/wg/'s official DESKTOP THREAD #8
Post your desktop and rate others.
- Don't make a new thread until the current one has reached 300 replies. (and state if you want to be OP in the next thread so there won't be 2 ODT at once)
- Avoid posting default setups. Read the sticky and try to rice at least a bit before posting.
- Keep civil manners, constructive criticism is best criticism.
- If you ask for rates, try to rate others at least once throughout the thread.
- Don't abuse of Rainmeter
Helpful stuff:
>>4667225 Windows ricing:
nanami-tan.info/ Wallpapers:
wallbase.cc AND
google.com (which is your friend, seriously)
deviantart.com Don't be afraid to ask stuff but look around the thread because your answer is probably already there.
>How do I make my taskbar look like that? Install a custom VS or bblean if on Windows, change wm if on linux (look up i3, awesome, dspwm or openbox), set fire to mac if on mac (loljk)
>Wat Firefox? Look up userchrome CSS and user style CSS and apply them with Stylish addon or Greasemonkey
For anything else check nanami-tan and remeber that you always need more rice.
First time I've ever been this early.
No one has rated mine or commented to see if there's something I could change.
Any thoughts or opinions?
(Too lazy to delete my last post and upload again so here it is)
>>5691147 Oh and I did change something, and it's just the color of the clock to that light blue color - but it is not worth re-uploading again for that minor change.
>>5691667 I know! I never been this early either - it's weird.
Excellent desktop btw.
>>5691677 Antigone... brings back old memories.
Not really a fan of transparency
And all those rectangles on the top right are kind of distracting/weird looking
This thread is high level so far...
>>5691667 Nice, friendly but a bit lonely.
The Saxonite
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>>5691722 Titlebars dont really have titles is kinda off. Whole thing is too macho.
>>5691699 2color palette + minimal environment + linux = win.
>>5691677 Seem unbalanced.
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>>5691728 Oh guys, you do have desktops look similar to each other.
>>5691692 >Excellent desktop Thanks
>>5691708 Lonely how?
>>5691708 What do you mean by unbalanced?
>>5691677 Feels a bit cluttered
>>5691696 Nice warm colors
>>5691699 Hopefully it stays that way
Very nice desktop as always
>>5691722 Very nice, love the colors and can I have that wall?
>>5691728 Very nice, not too fond of the colors
>>5691739 > Lonely how? It just gives me that feeling. Some desktops are cozy, some has this strong NEET charachter, some are girlish (btw, any females here?) etc.
> What do you mean by unbalanced? I mean different elements dont really match each other.
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5691667 8/10
>>5691677 7/10, too chaotic for me.
>>5691692 8.5/10, real nice.
>>5691756 shoe/10
would not sport
this is the perfect womansq
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
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>>5691782 >would not sport u r crazy
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>>5691747 Alright, fair enough
>>5691761 >8/10 Thanks
Yours is very nice as always
>>5691667 Like it, except the font rendering. Fix that!
>>5691677 That taskbar is too busy, and sans-serif fonts weren't designed for computers. Otherwise, it's okay
>>5691696 Not bad, like the wallpaper and colors
>>5691728 Green colors are the best
>>5691751 Nice
>>5691761 Damn, I love it. I wish I had two screens.
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5691813 did you listen to the song
>>5691813 I've been trying to fix the damn font rendering, nothing's working. Any suggestions?
>>5691820 I did now
Very interesting
>>5691837 Is it bblean or what?
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>>5691841 Honestly I have no clue, on my screen the fonts look very nice, but whenever I screenshot, they get all fucked up, I've tried installing gdipp, which is supposed to fix it, but it hasn't done anything
>>5691813 Halving the compass is a great track. There's nothing bad about your desktop, but nothing special either.
>>5691761 Pretty generic in my opinion.
>>5691751 not much to comment on.
>>5691728 The dark yellow in your IRC would look nice if you used it more i think.
>>5691722 ditch the transparency if you can.
>>5691699 Foobar visualizer is pretty interesting, I would ditch the taskbar completely and hide titlebars though.
>>5691696 It makes me upset that there's no girl for the first G
>>5691147 Colors are nice, otherwise it's average.
>>5691667 >>5691837 I would just use a different font completely, also try mactype.
i would rate, but i like all of them.
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>>5691878 It's not the font I'm having issues with, every font I've used has been like this
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:46:17 No. 5691897 Report >>5691667 blurry font
>>5691677 that ghetto linux feel (mostly the fonts)
>>5691696 such color rincewind, rooks nice
>>5691699 delicious consistency
>>5691722 consistent for the most part, vertical placement for multiple monitors makes me uncomfortable
>>5691728 nice greens, overall good job albeit generic
>>5691751 I would put more space between the windows and have the taskbar at top or bottom, but thats just me
>>5691761 notrose/10 (top tier)
>>5691813 nice pastel-ish colors
>>5691878 sex but wall isn't as perfect as i've seen it (the one with the buildings made me cum)
>>5691890 taskbar icon placement is uncomfortable because it is off center
overall i would rate this thread as sex/10
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
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>>5691878 ty(?)
