>>5556181you just have to work on it a bit, most of it is really just adjusting colors and fonts.
The easy-ish way to do it is find a 4chan CSS and music player theme that you like then go into the code and play around with the values to make it your own.
I haven't used Windows Style Builder so I can't give you much guidance there but best of luck to you!
>>5554234Those folder icons are pretty cool, otherwise absolutely disgusting - giant icons, and zero rice
>>5554300some of the highlighting colors are only present in one location otherwise really nice especially your explorer, 9/10
>>5554385why do people like rainmeter so much? 4/10
>>5554395Looks very functional for a laptop, 6/10
>>5554553rid yourself of that rainmeter (dock and date/time) consolidate your taskbar to not repeat the notifications, get matching walls. 6/10 because color, though get all your icons covered, i know token has icons for chrome and firefox so stop being lazy
>>5554692redundant time and date. If you're going for an rainmeter+wall integration look at that one guy that has Evangelion, his is very well done. 4/10
>>5555055your pinned icons are too small and your orb is too big, your black foobar is rather ugly as it contrasts too much from the wall and finally
>>5555176Delish as usual,
>>5555201taskbar and windows theme looks really good! maybe you shouldn't show the album art for your music player and don't have a red notification for your mail. 8/10
>>5555273white explorer and dark 4chan css., I like your highlight color and wall. 7/10
>>5555347Well done, though you should get a wall that displays your highlight colors 8/10
>>5555700I like the colors
>>5555978Excellent color coordination. Lets see that 4chan css if you would. 8/10
>>5556007Very vibrant, did you make that wall? 8/10
>>5556157Very cool, maybe add in a blue and green highlight as well?