I'll do number ratings for once, 10/10 means I like everything, -1 for each thing I dont like. Though I'll always give suggestions when possible.
>>5639712I'm going to run with 8/10, points off for the inconsistent fonts, and the way the random quote kinda clashes with the whole thing. Nice quote though, and what are the icons? Only suggestion otherwise is reduce the number of days showing on the weather forecast, it looks crowded.
>>56397095/10. Points off for icons that i dont like, the way the music widget doesnt fit in with everything else, the fact that I think its an ugly widget anyway, the fact that idk what the hell "exhilarate" is about, and the rainy background which i find repetitive. Sorry anon, I dont like that, but if you do, and I assume you do, then keep using it, I wont call you names :)
>>56396815/10. points off for boringness, use of holler icons without them fitting a theme, the very small, cluttered widget, not using the space to its full potential, and not having temperature readout on widget, which is most important to me. Same as above, I dont like the homescreen, but if you do, more power to you anon
>>56396627/10. Points off for not utilising your space efficiently, too many icons down the bottom, and the clock not fitting the theme
>>56395697/10. points off for google search bar, having too many folders, and having the folders use that stacking effect, when it looks nicer just to use an icon relevant to the folders contents
>>56395515/10. Points off for elegante, widgets not centered, a strange music widget, and the random play button, and i dislike the wallpaper cause she isnt hot. If you like it, dont let me stop you though.
>>56395379/10. Point off for the semicircel in the top right. I assume its a battery indicator, but i dislike the placement/style. I'd also reccomend having differnt text on the clock if possible
>>5639497Looks better than the last time I rated this, 9/10, point off for the clock bar on the right.