>>5691897 meh, I'm too used to it, ty tho
This better? I just installed mactype
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:59:38 No. 5691902 Report >>5691901 try posting in .png format, i know that i've posted my desktop as .jpg and it made the fonts look blurry when they werent
>my wall Anonymous
>>5691903 bblean fonts look alright, firefox fonts are still a little blurry, albeit better. Try installing anti-aliasing tuner for firefox and tinker with it a bit until you can get the fonts looking crisp, like the ones in your taskbar.
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>>5691906 Yeah, I'll look into it, thanks
>>5691756 I can't get jiggy with those shoes.
>>5691878 I also recommend Mactype.
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5691983 idk, maybe it's just me
they're from Back to the Future btw
>>5691986 Speaking of Back to the Future, how did you like Breakfast at Tiffany's?
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5691990 funny, cute, a pretty good movie
not amazing because it was a little cheesy imo at certain bits but enjoyable to say the last :)
did you ever watch The Game?
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5691994 I'm watching it later tonight, I'm trying to finish the Ringu series but I keep falling asleep -_-
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5691999 nice trips
also yeah I find myself doing that with Iron Chef on occasion as well, some episodes are just borin af
>>5692003 I don't find them boring, I just can't watch movies in the bed because I get the urge to doze off.
Also, did you ever get around to watching GoT?
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5692011 oh I gotcha. I was kinda thinkin of gettin a surface pro so I could do that, would be sweet, none of the worries of a laptop
also, no, but I do have it on here, just waiting for when I will eventually get to it
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>>5692102 I think I fixed it, hopefully.
>>5692102 yep, looks much much better.
>>5692123 Thanks for the help
>>5691722 Beautiful. Shit, I really love your colors!
>>5691728 This wallpaper never get old.
>>5691813 Man, I love blur.
>>5691878 Fantastic.
>>5691925 I'm thinking about play Wolf Among Us...
Pretty desktops everywhere today.
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>>5691813 thos shadows are awfully overstated and the shadow on your panel doesn't belong at all
>>5692124 no problem
>>5692151 really nice `top, i like how the depth in the background contrasts with the flat window theme. I want to say that i think it would look better with more muted colors but it looks great with the colors you have now, so it's hard to say if it would be better or worse.
>>5692272 Looks pretty, why are the tabs in such a weird position though?
>>5692280 >Looks pretty, why are the tabs in such a weird position though? Thanks dude. And, I don't know. When I use it maximized it looks normal (pic). But when I change windows size... Ugh.
>>5692283 try tabs always in titlebar and movable firefox button, both are addons.
>>5692287 it might be the app button remove addon conflicting with movable firefox button
>>5692299 Jesus Christ, this thing ruined my fox. I guess it's not my button remover.
>>5692312 dunno then. There might be some stylish css you can apply to move the tabs back up into the correct position but you'd have to google around.
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>>5692315 Yeah, I'll google it later. Thanks anyway for the help man.
Lemme rate:
>>5691696 >>5691728 >>5691878 >>5691897 >>5691983 >>5692151 >>5692272 would have sex and children with/10
>>5691667 >dat missing top window border >>5691677 not really riced and a bit weird looking. Keep it consistent.
>>5691699 btw this is me.
>>5691722 red accents look nice
>>5691751 ight
>>5691761 good as always
>>5691813 >dat blur >dat shadows >dat emotional ride >>5691890 maybe a different wallpaper? one that matches the color scheme
>>5691925 "I'm in spaaaaaace!"
>>5692354 Is it a Mac? Is it Elementary? Is it a Mac riced to look like Elementary?
Is it Windows riced to look like Elementary riced to look like a riced Mac?
My brain hurts...
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>>5692396 >>5692272 >would have sex and children with/10 Thanks for the rate, Phait. Lemme rate ya;
>>5691699 would marry and adopt a kid with/10
what would you say i should change?
>>5691660 >literally just figured out what the fuck rainmeter was, so I'm a newfag to this >>5691667 I like the white, it looks clean but comfy
>>5691696 Very nice, but it looks sad to me. Like their friend who should be the G is dead
>>5691722 >8/8 would let impregn8 my m8 >>5691728 I fucking LOVE that wallpaper and I always will
>>5692396 The missing top border is kinda growing on me, plus I can't fix it and I don't really know why
>>5692505 How do you launch things?
>>5692515 >it looks clean but comfy Thanks
As for yours, chill out with the rainmeter, keep it simple and find a better laucher, I suggest minimalistic launcher, I used to use it and it looks very nice, plus it's fire easy to add new programs
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>>5692537 i use my taskbar
jh !aDhdsuychY
starting from the top
>>5691667 >>5691699 >>5691722 >>5691728 >>5691751 >>5691813 >>5691890 >>5691897 >>5691983 >>5692151 >>5692272 all great, don't feel like giving individual replies
>>5691677 digging the use of transparency
>>5691696 such pastel
>>5691761 i like the purple
>>5691878 nice folder icons, do they come in dark?
