>THE OFFICIAL IMAGE MODIFICATION THREAD. Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help. All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not
>>>/b/ or
>>>/r/ or
>>>/w/ .
● ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
● EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
● STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex.: 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
● KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help:
http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ ● UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as
imgur.com , if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space.
● DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
● BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
● CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
● DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
● IF YOU do not understand the edit or the word choice, leave it alone or ask the person who made the request.
>Want to talk to a modifier?
● Go to
http://r3bify.info/wgimt , select a name and talk.
● Tools we use Photoshop, GIMP,
Paint.NET ,
pixlr.com , MSpaint, and luck...
>4chan Image/Thread Limitations
● Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels DO NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
● Images LARGER than 5000x5000 pixels DO NOT post.
● Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG
● Maximum file size allowed is 5 MB
● Thread Image Limit - 250 +OP Image
● Thread Post Bump Limit - 300 +OP
Archived Threads:
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Would the real Mod Jacob please stand up
Would the real Mod Jacob please stand up Sat 19 Oct 2013 05:06:27 No. 5560337 Report Bump
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5560337 do not bump this post
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5560330 >>5560330 proper bump for now active thread
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>>5560349 bumping for the tired dude working on a shiity skull for me in photoshop. Im sorry bro.
annα !molly997fw
>>5560343 The source image for this has some pretty heavy artifacting on it before editing. I've done what I personally can for it.
Could you remove the writing please?
Could somebody please move her to the right side of the image and flip her so she leans on the right side of the picture, and then make the background darker/black? Dark grey or black doesn't matter. Thanks
>>5554067 Could somebody please remove riku (the guy with the sword over his shoulder) from this please?
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>>5560395 thank you speedy photoshopper!
>>5560352 original poster of the image here! what does artifacting mean?
annα !molly997fw
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>>5560403 when a jpg is saved a lot, it starts to get blocky around detailed areas with lots of contrast. you can see it in your original around the lines of the character's jacket
>>5560330 Alright, time to request properly this time.
Can you make the image have no background, be 512x512, and saved in .png format? If you could also make it alot less blurry that would be great also.
Thanks alot in advance, I know I'm asking alot.
here is the image btw:
hello, If someone could make this hourglass look broken (add cracks on glass and a pile of white sand lying nearby), I would really appreciate that.
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>>5560446 seconding this request
>>5560410 No request is too big for the people in IMT!
>>5560465 >>5560410 Whoops, I forgot to resize your image.
>Image resolution is too small Well shit.
http://imgur.com/6QuaygZ !pngR3CNJTc
>>5560365 her hair made it very difficult to change the colour of the background. There was no nice way to do it, so hopefully this is alright. I can give you the white version if you'd like.
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>>5560499 well here is the white version, I'm closing it.
can someone please make these frogs purple?
Can anyone make this a full size wallpaper? Just put the guy on the right side and if you can, extend the rainbow upwards so it's about twice as long. Desired resolution is 1366x768. Thanks.
http://imgur.com/hocQtI9 !pngR3CNJTc
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>>5558889 I wish not to be a nuisance.
But can someone cut her out, and put her on a transparent background?
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>>5560446 As no one has done anything yet, I've tried myself. So could anyone fix/finish up this image?
(glass and sand needs major correction)
can anybody make a night version of this
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>>5560692 i tried. you'll have to see what you think. This is the first time i have tried to make something look night
Hello I have a problem I have many images from this site but there is always black around them, how do I set it so it fits to screen when make desktop thanks
>>5560765 This is how you do it on Windows 8 (and 7 I think)
>right click on desktop >personalize >desktop background >picture position >set to fill Anonymous
something to do guy
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>>5560765 as an extension from other anons answer. if the image is distorted from the stretch or from compressing it you can bring it to us or try yourself to fix the resolution. if you dont know the resolution of your screen you can go to
whatismyscreenresolution.com for a quick answer
Can i have this wall be turn into a 1920x1080?? Thank you
>>5560803 Read the file name
annα !molly997fw
>>5560807 Instead of doing the request in a passive aggressive manner; wouldn't it be easier to just tell them to reverse search it?
