>>5534185 shut the fuck up and stop crying like a bitch and fix that shit quicker next time
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
>>5534185 in fact... here... with black line
>>5534189 I would but it is just so fun to slap idiots... shall i commence with you now little lady?
>>5534189 damn cooldown and damn the idiot in the other thread for making me reply and waiting even fucking longer for the cool down
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
>>5534195 stupid is as stupid does... and you does a lot of stupid
>>5534193 only 3 more post for you to slap me down so you best get a move on dick
ddd !4dio1wmgGY
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>>5534198 you count like a fucking idiot.
>>5534186 >>5534186 >>5534186 Anonymous
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hires coloring of misty please make it into a wallpaper if possible ^^
would like a red version of these 2 images(1/2)
>>5535078 >Nature_00020 >>5535078 (2/2)
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>>5535079 do you want the entire thing red, or just the moons etc? Anonymous
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>>5535079 Did it anyway, is this what you wanted? (1/2) Anonymous
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>>5534203 Sage, may I ask you if you are an admin? I mean, do you do this for pleasure or do you just work in here? Must say I appreciate your work. (and the other's work too, but you are obviously the most active). Sorry for the bad English.