>>5691925 double taskbar, lots of default rm. generally with rm less is more, those all have more minimalistic styles
>>5692505 i dig it, can't criticize anything, i'd like to see your taskbar though
>>5692515 if you're gonna use those rm skins match the colours, that orange is ew
>>5692396 >>5692354 xfce, but I was a mac user before for some years, probably that did something to my way of styling the desktop
First time postan Suggestions?
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>>5692634 >Suggestions? Stop postan
Haven't posted here in a few years <3
>>5692013 Hi <3
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
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Can I get my desktop some good looks w/ Win8? No themes unfortuneatly
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5692724 :^) u r too sweet
>>5692725 pm me on Rizon, Acbn
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5692779 I've never used it so idk how
>>5692780 Steam: Powerblock
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5692782 you're leaving me with few options nigga I don't got steam atm u got a tumblr?
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
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>>5692850 ok sent a message :^
>>5692013 Yeah, those look nice. I remember seeing one guy who used his as a mobile steambox. Pretty cool.
anyone know how to make compton surround the window?
>>5692880 i mean the shadow.
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Too depressed to even care.
jh !aDhdsuychY
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Using linux here. Can you recomend me a nice WM? Thanks in advance.
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
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>>5692864 honestly they just look so convenient and I know everyone hates the soft touch snap keyboards they sell but I think it's awesome, can't wait to get one
Shiro !i.Neko0OEM
>>5691667 >>5691751 >>5691901 >>5692634 dat kuso font
>>5691813 >>5691878 such shadows and wallpapers
>>5692151 wow, that booblylean
>>5692632 Hey that start page you use got a name?
>>5693216 Could you post that wallpaper?
Shiro !i.Neko0OEM
>>5693230 iqdb.org should provide you with it.
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>>5693230 >>5693234 Didn't know IQDB was that good as to find it through the stuff on the desktop, thanks.
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>>5693216 Yeah, I just call it "Stolen from Kamiru and added a couple things" lol
>>5692515 Same poster, just experimenting with shit.
>I reiter8 >newfag Anonymous
>>5693188 >dat font rendering How.
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>>5693579 It's just normal freetype font rendering, he's just using fuckhuge fonts which render better.
Tbariconblanker doesnt get along with my image viewer. Oh well.
>>5693396 Cat looks like a joint
>>5693216 Lookin' good
>>5692634 Nice wallpaper I dig it
>>5692515 I feel like I'm playing Armored Core when I look at this
>>5692287 I had something similar happen before I customized my browser with css. I had to make sure to run app button remove THEN tabs in titlebar. When I opened a new window i'd have to disable tabs in titlebar and enable it again every time otherwise there was an awkward gap. Def fix it with css. VS and everything looks amazing though cheers.
>>5691897 >>5691878 Lookin' good as always
>>5691699 Lovin' the blue accent
>>5691722 What's with the random //seekanddestroy on your browser. Looks awesome otherwise
>>5691761 Mind helping me setup a desktop like yours?
I'll give you Fallout New Vegas? :3
>>5691660 and then, peace was restored.
>>5691667 i like it !
>>5691677 seems very unorganized and cluttered.
>>5691696 i like the colors
>>5691699 i miss the gameboy
>>5691722 feel like the taskbar is too big
>>5691728 get a different background
>>5691751 not a fan
>>5691813 would like to see without shadows
>>5691878 so coooool
>>5691890 its alright
>>5691897 >two consoles open >>5691925 ew
>>5691983 looks boring but colorful
>>5692151 not liking the colors
>>5692515 ew
>>5692584 get a different blue
>>5692651 where taskbar
>>5692791 no
>>5692871 don't know what to say. change that crimson red to something else
>>5693188 is that zoomed in or are your eyes just very bad
>>5693396 gross!
>>5693669 >3 monitors dedicated to weed i love it
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>>5693717 >get a different blue intended for
>>5692632 Anonymous
>>5693716 I know I'm just really bad at this XD
>>5693720 i still have much to do with mine but it was waaay worse when i started. just try doing it, you eventually manage mediocrity.
>>5693733 I just want someone who's good at it to help me >,<
No good tutorials on how to setup a good bblean desktop, I'm a visual learner so text tutorials totally fuck me up
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5693753 bblean is a pain in the ass. yeah it looks fantastic, but so much tinkering all the time. been a while since i used it, but if you open up the config from there you can make a lot of it look better.
there are probably tutorials on youtube, but the best way to work with it is to just tinker
>>5693759 I looked all over YouTube/online, there's this one site now called
http://blackbox4windows.com/ and I am on there, my alias is Mew but I can't seem to find any 'good' guides...
>>5693760 There isn't much a guide can do for you.
It's called 'customizing' for a reason
>>5693753 that is unfortunate. but bblean was the absolute last thing i installed. my desktop before bblean was the same except i used an autohide taskbar instead.
maybe some anon will help you, i'm sorry.
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>>5693762 It's all good bro, don't sweat it.
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5693760 >>5693761 yeah, if you have specific questions i can help to answer them i'm in
http://r3bify.info/wgimt/ this room, you don't need to register or anything.
unfortunately is is difficult to explain it without knowing what you want to do.
Stalin !FZGOj88FFw
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>>5693767 How do you setup bblean like this guy
>>5693717 >change that crimson red to something else done.