>>5560831 Then they will never learn. He was right to say Lrn2google.
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But being passive aggressive is never justified, if you mean something, say it.
annα !molly997fw
>>5560849 It certainly was correct to tell that anon to reverse search it, but it wasn't necessary to hide it behind a layer of shitty attitude and passive aggression. I don't see how being a jerk helps them learn -- it's more likely to make people stop coming here altogether.
>>5560853 You're never in the threads doing edits, except to complaing about another anon. Why don't you shut the fuck up and actually contribute to the threads instead of running you dumb mouth
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>>5560468 >>5560465 Thanks alot bro. Appreciate it.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5560875 well you are only every single anon in these threads and all of 4chan ever... how is it you have time to stop in and chat?
you are amazing
im trying to make a symbol for a blog and i need someone to get actual pictures and line them up the right way from a companion cube one of those mario "?" blocks and a game cube
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5560896 provide all images, or link to them all and anyone here can slap them together in the order you want...
Can someone please remove the website url in the corner?
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5560875 personally, i think her running her dumb mouth is an enormous contribution to these threads. You have wasted all that time reading her posts and trollling at her and have left the rest of us alone. I vote she stays and runs her mouth some more. And, when she decides that she wants to, she can edit more walls for OP, I haven't heard them complain yet.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5560896 >>5560904 ok... so now we just need an idea what size you want it, how they should be arranged and what color the background, and...
hows about i just do this:
● EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
we really do want to help but I am pulling all of this from you to get that to happen...
oh and not a good choice for the gamecube top... angle? do you want it to look like the other two? not going to happen from that angle without a lot more work for the editor.
i know i am being hard but we really do need this stuff to get the image that you are looking for.
http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/227/f/7/nintend_gamecube__top__by_blueamnesiac-d6i8bfj.png (diffrent gamecube)
light black
any order
no lighting from any direction no effects like shadow or glow
and that should be it
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and the icon just centered and about the size it already is in the pic
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5560965 I think he wants the image he posted recreated with the images provided
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5560966 oh well... and these three were from the links he offered...
and here it is centered cause i dont know why they are not...
i did want it in a 3d ish cube
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5560973 go back trough your explanations that I had to pull out of your head with great effort... and tell me just where the 3d look came into play? cause your first request only showed the 3d look... never mentioned it..
im done
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>>5560978 You should have been able to read his mind, didn't you know this? If not I'm sure there is a mind reading Photoshop action
Ok guys. here is my favourite wallpaper, I would absolutely love you guys to death if you could make it 1920*1080 (1080p portrait) for my phone. I think this will take some sort of photoshop wizardry through.
>>5560973 Well here's my shitty attempt
>>5560996 >portrait for my phone Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5560996 try the other portrait layout
>>5560997 >>5560999 Yaaa no idea what that means, sorry. Didnt see the portrait for your phone part in the original post
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5561003 Portrait usually refers to the image being taller than it is wide, like a portrait of a persons head.
Landscape indicates that the image is wider than it is tall, like most pictures of landscapes.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5561032 according to OP's request, I would say that is correct.
annα !molly997fw
Damn, PNG, did you break it again?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5561038 indeed... it shows up sporadically
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>>5561038 well..............it's running right now...
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>>5561038 you're logged out, btw..
It would be greatly appreciated to get this photo in 1136x640, or whatever an iPhone 5s has, and also without any of the text.
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>>5560994 that's good enough for what i want thank u
Can someone please flip the picture and make it a bit more... blue. I mean, obviously the theme color here is green and yellow, so I would like it to be mainly blue. Thanks!
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>>5561087 Thanks, but the clouds are really bugging me... anyway it can be fixed?
also- can the shooting stars be in the original color?
Thanks again!
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Thanks for the clockwork mod!
