>>5641778, gonna rate, starting everyone with a score of 10/10 and taking off a point for everything that i have a problem with. Don't change anything if you liek it how it is though, im irrelevant. Will try to give suggestions
>>56403298/10. Points of for elegante, and not efficiently using all that empty space.
>>564038810/10. Can't fault this. I'd probably have a temperature readout as well though, and i like my icons in a line, but the angles look cool too
>>56403528/10. Points off for the white icons onto white area of background, creating bad contrast. Another point off for having tons of empty space, though since that looks like dashclock, i assume it fills up a bit?
>>5640358>>56403617/10. The clock and locker on the lock screen are too big. I also just dont like that clock. Also, stacking stuff like that on the homescreen looks cluttered when you have tons of space. Move things around, maybe make the battery readout smaller.
>>56404299/10. Point off for having the music widget stark white, the contrast isnt great, though i do see how it fits the theme. I'd probably use a different background as well, but thats me.
>>56404018/10. I find your background excessively bright, which clashes with the white icons. ANother point off for the ugly clock text. Pick something that is a little rounded like the icons, maybe with shadows.
>>56404337/10. Basically I can't stand the info readout. It's too big, has an ugly text, and doesnt feel like it stacks well. I'd suggest making the less important stuff (battery readout, temp, location) smaller and less obvious, because right now they just make it look excessive
>>56403366/10. Points off for ugly lockscreen clock. Use a font that matches the unlock button. The unlock button needs to be centered. The background on the homescreen clock would look better transparent. The icon for facebook is almost invisible due to its position, switch it with one of the others.
>>564076010/10 cant fault this