>>5693791 where'd that weather come from
change that too
>>5691722 9/10
I always wondered how the hell you guys customize your desktops that much
>>5693669 8/10
looks really nice
>>5693774 5/10 just because of the boobs
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>>5693792 oh, i'm doing a conky for a friend. just tested that along with red-thing.
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>>5693717 haha thanks man it's just one screen (laptop) but I took a few shots to show the programs
>>5693717 >implying it wasn't intentional Anonymous
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>>5693811 >implying i have any idea of what you are talking about Anonymous
>>5691761 what window manager are you using?
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>>5693717 i want new backgrounds what should i use
Completely redid everything
Shiro !i.Neko0OEM
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>>5693717 I've seen appows haze and ahokas CSS for the last two years. My desktop is subject to change when change comes. Which would be in the form of bblean updates at this point!
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB Sun 09 Feb 2014 04:22:52 No. 5694106 Report Quoted By:
>>5693717 >>5691897 >two consoles open forgot trip, the consoles are solely there for aesthetic value.
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB Sun 09 Feb 2014 04:25:46 No. 5694107 Report >>5693669 >tfw people use your CSS
>>5694107 are you going to post this every time i post a screen
does it make you uncomfortable?
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB Sun 09 Feb 2014 04:30:52 No. 5694109 Report >>5694108 oh, i thought you were someone who hasn't used it before
I actually need people who use FF and Chrome to tell me about how its working for them, do you have any issues with it?
>>5694109 None at all it's fucking amazing. Using waterfox here.
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB Sun 09 Feb 2014 04:34:42 No. 5694113 Report >>5694110 hmm, the thing is, if you look at the screenshots, threads look way different than how it appears in your browser, would you prefer if it was more like the screenshots (the intended look)?
>>5694113 What screenshots?
I did make some minor edits to it. The one I can remember is changing the background colour to f5f5f5.
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB Sun 09 Feb 2014 04:40:00 No. 5694117 Report Quoted By:
>>5694115 http://userstyles.org/styles/96262/light-by-nappy-4chan the way you have it, it appears as though the thread draws its own outline, then each post makes an outline. My CSS should make it so that the thread makes its own outline and the posts make a single line at the top of its bounds
It's a small screen, so I can't really do much to it.
>>5693396 What OS is this? I like it
>>5694244 windows obviosly...there is a hidden taskbar at the bottom :D..maybe with some lancher...
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>>5694264 Yeah, the tasbkar won't stay hidden when I screenshot. Otherwise, I have a program that hides it. Just installed text launcher, working on setting my shortcuts.
>>5693717 I like, but you should watch exclusively black and white videos with it.
>>5693669 Catjoint likes your setup, even if he thinks a non-cannabis plant would look better. He just has a problem with weed wallpapers.
>>5694244 Just win7 with random rainmeter shit.
>>5691667 Could someone please tell me the name of that font? I love it.
>>5693997 >>5693791 >>5692776 >>5691897 >>5691761 >>5691728 Absolute newfag here, just installed crunchbang, how do I get my windows to be so perfectly aligned? A tiled window manager right? I like the square boarders around the posts I have quoted, how do?
>>5694196 Have had exactly the same set up. Don't like the clock position very much. 7/10
>>5693774 5/10 just for the tidiness and the wp.
>>5693396 7/10 Like the wp but the music player and the clock do not match.
>>5691761 11/10 because amazing desktop and Never Mind The Buzzcocks.
Other favorites:
>>5691696 >>5691722 >>5691728 >>5691756 >>5691813 >>5692651 Anonymous
Win 8, rocketdock on the left, hidden taskbar at the bottom. Usually I have a wallpaper folder on rotation. What's a good music player/rainmeter skin to go with this? (What is the point of not using wmp anyway?) Any other comments?
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>>5693669 that is real nice, do something about your clock though.
>>5693941 explorer (+ appows dusk as vs), bblean.
>>5694304 i use autohotkey.
>>5694339 thanks, you also have a very nice colour scheme going on. only thing i can suggest is maybe using the same font for the majority of things, but that's just me. 9/10.
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>>5693216 How do you show all lines in cmdfetch, like the shell and font etc?
>>5694328 Really liking the wallpaper, original please
personally think you could position the clock and date better and get rid of the cpu bar 7/10
Trying to finish a Skyrim rainmeter that's actually usable.
>>5694364 Like the BG
could you post it pleas
old one but i never change anything
>>5694364 Just for you. Yeah, the I don't like the positioning either but I am too lazy right now to find new ones which I could position better. Had to do a clean install on Windows so I lost all my good themes.
I personally use the cpu bar quite a lot, using it often,
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>>5694371 wont let me post cos duplicate >>>5693745 >>5694372 thanks dude
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>>5694196 Looks really cool man, If it was a tablet it would be the shit.
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>>5694296 PF Tempesta Seven
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>>5694425 No problem, you have font rendering problems with it though
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
I changed up the bar color, this better?
>>5694371 Looks good, but the starb orb seems out of place
>>5694370 That skin is pretty bad, I suggest just ditching the idea
>>5694364 Nice and clean, what the thing in the corner for?