Stefan !FIjediJbnQ
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5561171 oh my gawd... you fucked everything up.
that looks atrocious!
>>5561243 I'd like to see you do it better! protip: you can't
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5561249 im talking to him
and you would be?
Stefan !FIjediJbnQ
>>5561251 him, forgot my trip
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5561252 damn... thought i had a new trolioioio going
>>5561253 Did you know Zelda was a girl?
Can I get this at an 1136x640 for my iPhone, thanks in advance!
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>556130 also a little more high quality if possible idk
>>5561303 iphone doesn't support landscape for background images, so this is what you want
http://www.iphoneresolution.com/ Anonymous
>>5560392 I take it nobody wants to do my request?
>>5560790 Please make the galaxies not look so patchy and blend smoothly. The photoshop work is bad, you can tell where they copy/pasted it.
annα !molly997fw
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>>5561318 It's not just a function of whether or not someone wants to do it, but also how much of a pain in the ass it's going to be and how long it's going to take.
I don't see yours getting done. Sorry.
I love this picture but i hate the dump ms paint, neon green writting. Would it be at all possible to have this removed and looking as awesome as it should?
>>5561335 I'll try, give me a minute.
can i get this in 1920x1080
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>>5561338 thank you good sir
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>>5561335 Shit nigger.
The great wave of Kanagawa.
I have this shit on my wall.
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>>5561344 THANKS! a thousand Internets to you
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>>5561316 thanks! and yea sorry
>>5561391 that's a joke, right?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5561395 this is sexy and makes me want to molest you
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>>5561418 Use the second one
>>5561416 the eye is a little better
>>5561413 Thank you?
Can someone add some more blue grass to the bottom of this. Trying to use it as a phone background and I need maybe twice as much grass or else my dock icons look weird laying on top of Calvin and Hobbes. I tried and it looks like shit in my un-artistic hands. Thanks in advance.
please enlarge this to 1920x1200 if the pic gets too blurry, then i can settle with 1600x1000
>>5561444 I'm not artistic at all so this is probably no better than what you did
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>>5561462 That is perfect and I thank thee for helping me out!
>>5561453 it's already 16:10 just set it to fit
>>5561462 Claiming my shitty work
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>>5561462 woops wrong guy!!!!
>>5561416 >actually doing this request !dEMOn/.YIo
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>>5561483 12 year old kids need wallpaper too
can someone expand the background to make this 2133x1200? i rather not lose any head or boob from cropping
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>>5561552 there's some weird spots in there, but i'll take it!
thank you anon
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>>5561564 and remove the print at the bottom to, forgot about that srry
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>>5561571 beat me to it TY sir
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>>5561472 i assumed u guys knew a secret trick to enlarge a pic without it getting blurry. if there is no such thing, then nvm
can i get this in 1920x1080
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>>5561032 thanks so much man, have a nice day
I gota strange request, can you make this 1920x1080 plus make his cigarette lite with light emanating from it??
Hey guys, is there anyway to do the orange glow effect in the Battlefield 3 poster when using
paint.net ? I don't want to download Photoshop either.
the orignal faggot !TripFAGpkk
>>5561606 what do you mean?
post an example of the effect and the image you want to do it to, in an imgur gallery
>>5561603 don't see what's so stange
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>>5561611 strange was a bad word, more like different
>>5561603 I'm not exactly sure what you want, maybe this is close?
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>>5561614 I want the cigarette to light up his face and its surroundings like i would in real life
>>5561611 He means this
On a side note, Battlefield needs m0ar dinosaurs
expand the right side please and make this 16:9
>>5561623 yeah sort of, the cig should be a source of orange light that brightens the one side of his face and the other side should be darker as a result
>>5561628 The left side was easier, so I did that
>>5561633 Right side wasnt all that hard
>>5561637 tone it down a bit
>>5561630 This is a close as that I could come up with
>>5561660 demon i dont want to start shit,
but that smoke looks crap,
because its not anything like the visual style of the image and also because you cut it out lazyly
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
can someone make this 1920x1080? and make the color more bold, not so faded.
