>THE OFFICIAL IMAGE MODIFICATION THREAD. Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help. All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not
>>>/b/ or
>>>/r/ or
>>>/w/ .
>Requesters: ● ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
● EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
● STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex.: 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
● KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help:
http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ ● UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as
imgur.com , if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space.
>All ● DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
● BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
● CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
● DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
● IF YOU do not understand the edit or the word choice, leave it alone or ask the person who made the request.
>Want to talk to a modifier? ● Go to
http://r3bify.info/wgimt , select a name and talk.
● Tools we use: Photoshop, GIMP,
Paint.NET ,
pixlr.com , MSpaint, and luck...
>4chan Image/Thread Limitations ● Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels DO NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
● Images LARGER than 5000x5000 pixels DO NOT post.
● Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG
● Maximum file size allowed is 5 MB
● Thread Image Limit - 250 +OP Image
● Thread Post Bump Limit - 300 +OP
Archived Threads:
https://archive.nyafuu.org/wg/search/text/IMT/ Previous Thread:
Hello, could you, please, make characters from this two images placed in right bottom corner, height about 50% of image height, on black background? Thank you.
>>5640037 >>5640038 it's not like there is a board just for this type of image
>>>/w/ try there Anonymous
Hi! I'd like for the text in the top right corner to be removed, if possible. Thanks!
>>5640051 Sorry, I forgot these aren't images so they don't belong in image modifications threads.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5640059 so whats wrong with the /w/ IMT >
>>1612964 Anonymous
could anyone change the name DIGIMON to ASMENATORS. I've also found the font which might be useful for this:
http://www.broble.com/download-free-font/digimon/ Anonymous
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>>5640060 That was fast, thanks!
Could someone make is so the floor is not cut off at the bottom please.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
>>5640065 Not as fast as Sage but here's my version.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Is it possible to get this in 1920x1080?
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
>>5640088 Finished off the wing to avoid cropping.
>>5640100 >>5640094 go to all the trouble and sage just moves the wing
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
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>>5640102 Sage is clever, the thought never even crossed my mind.
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>>5640085 very cool. Both versions. Thank you
This is more of a request but can i get OP pic in 1920x1080?
like this one?
>>5638679 Anonymous
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>>5640148 been done, in that thread
http://i.imgur.com/w8pcM65.png Content-unaware fill? with this being centered in a 1600x900?
>>5640172 >Content-unaware fill Anonymous
Can I get the words removed from this image?
>>5640177 This but expand the lines to the ends of the blackness?
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>>5640218 content aware fill it is
Hello anons! I would like you to create a wallpaper (1920x1080) for me. The text "Doomsday/DOOMSDAY" must be included (pic related). You can change the color of the text according to your taste, the font is "Batman Forever" at dafont. The wallpaper itself my be of a WOLF. The style itself would be more scary than harmful. Please go creative, much appreciated.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5640257 provide the wolf and the words or the specific text wanted and it might get done... otherwise we do a wolf penis and have the doomsday part as a tattoo on it's nutz... and maybe hitler somehow in there too
trip's trip is on the other computer
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
Would like it in 1920x1080.
trip's trip is on the other computer
Is possible it in 1920x1080 ?
trip's trip is on the other computer
could someone make this 1920 x 1080, without losing resolution (if possible). Thanks anons.
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
>>5640370 Someone did this recently, check the archives
i would just like to see this classic dolled and cleaned up.
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
Hey, I requested something last night, but the thread was gone when I had woken up, so I'm going to request it again.
Can you please make the size 1920 x 1080? The image is to small to post, so I'm forced to give you a link.
http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/3/2055/f855c8cbc427469e0901c0e6aad4f6b5.jpg Sadly this is the biggest Google has to offer.
Thanks in advance!
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5640410 i guess you do not know about the last thread or about the archive then huh... check the op text...
>>5640371 How do I check/search the archives?
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>>5640419 the link in the OP, plus common sense.
trip's trip is on the other computer
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>>5640419 read the OP, as you should have already
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>>5640419 I just did the req for you, since I saw it was left undone in the previous thread since you didn't state a resolution. Always refer to OP for info. In any board/forum/website/anything.
hey sorry to bother you guys but is it possible i can get this in higher res
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
>>5640424 >● STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex.: 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes. Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
>>5640425 the 1600x902 is perfect but it just seems like a bit grainy ya know?