>>5694339 I like it, but it's a little dark for my liking
>>5694328 Clean, but it's boring
Don't hate the rainmeter. I have plenty of room...
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5694460 what's up w/ ur replies
>>5694466 I dunno, they do that when there are too many replies, I don't really know how to fix it
>>5691878 I-I just can't
>>5692396 cont'd
>>5692505 that rainmeter clock makes me want to die everytime I see it. Sorry>>5692515 Hi JARVIS>>5692632 that blue and that orange is meh>>5692634 change the blue quotelinks and you're good.>>5692651 nice transparency 9/10>>5692776 needs more consistency>>5692791 colors are a bit of a mess>>5692871 this could be excellent but needs more work (I know that 136x768 feel tho) >>5693188 this looks... fake>>5693216 nice >>5693669 you changed VS? This looks nice. I still dig the wp. Fix clock's font>>5693717 wallpaper is wow>>5693726 >you need a jacket >>5693774 lel>>5693791 as before. >>5693793 lel>>5693800 lel extreme>>5693997 too many colors but well riced>>5694196 uhm, yes you can>>5694213 pls ask (and fix panel)>>5694339 mother of rice this is good>>5694348 wallpaperswide.com >>5694371 wat>>5694460 extremely clean and well done>>5694463 messy>>5694473 lol sometimes my css shows every reply twice, just cos.thaks for the rates guys
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>>5694483 >extremely clean and well done thanks
it does that for me too, but there are just a lot of replies and it makes a new line and it always looks like that, I really have no clue how to fix it
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:55:27 No. 5694587 Report Quoted By:
>>5694304 winblows user here, I use bug.n which is a compiled autohotkey.
some popular loonix ones that many people use here are, awesome, openbox, blackbox, and dwm
>>5694113 Hey I see what you mean now. I reinstalled it from the
userstyles.org link without changing anything and this is still what it looks like. Any idea why that might be? I think it still looks really good but I can tell how it's different.
>>5694483 What's wrong with the clock font. Big and readable I like it.
>>5694463 I think you did a good job tying all the skins in with the wall but... there is so much text and that font is kind of ugly in itself. You probably have the ricing prowess to make something much cooler.
>>5694460 I'm not a big pixel font fan but this one looks p good
>>5694370 Looks like you did a good job with it but honestly the menu system in skyrim was clunky as shit idk why you'd want to recreate it.
>>5694364 This is badass without that little pointy thing in the corner.
>>5694339 Chunk of Change EP 20/10
>>5694615 that font is terrible
jh !aDhdsuychY
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB
That Emily Rudd Loving Faggot !!fdxqgOJt+LB Mon 10 Feb 2014 04:17:34 No. 5695090 Report Quoted By:
>>5694615 okay so the thread is drawing itself perfectly fine, but the posts are still drawing their full bounds.
I've looked over the CSS and it looks like the CSS only adds the top line without doing anything to the other lines.
I've updated it so that it does that, hit me up with the way it looks now
>>5694463 Don't really like the font or all that white. But good job color synchronizing at least.
>>5694460 Like it a lot except for the white bblean bar.
>>5694370 I never really liked the skyrim rainmeter, but you made it look a lot better.
>>5694348 Pretty much default. Foobar is what a lot of people use for music.
>>5694339 Really love that edited Deshou, any chance on sharing it?
>>5695135 You think this looks better?
I don't understand how you guys get your desktops to look like that, nor what bblean is, but here's my vanilla windows 8 desktop. I make do with what I can.
>>5695161 Yeah I think that looks much better
>>5695174 Read the OP for general info. But from what I hear windows 8 doesn't have nearly as much customization options as 7.
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>>5695181 Alright thanks
>>5695174 >>5695181 Windows 8, from what I heard, does have a lot of customization, it's just a bit more difficult getting everything to work properly on it
>>5693396 aaaannnnddd I'm done with this for a while.
>>5695163 your windows button is misaligned, the panel/taskbar is pretty cool though. You always make me want to use explorer.
>>5695161 all white looked better, those colored fonts hurt my eyes to read on that dark background
>>5695135 Should look into removing that white line in firefox
>>5694615 that font sucks
>>5694339 those colors are pretty bad, also your firefox font is awful
>>5694213 default
>>5693997 i like it
>>5692634 nice background
>>5692547 no
anyone know where i can get a wallpaper for windows like this, it changes color over time.
>>5695244 Yeah, I fixed it. Explorer is awesome by the way.
>>5695245 You can try some Dreamscenes or make your own in PS and set your time increments in your Personalizations.
So, how'd you guys fix the missing captcha? I don't wanna give up on appchanX
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>>5695244 I think this way looks the best
>>5695575 I agree, my friend. But then again, so's Cygwin.
Either go full Windows or SSH to a linux machine if you really need to do stuff that can't be done on Windows (but is there such a kind of stuff?).
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>>5695581 that's all i really use cygwin for - that's vim on my vps via ssh
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
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>>5695135 that haunter is cute
Scope !!7X3fi2Mi44w
>>5695602 Reminds me of my desktop when I first started ricing.
