I'm going to post my opinions for once, but don't go by them. Most of them will be suggestions anyways, and my desktop is probably not really better than more than half of yours. I haven't even finished mine yet. Gonna start with lully.
>>5646318I like the color scheme, it actually goes with the wallpaper for once (That's not either a depressing grey or black). Maybe a little activity needs to be put in the free spaces! 8/10
>>5646337gr9 b9 m9
>>5646376You can do better than this. Stock windows, more than one clock, Not a lot of creativity. Please visit
>>5646390Wallpaper is kind of wut, but cool. Kind of empty, I know you can make that good desktop even better. 7.5/10.
>>5646385Visit the Foobar skinning tab
http://nanami-tan.info/>>5646412I know it's windows 8, and it seems like there's nothing you can do, but at least put a start button on that shit if it's going to be stock. Rainmeter isn't always a good thing, but it can be at some point. Patch your system and get a Visual Style from deviantart at least. 5/10 because of the amazing wallpaper.
>>5646419You're getting there, just don't put an extra clock if you already have one. You could run scripts, have a music player, photo viewer, basically anything that would fit well. This is windows 7, right? 7/10.
>>5646446I can't really say anythings bad about this, except that there's no colors or creativity. The launcher seems a little big, and so does the side bars. It's okay, but it may get a little boring in the future. 6/10.
>>5646467http://nanami-tan.info/It has basically everything you need. You might want to get those icons off your desktop and clean up your toolbar. That's a good start. notrating/10