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>>5640396 i guess cleaned up a bit crisper. same size.
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
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>>5640430 Try sharpen as the adjective in the future
>a bit grainy Anonymous
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
>>5640424 Already exists.
>google reverse image search Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
>>5640424 Unfortunately for you, real life isn't CSI, so this is the best you can really get
Whatever you do, don't zoom in
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>>5640438 removed watermark and resized to 1600x900
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
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>>5640443 >Best Very subjective of course
Can some kind anon please make this 1600x900 without losing resolution?
>>5640448 Probably not with that picture. I'll give it a shot, but it's going to have to be a bit different.
Also, what's up with the Revy clone?
Can you please give this as much of a pink ecstasy look as possible? Like the next image I post.
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>>5640451 No idea if it is a character from something or not, found it randomly, she does look similar to Revy though.
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if someone could just remove the text at the bottom that would be wonderful danke
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
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>>5640448 Can't say I didn't try.
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
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>>5640443 I zoomed in and now regret it.
>>5640453 >>5640457 I played with the colours and made it look weird because I've never been on ecstasy and therefore don't know what it'd look like
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
>>5640480 Because you gave him 8 fingers.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5640480 cause you screwed up on the strap outer area and were ashamed but you are too stupid to stay ashamed for long
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5640481 is that what they are
>>5640479 It looks okay, but the pink hue I think is the most important, and a lack of a geometric filter.
>>5640486 it wasn't a serious attempt.
>>5640487 I understand, how do you do the stars in PS?
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
v2cVapORdk !v2cVapORdk
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5640492 oh look mr blindy blind got the strap area right... must have used a magnifying glass to actually see it...
>>5640507 The glowing orbs in this
>>5640457 v2cVapORdk !v2cVapORdk
>>5640532 That image is a mix of two or three images. Some sort of space image and an image of clouds on top with some blending.
>>5640561 It looks good, Do you have an Idea of how they got the pink into the image with that amount of translucency.
v2cVapORdk !v2cVapORdk
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>>5640572 Photoshop. Lower the opacity, maybe throw a blending mode on it.
v2cVapORdk !v2cVapORdk
>>5640453 Maybe something like this? Not really sure what you mean in your request.
>>5640593 That's what I want!
>>5640593 Do you have the space picture original?
v2cVapORdk !v2cVapORdk
>>5640600 No problem.
>>5640601 I used this image.
Can someone change the background on Wovlerines side to white?
Can someone change the background on Wovlerines side to white?
anna !molly997fw
>>5640648 >>5640650 You're not very good at this.
Can someone change the background on Wovlerine's side to white? The background behind Batman needs to be remain black while Wolverine's is white. Apologies for hwite space, I couldn't find an image bigger than this.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Quoted By:
>>5640669 ● UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as
imgur.com , if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space.
>>5640651 Sorry my man, image file was fuckin up.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5640675 ● DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
>>5640675 >>5640669 >>5640648 >>5640650 how to blow any chance of help in 4 easy steps
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You're taking up the post limit you cunt.
Here's the site for those who can help.
http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/3/39001/2762749-jayc79.png Anonymous
>>5640681 make it 5 steps i knew the dumb fuck would not have reverse searched so image now added to the shit list of images i wont mod
http://www.deviantart.com/#/art/Wolverine-vs-Batman-187062526?hf=1 ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5640706 I'm not OP, mathlete. I just provided a site.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5640724 this would be a dope bg if it didnt have the watermark
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5640731 yes shame i'll never upload it
>>5640741 Well ain't that some shit.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5640749 yes the quality is shit, whats your point
Who can make this look realistic? Like the red cloth, brown leather straps, porcelain-y mask.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
trip i promise
>>5640763 this is a nice idea, but would really need a professional graphic artist to pull off
>>5640749 >>5640741 >>5640724 Just because you faggots are hypocrites. And all you did was invert.
trip i promise
>>5640790 you are disabled I take it?
>>5640791 How did you know?
I can still do some things though, if you'd like to try ;)
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>>5640790 This is perfect. Appreciate it, my man.
>>5640788 That's what I was thinking. I can see it being badass if it's done right, definitely along the lines of this edit.