Good times...
I suggest you get a nice visual style and get rid of unneeded rainmeter stuff.
Oh, and hide all your desktop icons.
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>>5693932 mine since no one has rated it i guess ill rate a few
>>5694196 7/10
>>5694364 4/10 cant see shit'
>>5695214 i hate your clock
>>5693774 heh
Óðinn !TL7Qjwpgxo
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>>5695288 Hey, what value do i have to edit in VSB to get the text to stretch all the way across the elongated taskbar buttons and remove icons?
>>5695829 dude seriously fucking stop
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>>5695831 Is this not a desktop thread?
>>5692632 >>5692634 >>5692776 >>5692791 >>5692871 >>5693791 >>5693997 I don't know what the fuck this hideous shit is, but I am still trying to figure out why all you faggots use it. Is it because you see others doing it, so you feel inclined to fit in, to have a high rated desktop as well? Because this shit is so ugly, superfluous and try hard. You guys talk shit on ricers but you fucks are the ultimate ricers.
sO !CriSpi.Xvw
Still making the Skyrim themed desktop. This time low resolution with media control bottom mode.
>>5696327 Can't tell if troll or serious...
Anyway, those are all replacement shells/window managers and you need to use them in order to be recognized as a human being on /w/'s and /g/'s desktop threads, where peolple are subconsciously obsessed with the work of a ricer named Ahoka.
If you see this kind of setup here it's just because many people post on multiple boards.
Oh and they supposedly help your productivity but i dunno.
Welcome to /wg/
too shitty internet to load half of the desktops in this thread shieeeeeeet will rate when i have better net! even though i'm kinda new at this >tips fedora xD
wish i could find a rainmeter/w wallpaper that goes across my 3 monitors. would really like to do a halo forerunner theme.
>>5696508 Only gonna be free to download once the final release is done.
You can check up on the progress and updates here; will link to the final version once I made it.
http://yorgash.deviantart.com/art/Skyrim-Rainmeter-WIP-432956591 (Here's a higher resolution shot to see how it scales)
>>5696510 im pretty new to rainmeter, but i cant figure out how to get this kind of path
versus one like
C:\Users\Roceifin\Desktop\TES V - Skyrim v2
will ^ that one work just the same?
>>5696516 Yes it should.
Though you might have to put it in between qoutation marks since there are spaces in the name.
would rate, but got a game to lose.
Just finished this one up, nice and clean. Where's the best place for rainmeter skins these days? I checked devart but it's mostly the same stuff that was there 6 months ago and nothing more.
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>>5696574 Awesome, dude!
Would you share it?
>>5696218 >>5696505 Badass backgrounds.
What should I change? I'm thinking of changing the start-orb, or maybe try finding a better font (this one doesn't render 'å' very nice).
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5696603 i'd suggest using a smaller task bar, but that's just preference. also 2 clocks
>>5696603 Nice wallpaper but pointless Rainmeter and ugly taskbar.
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here to rate, i am:
>>5696536 let's go:
>>5695668 love it
>>5695776 default
>>5695796 rate people if you want a rate
>>5695800 got potential, but i dont like the font(s)
>>5696218 i like the idea, but i dont like the color scheme
>>5696434 disable the border of your foobar (tools->uihacks, if you dont have uihacks, download it)
>>5696505 spaceships are not cool
>>5696510 not my style, but i guess its ok
>>5696573 im not a fan of the topbar. rainmeter looks weird because of the different fonts.
>>5696574 try custom icons, the taskbar clock is unaligned and doubled anyway
customize.org is good for browsing
>>5696602 the desktop icons look ugly
get a better scaling for the rainmeter
>>5696603 you probably wont find a font for that, why do you need it anyway, you got the year in the taskbar. also double clock. custom icons would be nice.
>>5696604 fixed the taskbar. I kinda like having the seconds show though, so not gonna remove it.
>>5696624 What's pointless with tracking the battery and having a better calendar? I need to know which week I'm in...
Do you have any tips to make the taskbar prettier?
>>5696409 Oh yes, I'm sure a big ass grey window with "quirky" ascii art that displays your fucking computer specs while taking up the bottom left half of screen space is really enhancing that productivity.
I wouldn't even care if like, say, one guy used it. But nearly 70% of the posters here seem to use it, and their desktops ALL look the exact fucking same. To make matters worse, they all circle jerk rate 8-10/10 each other's desktops, so it is like this never ending circle of smugness.
>>5696641 That's why you shouldn't care about rates in the first place. Just do whatever you feel like doing to your computer.
I thought the term "PC" came from "Personal" Computer, as in it's yours to do whatever the hell you want.
I don't give two craps if people like my desktops - I like 'em.
>>5696603 Try to use small icons on your taskbar, idk why but they look really big. Other than that you're good.
>>5696602 >Powder Toy Good memories...
Also try to remove the shortcut arrow things from the icons, I know there's a way to do that in windows but forgot how.
>>5696574 Never been a far of transparency but hey, whatever works. Good job nonetheless.
>>5696573 >2 clocks >2 dates Why do people do this?
>>5696536 All that gray makes it look a bit muddy. Not really a fan.