>>5561733 Here you go. Do you still want me to change the colours?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
Can i have this in 1920*1080?? Thanks in advance!
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>>5561775 with text or without it??
>>5561775 Here u go.
didnt get the same font...
found the original pic and added the text. hope its good.
>>5561781 You forgot the word "fuck".
Magic !mMIKE3G2i.
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>>5561781 >>5561783 It's perfect! Thanks both :)
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>>5561785 Noticed it was missing a word indeed
Glad you corrected it
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>>5561710 thanks man thats badass
>>5560330 If somebody would be nice enough to help that'd be awesome. I would like this on an all white background without the water mark. I'm posting here since I imagine many other people would also like it.
Could I get this without the watermark please
something to do guy
>>5561324 Still requesting this please.
something to do guy
>>5561810 may not be what you wanted but i just decided to add my own image to smooth it out
>>5561820 Thank you, that's perfect.
something to do guy
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>>5561828 >>5561811 np, just looking for something to do
>hence the name keep requests coming, im not doing anything till work in a few hrs
something to do guy
>>5561862 no promises on this, i will try
Can someone remove the "Guyver Bioboosted Armor" text, the copy right/rights reserved stuff below and the two logos in the lower right please?
>>5561906 Those are some ugly ass monsters you got.
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>>5561909 >>5561910 Thanks doods
Also those are Zoanoids nigga
can somebody maybe remove the diver, and any other minor adjustements that might make this more like a wallpaper?
Sorry one more request, can someone please remove the Guyver Bioboosted Armor text please?
>>5561802 sorry that hair is way too annoying for me to do and make it come out good, hopefully someone else can do it for you.
>>5561921 Don't know what could make it possibly 'more like a wallpaper'
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>>5561982 Thanks
dont know how you photoshop wizards do things
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>>5561978 Haha no worries man, thanks a lot.
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>>5561923 hate trying to redraw something that wasn't there, lol
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>>5561978 Had a go myself, anybody fancy attempting the WW shoulder?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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I agree. Sage is a dumbass.
something to do guy
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>>5561885 got distracted, family came over.
time to continue on this
Could someone please make this bigger?
something to do guy
>>5561862 best attempt you will get from me sorry, i have things to do today
hey guys, could you trie to make the red parts of the monkeys jacket blue (ofc no blue blood) and the blue parts of the pigs jacket black? It would be awesome if you could turn the "AM" on the chimps jacket to an "R" thank you in advance
something to do guy
>>5562080 >STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex.: 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes. read the damn rules pls and ima guess your want 1920x1080 so here ya go
something to do guy
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>>5562107 same image, without the noise
something to do guy
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>>5562111 be specific next time, find out your resolution, i would feel bad if i knew my images were being stretched in directions that make them look bad
>>5561862 I gave it a shot too
Sorry guys this is a long one, Thanks in advance if you attempt to fulfill my retardation. 1) I just want the actual emblem so no background please 2) Can you make the eyes green, something to fit with the skull aesthetic. 3) can you make the flames different shades of green? 4) Make the little red patch under the jaw the same shade as the eyes? 5) Resize it to 512x512 so I can put it on my phone 6) In the image it is a cloth patch, can you remove the cloth like ridges, I just want the emblem to be clean lines/vectors. I know this is alot, Im sorry if this is too much, I tried to be specific as possible after reading the OP.
>>5562211 .jpg version
also i find it hard to believe that your phone is a 512x512 square
>>5562266 .png transparent version
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found this on other thread. Cool idea but the edges need cleaning up.
>>5562266 Its not that my phone is 512x512 its that the game on my phone only uses 512x512 images.
Also could you straighten this out, it lookskinda crooked. Thank you in advance.