Vapor/zrWQ !Vapor/zrWQ
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>>5640788 >>5640800 It would take a very long time to do.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5640790 hypocrite yes maybe, inverted it? nope not at all look at the layers in my gif also my lightning not blue
what am i some sort of noob
>>5640790 Anons has more detail to the edges where yours is slacking. Also, something tells me that nobody will use a wallpaper with "SAGE" big as shit on it.
>>5640724 wins. ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5640812 the point was for it never to be used
i did it because i thought it would be funny and it was
this is not my 1st IMT
>>5640812 are you so new that you do not know sage
the best tripfag on /wg/
>>5640817 >and it was Honestly not really.
>>5640763 My shot at this.
>>5640819 if only ddd was here
>>5640819 Oh my you removed your trip.
Also, best tripfag doesn't say much.
>>5640819 Now I do. It was funny, but it was like sage made a cake.. then right before giving it to him on his birthday, he threw it in the garbage.
trip I promise
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>>5640823 i assume you mean eras
all this shitposting
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5640821 dick knows the truth why else would he hate me so much
>>5640823 i hate trips just as much but they are a necessary for the thread
>>5640824 made a cake and used shit for the lettering
>>5640820 This is awesome. Is there any way to make the mask white in this style though? I like where this is going.
>>5640819 Not as good as most anon work though. Anonymous
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>>5640829 you need to go look at his total body of work and not just 1 image
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>>5640827 >they are a necessary for the thread >a necessary No they're not. You just like people thinking you're good at something. When in all honesty you're on mediocre anyway. Don't scapegoat. You're a tripfag because you want to be.
trip I promise
>>5640795 in case your still ere anon, and while we're shitposting, is this supposed to be some sick burn?
like, you make a sexual advance and i'm creeped out, and oooh you got me good?
because being on 4chan, you are probably some fat impotent neck beard, so i don't really fancy having sex with you, regardless of your gender
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
i trip because i am the life and soul of the thread do you remember how these threads were before the IMT they were dire in the same way they were when i had mt 3 week break
>>5640834 >is this supposed to be some sick burn Nope, and stop projecting.
>>5640835 >i trip because i am the life and soul of the thread No you're not. Stop inflating you're ego, it'd go on just fine without you. The idea that one person sustains a community, especially a community like 4chan, is stupid. If you weren't here someone else would step up. You're not that special.
trip I promise
>>5640835 weren't you in jail?
>>5640836 >not a sick burn what was it then?
and i'm not projecting anything, assuming you meant some sort of sexual insecurities i might have
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5640837 you know its true
i feel bad for you knowing you'll never be me
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5640838 jail counts as a break
>>5640837 little do you know sage's trip has been made public over 200 threads ago and we all post as sage
we all step up
we are all community
we are all sage and sage is none of us
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>>5640839 >I better make a sarcastic comment to prove him wrong! Good job. That will make your life more meaningful than a thread on 4chan.
Would somebody be so kind as to vector this for me?
anna !molly997fw
>>5640842 Sage's old trip was. We laugh when people try to use it and pretend to be him.
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>>5640846 What are you talking about?
>>5640844 I don't need the city behind it, in fact could you make it a solid white background and vector the joker please?
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5640848 >>5640844 anon will get right on it
>>5640851 Someone is being Mr. Grumpy Gills right now.
>>5640844 >>5640848 So one of us filthy casuals will get right on that, sorry you don't have the tripgod of Photoshop to do it for you.
>>5640851 >>5640852 the fuck are you two arguing about
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5640854 dicks sleeping and i felt the need to be an ass, random anon filled the void poorly
somedays you cant beat a good dick
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
Hi! Can someone mod this wallpaper to be more yellow shades, black, and white instead of that blue light.
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>>5640873 >>5640706 Careful. Apparently Wolverine is a touchy subject nowadays.
Let's see your best color alterations!
>>5640873 Something like this?
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>>5640883 CLoser, but I'm looking for something with no blue in it.
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>>56408 Pretty much only yellows.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5640893 I appreciate the work bro, but can it be just yellows without greens either? Apologies for being so picky.
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>>5640876 > >>5640907 Colors don't really work that way.
anna !molly997fw
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>>5640913 Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks, anna!