>>5696510 Seems a bit of unnecessary ricing.
Besides, I thought the point of having Skyrim in a PC was to mod the UI so it isn't that Console UI that works terrible in PC's...
>>5695822 >>5695824 >>5695826 >>5695827 >>5695829 Not sure if you have 5 screens and can't properly screencap or you're just trying to show us different wallpapers.
>Anyways... Here's mine. I started trying to modify this VS to better suit my needs. I'm currently trying to find the dll's I need to modify to remove the window borders entirely from Explorer.exe
If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.
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>>5696638 Because the system tray does exactly that, it's pointless to have two battery's and clocks.
Make the taskbar icons small, not a fan of the start orb either.
>>5696641 Welcome to Windows ricing, many before you have pointed this out as well, get over it or don't browse the threads.
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No rainmeters that looks decent and suits all my needs (and a clock is kinda pointless when I have one in the bottom corner). No icons that looks good with my theme (according to me). Pretty fucking clean if I must say so myself.
>>5696434 What do you call that file hierarchy in the file explorer and how can I customize it?
>>5696664 I think you mean the explorer's "tree" but I'm not sure if that's what you're referring to.
I might be able to help if you explain what do you mean by File Hierarchy and how you wish to customize it.
>>5696678 The shit that says "favorieten" "bibliotheken" "disk (c:)" that whole side pane in the file explorer.
Aldmeri Dominion End of Beta Party Anonymous Tue 11 Feb 2014 19:39:41 No. 5696682 Report Quoted By:
>>5696681 Yes, that's the tree view.
>>5696685 Any tips or resources on customizing dat shit?
>>5696688 The icons themselves can be customized by - for example - IconPackager (free version works just fine); the Library icons can be changed most easily by Library Icon Changer by door2windows, google on it.
>>5696681 >>5696688 I'm pretty sure that's just because his system's default language is Dutch and he didn't customize it on purpose.
And as far as I know, the only way to change the name of the "documents" folder and videos/pictures/etc is to change items in the registry. I can try looking up where but I'm fairly certain that's where the names should be.
If they were in "favorites" you can easily rename them by right clicking and renaming. But those under "This PC" or w/e it might be called for you, can't be renamed that way - at least not in windows 8 which is what I'm using.
>>5696707 >I'm pretty sure that's just because his system's default language is Dutch and he didn't customize it on purpose. I was using that as a point of reference for what I am talking about. I didn't mean to change the text itself.
>>5696694 Thanks for the tips
>>5696711 In that case, it's really easy.
If you want to change the icons - use something like 7tsp to change your icons with an iconpack and it should change everything including the tree.
If you want to change the graphics of it like, say, the arrows that show up when expanding or shrinking the tree items, you need to modify the theme you might be using (aero if you're not using a 3rd party VS) using a resource hacker.
I wouldn't recommend the resource hacker route as it might be a lot more complicated than what you might be going after, but it's something fun to learn.
It's how I modified (
>>5696645 ) my explorer to have different color for drive bars. It can also be used to change everything else from icons to text size, font color, loading bars, scroll bars, etc.
>>5696723 I'd say using Style Builder instead of editing it in a resource editor is a good start.
>>5696726 Yeah - true. I've been using WSB lately and I like it - makes things easier.
I still wouldn't recommend him getting into something like that unless he wants finer control over what to change.
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>>5696729 That I can see why.
It's quite difficult to make a consistent looking theme, and might take weeks of frustration to get the hang of it.
>>5696505 how much hp does your computer have
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>>5696641 'productiviy'
aka masturbating to anime and playing games on steam
>>5696409 It's because many people lack creativity on /wg/, and the people with creativity or normally shunned for being different (Sound familiar? Like the real world?). It's difficult to find a setup that everyone or even a group of people like, and this thread is all about like, your opinion man. Personally I would love to see another ricer similar to Ahoka come out with a beautiful ricing setup and not share so that people would have to re-create it on their own instead of taking others' work.
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>>5696849 its 16gb of ram.
i used to have a motherboard that only let me have a max of 8, which was enough to dick around with ram eating apps, but not 24/7. got a new motherboard, max of 22gb, and i got a 8core amd cpu for chrifsmass
>>5696889 That's always been the case here in /wg/ though - as long as I can remember.
Someone once in a while comes along and posts a really good deskterp everyone likes, and everyone goes nuts asking for him/her to share their setup.
Before long everyone starts copying that person's style rather than creating their own.
It's the reason people use rainmeter - not because it's useful or of any actual use, but because people here seem to like it and rate it highly so everyone goes crazy to try and get a 10/10 score like it's a competition.
I remember a year or so back someone here who went by the name of Synergy who everyone liked copying. He'd post his styles or wallpapers then in the next desktop thread you'd see everyone trying to make their deskterps look like his/her's.
I personally don't care what people think. I've gotten many high rates for desktops I barely liked and shit scores for ones that I really loved so I know better than to try to please people ricing my own desktop. I just Rice it for my personal taste, and it changes because my personal taste changes.
