Updated with a custom gif used as a widget.
This makes light go on and off different places on the buildings for a five minute loop
>>5680947Real nice, but sick of the weather icons. So stockish. Easy to open the zip and insert another iconset. 7/10
>>5680962you put ugly icons on the place where they merge the most with the backround 2/10
>>5680993folder don't fit, looks like certain dates will crash into the clock. better adjust it. 6/10
>>5681105Not a super fan of the font, but that's me.
Anyway Looks it should 8/10
>>5681127hate the clock, love the icons.They fit well with the wallpaper. 7/10
>>5681153a bit boring. The matte Icons fit the wallpaper i guess 6/10
>>5681281Very intrusive, but fitting. Would rate pretty good if it wasn't for the themer logo. I't s like having a sportscar with a big "for rent" sign on it
>>5681354Again all of the widgets you got there are stock.
The wallpaper is nice though and really fits with a row of icons at the bottom 6/10
>>5681567These days i rarely like icon text.
Seen the wallpaper quite some times here.
Monochrome mostly always work though.
Wether you have removed something up in the left corner there or not, it needs a tad of work with the clone tool. 7/10
>>5681583Thin lines can work very well, but your icons and clock ultimately makes this look unorganized. Nice wallpaper! 6/10
>>5682109Bit uninspired, boring font and would change the battery progress bar. Functional it is though 6/10
>>5682128Too much of everything 3/10
>>5682298Nothing fits 3/10
>>5682627Could need a thinner font imo.
The light skyblue works well 7/10
>>5682734Loose the statusbar. Two clocks this close together will never look good. 3/10
>>5683005That's taking minimalism to new heights redundant/10
>>5683022You could jazz up both of those circles a bit. Add some more info on the bottom one, would make it a 9. 8/10
>>5683837Customize your navbar, or make it transparent