>>5640844 is this being worked on? I don't mean to sound like an asshole...
>>5640925 Probably not, you came in at an unlucky time, and I don't like to jump on some tripfags strings.
>>5640929 Eh, it's okay. Didn't need it that much anyway. Thanks though!
>>5640925 Do you want the words cut out or left in?
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>>5640931 Sorry I couldn't help. Maybe another time, anon.
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
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>>5640929 tripfags you say?
Could someone remove the watermark in the bottom right from this? Thanks
>>5640015 Could someone remove the text? Would be awesome.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5641014 i got rid of the one on the bottom left also
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5641017 i'm a little slow, and i just woke up, but i guarantee my work with double your money back.
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>>5641038 No worries, got all day. Will appreciate.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5641017 i changed the format to png to keep it from pixellating any further. I really wanted to clean some more of it up, but i just don't feel like it right now.
>>5641072 ...Did he mean that picture or the wallpaper in the OP? I thought it was the latter...
>>5641072 Thanks a lot man!
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5641103 yeah, i hate when they reply to the OP and then make vague requests with a pic. I assumed he meant the pic, but it could have gone either way
>>5641105 no problem, it's what they pay us for
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
Could someone please upscale this image to 1920 x 1080?
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Quoted By:
>>5641210 ● UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as
imgur.com , if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space.
Hello dear Anons, i'll ask to much maybe but can someone make my request ? Thanks in advance.
So here's the thing.
i want this
http://i.imgur.com/glN0iza.png (queen of pain) in front of
http://i.imgur.com/5E97mIN.jpg this image. If you can delete the bottom mid of the second photo, they will match perfectly. and than, i want to queen of pain's (first link) eyes shine like
http://i.imgur.com/JtKpsUS.jpg (lich king) but in red. Can anyone make this ? It'll make my year. Please.
Vapor/zrWQ !Vapor/zrWQ
>>5641244 Do you want to be able to see her pupils/irises, or have them exactly like the third picture?
>>5641298 if you can make her irises visable in good way that would be perfect, ty
>>5641244 here is just the basic image while you wait
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Vapor/zrWQ !Vapor/zrWQ
>>5641310 >>5641318 >>5641325 can you make rosses dissapear and add smokely effect in eye ?
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
Quoted By:
>>5641244 me too, me too!!!
>>5641329 The Rosses? What is this, Friends? I don't see Ross anywhere
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>>5641332 i mean
>>5641329 roses* sorry about that :/
Vapor/zrWQ !Vapor/zrWQ
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5641329 I am definitely not a good multi-tasker.
I'm going to quit until i get something to eat
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Could someone please get rid of the text in this one? I've tried searching for an original but with no luck.
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>>5641329 Guys, I want to be cool too!
Vapor/zrWQ !Vapor/zrWQ
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>>5641329 >>5641340 didn't read second part, here you go
Can anyone make this pic, into a a size 1920x1080? Thank you
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5640932 kinda late, but you can cut those out. But leave the smile thing in please.
Can somebody look like this bear is at a night club or rave, getting down with his bad self?
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>>5641442 And/or make the scene look like they're on acid or ecstasy.
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Can I get the Matthew Ward scrubbed out please?
Can I get Matthew Ward scrubbed out please?
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>>5641457 the "by" as well
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>>5641457 you don't have ms paint? this is literally plain white
Could someone make this a 1920x1080 wallpaper? I want a better (cooler) background for the bike so to say, go creative and decide whatever you think suits. Thank you
Would you kindly make this image resolution 1600X900?
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
Can anyone try to turn this into a 1920x1080 and preferably keep the base image in the center please ? Been trying myself but can't seem to do anything decent with this
Can someone remove the watermark on the bottom right side?
I need this one in 1366x768. I would be happy if you can delete the water mark. Big thanks!
Hi, could anyone make this image fully digital?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
Quoted By:
>>5641550 it is
this is the internet
it existence is digital 1,0 on a hardware backbone
do you mean make it an HD size? like say 1920x1080?
Can someone convert this image to 1366 X 768 please? Thanks in advance!