Now days it's rare to see people in desktop threads trying their own things/ making their own styles,scripts,etc. I think desktop threads would be much better if they strictly made ratings systems forbidden. That way there's less competition copying each other and more originality.
Pic related.
Shiro !i.Neko0OEM
>>5696949 Wow, this is a great point. I am so enthralled with your opinion that it makes me want to completely rethink the way I look at desktops and desktop threads.
As if. Who fucking cares, you're all retarded - it's something I do for fun and I don't give a shit what you or anyone else thinks. Anyone that actually DOES care has mental problems and should consider suicide, its your goddamn computer - what the hell? WHAT COMPETITION? WHO ARE YOU? A MOD? NO, FUCK OFF. I'M HAVING FUN.
The faggots on this board I SWEAR.
>>5696963 you're the fucking faggot here dude. way to complete over react at something that wasnt even completely directed at you, but the overall theme of the board. way to be a conceded fucking loser
Shiro !i.Neko0OEM
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>>5696982 Ok I'm sorry I'll go back to catering to your board culture.
>>5696979 10/10
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
>>5697036 Do you know what became of him/her?
I used to be very active around /wg/ but I kind of stopped visiting suddenly for over a year.
He's kind of the reason a lot of my walls are either DJ Okawari/Marumiyan and somefield. We were discussing different artist and syn mentioned those and I just kind of fell in love with them.
I'm surprise someone here in /wg/ remembers him.
>>5696979 I tried retouching your background quickly, since I like it. I might try to actually do a proper job on it later - so if you're still around, you can get a copy of it too.
If you drew it, good job.
i.imgur.com \85TmKzx.png
Shiro !i.Neko0OEM
>>5697059 http://heysynergy.deviantart.com/ He posts art rarely.
>imgur why, if its a wall wouldn't it be high enough resolution to post?
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>>5697065 Don't really want to spam this thread with images that aren't really desktops. It's the same resolution (2560x1080). I already did with that picture from earlier that I remember I had.
I would if I was in the Image Modification Thread but it wasn't. :P
And cool, I really had no idea he posted art. Thanks for the link.
>>5696510 >>5696505 i got the skyrim theme, got some trip monitor wallpapers for it and messed with it a bit. i like it so far, its nice.
>cant have files this large so heres link
http://i.imgur.com/JWCZEVw.jpg SosRuvaak
>>5697070 forgot about the HDD bars. put them on
>>5697072 Just as a minor critique:
Try to make the CPU Usage to be a little bit lower on the bar, at about the same height as the used memory bar.
And the player controls (pause, next, etc.) don't seem to be properly vertically aligned.
I don't know if those are things you mean to change in the future as it is still work in progress or something you overlooked.
But still, really amazing progress so far.
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>>5697078 noticed that and fixed it after i took the shot
kind of dumb of me
>>5697078 would like to do something with that damn recycle bin though
>>5697120 The best of ideas I can give are either:
1. Try to have a text place in the bottom left that says Trash Weight: and have it say the amount of kb/mb/gb of waste in the bin, having the ability to click the option to recycle everything or maybe open a shortcut to the bin in file explorer.
2. My other idea is kind of in the whole theme of skyrim, have a rainmeter that's completely blank if the bin is empty, but if you have items in it it displays just above the top bar "you are overencumbered" or something along those lines.
With, again, the option to recycle from that.
Those are just my ideas though. I'm sure you can come up with something better. I was just brainstorming about things that'd go well with the skyrim theme in general rather than just plucking a giant trash can in the middle.
Nani !C892HMC9kg
Work in progress, 2nd day on #!, really enjoying it so far
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I fixed up my fonts a bit
>>5697143 Very nice, the 4chan font seems a bit out of place though
>>5696645 The top bar of your windows is a little lighter than the rest of the borders, looks kinda weird
>>5696536 Very nice, nothing to complain about
>>5696602 I don't like the rainmeter and icons
>>5696574 Love the wall, used to use it, but get custom icons
x !!6Hk+0m0eYZE
Is it worth getting mac font rendering on my windows 7 station?? I thought about mactype, but how does it affect other people computers? I type all my schoolwork on it, but it will only look good for me, i asume
>>5697293 >how does it affect other people computers? I just... I...
you have won all of my wots for this year, sir.
Just finished ricing.
Apparently I won;
imgur.com/Ten73DE.png Anonymous
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>>5697302 >all of my wots >sir >>>reddit x !!6Hk+0m0eYZE
>>5697302 Haha holy crap, did not notice that I wrote it like that. Was busy focusing on something else.
What I meant was, does the font look in a different way on other computers?
But I was just acting retarded, and ofcourse it does..
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>>5697311 using gdipp here, it's awesome.
>does the font look in a different way on other computers? no it doesn't.
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>>5697135 that would be bad ass.
but i am no do to how a code.
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>>5697303 minimalist minimalism
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Just hooked up my dual monitor the other day. Still getting used to it.
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>>5697345 Interesting. I like it, even with the two taskbars. Everything seems to flow pretty well together. Maybe if you flipped the colors for the rocketdock it could look better though.
blondie !myFNwPtz/A
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>>5697345 >LAKE RADIO >SJ you have really good taste