>>5562267 Anonymous
>>5562294 And could you also make this 512x512, it think the resolution now is 847 x 1012
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>>5561982 here is a quick 16:9
>>5561744 YES! And if it isn't too difficult, please do.
number one gaycunt !TripFAGpkk
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>>5562394 dont worry about it, you're doing this for free, who am I to complain.
>>5562102 If you know what font the letters are, I can give that a shot.
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>>5562102 >>5562405 found one that I think works
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
>>5562394 new name suits you
Olympic level homo !TripFAGpkk
>>5562425 Self-deprecating humor relies on the observation of something supposedly negative about the person delivering the commentary. Many comedians use self-deprecating humor to avoid seeming arrogant or pompous, and to help the audience identify with them. In this way, the use of self-deprecating humor could be seen as an application of the rhetorical concept of ethos.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5562426 did i mention that i am an idiot?
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
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>>5562426 just spill it all over the floor so everyone can see..
trippy...what happened to you
>>5562427 that is accurate
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>>5562415 thank you
>>5562422 interesting...
>>5560365 OMG thats Anna Kendrick!!!
someone plz shrink and extend the background on the right side to make this 2133x1200.
i wanna keep the wall she's leaning against though. the wall gives the picture depth.
Notoriously well hung in the Queer community !TripFAGpkk
Notoriously well hung in the Queer community !TripFAGpkk Mon 21 Oct 2013 02:10:40 No. 5562439 Report WebMage !!yfpUVR2259H
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>>5561810 Also did one, didn't realize someone else did it until after I had spent the time on it, so here you go anyway
Could somebody please make this look yellowish/orange?
>>5561103 !pngR3CNJTc
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can anyone make this 1980x1024 and fix the top corners. thanks in advance
Can somebody PLEASE resize this to 1920 x 1080 please.
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>>5562343 I'm not the best at colours, I hope you're okay with this.
Stefan !FIjediJbnQ
>>5560330 Hey guys!
Can someone please add the two following sentences in a really nice font and size over this image? (In the quote marks, please check spelling so no typos). Even some cool effects to make it look like its in the water/floating in the sky if you can!
"If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it"
"If a problem cannot be solved, then what is the use of worrying"
Probably in two different locations on the picture - not in the same area. Make the font size so that it only stays on top of one area of the image - ie: Don't cross the text over into the trees, just keep it small so it can all fit in the sky and water!
So maybe one sentence in the sky, and one the water?
But yeah, make it a nice font, a nice size that suits, and a nice colour. Maybe even blur the edges of the text slightly to make it blend in to the picture nicely? I dunno! Just make it a relaxing, cheering-up wallpaper. Thanks heaps!
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>>5562561 oh wait, by "In the quote marks" I meant to use the sentences IN the quote marks BELOW. So like, don't include the quotation marks in the picture when you're adding the text. I only said quote marks just so you knew the exact phrases I wanted you to add on the actual picture! Thanks!
Can I get this in 1920x1080 please?
>>5562596 That's a hot picture
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>>5562599 Which is why I need it in 1920x1080
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>>5562439 thank you so much i will fap to this daily!
>>5562128 >>5562101 THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THAAANK YOU.
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>>5562561 bump on this one!
hey guys, how do you call this mmm process? and, is there any way to do it in mac without photoshop?
annα !molly997fw
>>5562715 we call it 'content-aware fill' (I know, groundbreaking, right?)
I don't know if there are any mac apps other than photoshop that can do something like that. you can get photoshop for the mac, though
>>5562741 thanks for the answer... yes i know i can get PS for mac but it's too heavy and i just want to be able to do my own walls.
>>5562749 Content-aware fill is a proprietary function.
I think there is something you can install in gimp which is similar, but I remember reading the instructions saying it was nowhere near as accurate (which is really saying something considering how hit or miss content-aware is)
Since you're on Mac, you could try this one out:
http://www.pixelmator.com/blueberry.html Either pay the $30 I think it costs, or maybe find it elsewhere. But I would recommend this software that I have never used over gimp, since I can't stand gimp.