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
Quoted By:
>>5641556 stretched since it looks fine still
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5641550 mine is just as much of a guess as the other answer... we still have no idea what you mean
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
Quoted By:
>>5641472 i do image modifications. i do not have the imagination necessary to design wallpapers, or i would be getting paid for this. i did take the time to cut out the bike, if you can supply a background or idea i would be happy to try to fulfill or pass the psd off to another modifier
Can I get this resized to whatever the resolution of a Facebook cover is? Thanks
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
Quoted By:
>>5641472 I was working on something cool, but then it caught on fire.
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
>>5641627 Facebook covers are 851x315, so no.
>>5641681 make it 16:9 pls
ddd !FuckWITRq.
Quoted By:
>>5641690 IMT official text iterpretation services
imma lepricon yiffy bubble butt
uh... thanks for telling us?
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
>>5641627 >>5641627 In double Facebook Resolution cause too lazy for imgur
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
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>>5641682 no
>>5641700 that looks bad, silly. I think this is better
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
Can i have this wallpaper of Lana in 1920*1080 whitout losing the quality??
http://imgur.com/oBmeEOy Thanks in advance!
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5641550 >>5641564 >>5641583 Went ahead and vectored it because I have nothing better to do.
Let me know if you want the .PSD
>>5641726 I didn't find THAT special wallpaper in 1920*1080, best believe i searched for it though!
Can you do it anyways?
>>5641736 really? Because it's there. I've seen it.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5641742 Can you please people just fucking post it already or give me a link instead of tauting me like that?
That ain't cool, that really ain't cool...
>>5641757 You're the one too stupid to "reverse google image search"
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5641757 no we cant
we aint smart neither
>>5641749 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5641749 and thank you, i appreciate it
>>5641758 >>5641760 Damn people in /wg/ are really hostile...
Chill out, go smoke, go get laid and stop being so fucking angry on the internet!
God people these days...
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5641770 i cant get angry here...
stup[id people post all the time...
AH ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa
>>5641770 can't help those who can't help themselves.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
Quoted By:
>>5641770 i hate you.
>so what? Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5641770 but thank you for recognizing us as "God people", we don't require a lot of worship though
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
Quoted By:
>>5641770 No one likes an idiot who can't even reverse image search.
We're providing a free service. We can do whatever we want. Not like we give a fuck if you go ask somewhere else.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5641784 and people wonder why i have a huge ego
god people indeed
>>5641771 >>5641773 I know how to reverse search, that shit is easy and even a blind man could do it!
What i asked here was a resolution for a special picture that i searched for first!
I first searched for the exact resolution, when i didn't find it i asked for help here!
Do you kiddos talk like this to all the people who come here, damn...
Bunch of fucking internet gangsters, filthy keyboard killers
>>5641791 I reversed search your image, clicked "all sizes" and found the resolution you wanted.
You must be worse than a blind man, I guess.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5641791 i don't think you were doing your search correctly then, it was quiet visible
and, no, we don't talk to everyone like that. but if we are given attitude then we give it back, we get a lot of /b/tards here requesting stupid shit we won't do, or asking for a resolution that is easily googled.
we are just giving you a hard time because there are no requests to fill
>Damn requesters in /wg/ are really sensitive... >Chill out, go smoke, go get bent and stop being so fucking defensive on the internet! >Mortals these days... Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
>>5641791 took me about 6 seconds (slow computer)
ddd !FuckWITRq.
Quoted By:
>>5641791 i thank you trip for trying to rile the nest but we all know it is you and are just playing along...
inb4 trip is stupid... oh wait...
>>5641798 >>5641807 >>5641809 I appreciate the help that ՖаԌе gave me, but unfortunately i'm not too god when it comes to technology so i'm sorry that i can't keep up with your brilliiant minds when it comes to technology!
I did grow up in an era where computers weren't used as much and so i'm not too good when it comes to dealing with the internet!
But anyways i know what you people would do if you met a blind man on the street or an old lady; you'd just neglect them and ask them to walk on their own since they have "legs"
I tried to reverse search but i'm not too good, so what am i supposed to do?
Thanks for you non-cooperation, i hope you get treated as bad as you treated me so you know how it feels
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5641831 i love touching my testicles
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
>>5641831 >left click (with the mouse) >highlight (hold the button down and drag) >right click (with the mouse) >go to link in new tab >right click image >search google for this image >left click "all sizes" >use eyes >??? >profit Not really sure how you save it or put as your background, though, sorry. My brain is already hurting.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5641831 that is not a very good excuse. i quit using computers when you had to load a disk in before you turned it on. and then only started again a few years ago.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5641841 disk i my dreams, cassettes are were its at
>>5641834 >>5641837 >>5641841 There are request far more exaggerated than mine that you have responded to and spoon-fed and you gave them exactly what they wanted right in their palm of their little hands
But anyways like i said you people need to chill out, it's bad to be frustrated and angry all the time; go get laid you'll see it's awesome
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5641853 stop replying troll
we know you are one...
you do not engage me because you know I will go farther than you want to go right now
we are always going to be here doing the same shit... you are the one not just walking away... so guess what that makes you
a trol
imma go get my nipple clamps on and my cock ring
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
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>>5641853 As I said, we're free to do as we please. Sometimes we ignore requests, sometimes we're bored or feeling kind and decide to do annoying or stupid requests.
>>5641858 Haha, you think i'm a troll? Well isn't that pure irony!
I'd be curious to know the age of the people around here, i'm sure you aren't more than 16 or 17 years old, i could put my hands in fire and bet on it!
You just hide here and you give shit to people who ask for help huh?
Aren't you brilliant people...
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5641864 dick 43 he is an old cunt
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
>>5641864 >You just visit and give shit to people who help others, huh? >Aren't you adorable? ICICLE
>>5641864 Shut up.
I haven't even read beyond this post and I can tell you're annoying/trolling. So just leave it alone and go whine somewhere else.
>>5641869 You seem like the only one reasonable and mature around here Vaporeon, god bless you
>>5641868 good to know
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5641864 i have killed off threads in hundreds of troll posts before little twoll... you are a troll because I name you one. people know me to be a troll and know I can spot them a mile away...
you are making me think about getting out my slave boy and the cattle prod
your stupidity and pitiful /b/ level shit tier twolling is making me horny!
you are not as good as eras still... you really have not stepped up your game in the least...
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
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>>5641874 I'm the youngest of the modifiers.
And I'm atheist, so fuck off with your pretentious "blessing."
>>5641871 >5641871 But i asked for help and got rejected, isn't that your role and what you do all day everyday whitout ever stopping?
You people need to know your role and shut your mouth, there are people who need help around here!
Captcha: "peasants" Exactly what you beautiful people are! Isn't that ironic? :)
>>5641884 If you got rejected, you didn't read the sticky or the thread rules before replying.
And now you're just whining because you didn't get what you wanted, which doesn't help anyone- including you. So just STFU and either take their advice or don't. It's really not that complicated.
>>5641876 You think you're good boy huh!
I've been in 4chan since 2004 when you were still wetting your mama's diapers baby boy!
I don't think you know what you talk about, and i don't think you want to challenge the wrong one do you?
Aren't you cute?? ^^
>>5641889 they are pissy that we told them to reverse search their image because it already existed in the requested resolution, and then we pointed out that it existed after they said they couldn't find it.
Can you remove the text at the bottom (and also if it's not too complicated, can you tell me how to do that for myself?)
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
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>>5641890 >Do you kiddos talk like this to all the people who come here, damn... Bunch of fucking internet gangsters, filthy keyboard killers
>I did grow up in an era where computers weren't used as much and so i'm not too good when it comes to dealing with the internet! >I've been in 4chan since 2004 when you were still wetting your mama's diapers baby boy! Wat
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>>5641891 Ah. So anon is just butthurt.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5641895 I love you. Thanks.
>>5641892 Help this person people, don't treat him like shit like you did to me!
Know your role
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5641892 why do they make such beautiful images and then make them jpg so they get distorted. why are these not lossless?
Vaporeon !Vapor/zrWQ
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5641905 I was secretly smiling when I read that. SMH
>>5641907 Using it as a transparent overlay anyways, but I agree.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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>>5641901 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
anna !molly997fw
>>5641903 >>5641903 >>5641903 Anonymous
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>>5641914 I bet you just found out about that boy huh?
It blew your mind didn't it?? :)
Good little boy :)
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
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>>5641918 yes, my queen.......lead the way
Could someone resize this to 1024x768 for me please?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
Can i get this one and one more wallpaper in 1280x1024?
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1920 x1080 please...Thanks in advance