>>5562827 Photoshoop master race > Gimp
>>5562826 please expand background to make 2133x1200
Hello, I need to make this better for the cover of my book. Is about Dalí. Maybe cleaning the picture and doing some changes...? Whatever Will be greatly appreciated
>>5562859 Thanks! Could be just clean but not dark? In my opinion now is too dark, the original light its ok.
>>5562561 Re-requesting this one, since it went unanswered.
Thought this would be a relatively easy one - just adding some nice text on top of a pic!
>>5562880 Get me the font that you want and I'll do it.
>>5562882 >>5562902 Thanks for the reply guys!
Nice work on that pic btw. I like those effects and the blur! But perhaps a more cursive font? Like Zapfino? But preferably a one easier to read than zapfino :) Thanks heaps guys.
>>5562918 I'm one person, singular "guy"
I'll see if I can get you that font.
>>5562919 ahh sorry man. Hard to tell cos of anon!
Thanks bro.
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>>5562867 >>5562872 Thank you, there are so better now!
>>5562922 Here ya go. Hope this one looks better.
I didn't use Zapfino because it wasn't very legible.
>>5562926 I love that font!!! Thank you, but, so sorry to be a pain the ass, but could you please move the text in the water back to the old position you did in the previous pic you posted? And also make it white like the previous pic? If it looks hard to read in that position and with white colour then apply some bold to it maybe? Thanks a LOT!
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>>5562931 aweeeesommmmee!!
The missus will love it. Thanks a lot bro! Have a nice day man.
Could somebody add "General" underneath this image in an appropriate font please? :)
>>5562990 Did you want it for a bigger resolution?
is it possible to improve resolution? Doing it on this
>>5562867 would be so appreciated!
>>5563008 What do you want the new resolution to be?
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>>5562998 No thanks broseph, this is fantastic; thank you very much <3
I wonder if anyone could help me and remove the boat and the trail from this image. I really love this image and use it as my wallpaper but I feel the trail really destroys the "calmness" of it. Very much appreciated if anyone is up to the challenge. Resolution should stay the same, I guess.
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>>5561636 Can I get this in 1080p?
>>5563127 I didn't do this one. I requested the same thing a while back (I didn't feel like doing it lol)
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>>5563154 Oh wow thank you very much.
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>>5560807 I only ask if any can re size since thought it was just a pic some one took and paste it to a white
background.My brother does it a few time, as for google search i found only a 640x400 of the pic and this the biggest one i found. Sorry for all the trouble the pic had cause.
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>>5562775 Possible to get this in 1920x1080?
Thanks in advance.
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Can someone please remove the watermark and then expand the background to 1920x1080 and put boba on the right side of the image. Thank you.
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I would like to have this without the watermarks and words. I'd also like to replace the white background with something much darker or artistic.
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>>5563015 like a wallpaper or so. Just to get the best look of it for the cover of the book.
Can you remove the sea monster from this so it's just ocean?
>>5563258 that already exists without it. Reverse google search
>>5563260 I can't find one.
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>>5563265 I also guarantee that image exists in the archives (check the OP for link) since it feels like we see it almost every thread
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>>5562689 You're welcome. It was a nice distraction yesterday :)
I need this in 1920x1200 but I don't want to stretch it can you help me? save as png please
>>5563304 not bad but is it possible to add the ocean somehow? if it's not too much of course
Could someone literally reverse the color on this? Black where the white is and vise versa.
>>5563310 anna did one as well.
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>>5563321 >>5563312 perfect, thanks bro
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5563342 homie don't play that
ddd !FuckWITRq.
jh !aDhdsuychY
ddd !FuckWITRq.
And for some reason we are at bump limit
what the hell?
>>5563333 >>5563333 >>5563333 Anonymous
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>>5563351 u wont tel me wat to do, nerd
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Could i have this 1920x1080
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Could i have this in 1920x1080
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sombod remove the "abe sabien evolution" with red box and dna? bonus points if you can manage ro get the red boxes at the bottom too.