>THE OFFICIAL IMAGE MODIFICATION THREAD. Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help. All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not
>>>/b/ or
>>>/r/ or
>>>/w/ .
>Requesters: ● ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
● EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
● STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex.: 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
● KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help:
http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ ● UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as
imgur.com , if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space.
>All ● DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
● BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
● CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
● DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
● IF YOU do not understand the edit or the word choice, leave it alone or ask the person who made the request.
>Want to talk to a modifier? ● Go to
http://r3bify.info/wgimt , select a name and talk.
● Tools we use: Photoshop, GIMP,
Paint.NET ,
pixlr.com , MSpaint, and luck...
>4chan Image/Thread Limitations ● Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels DO NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
● Images LARGER than 5000x5000 pixels DO NOT post.
● Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG
● Maximum file size allowed is 5 MB
● Thread Image Limit - 250 +OP Image
● Thread Post Bump Limit - 300 +OP
Archived Threads:
https://archive.nyafuu.org/wg/search/text/IMT/type/op/ Previous Thread:
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5694572 damn that picture reminds me of your sisters nasty cunt
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5694583 it is almost like you are trying to say something either mean or funny, or perhaps both, and you failed so hard no one replied for sheer embarrassment. So here is a pity reply.
Back on topic Can I get this in red?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
anna !molly997fw
>>5694668 you got it, chief
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>>5694691 Great Job. Exactly what the Customer asked for.
Could someone remove the watermark in the bottom right? Thanks
anna !molly997fw
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>>5694737 reverse image search, then stop using
wallpaperswide.com , they're shit.
Tighermeister !kZqrn4gUjU
anna !molly997fw
>>5694747 you have to be fucking kidding me
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
>>5694748 Reverse image search doesn't yield any results in 1920x1200 except for the wallpaperswide version so OR would be back asking for a resize anyway.
anna !molly997fw
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
>>5694755 That would result in equal cropping from the top and bottom whereas the version the requester posted strictly had the top cropped. Wouldn't be *exactly* the same.
anna !molly997fw
>>5694759 You're arguing the specific location of a crop on a photo of blurry flowers?
Makise? Fuck off.
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
>>5694761 Just stating a fact, no reason to get angry over someone filling a request in a thread dedicated to requests. Those precious image slots don't mean much when a new thread can be created in a matter of seconds.
anna !molly997fw
>>5694769 The problem and source of my ire is that Tighermaster /consistently/ posts shitty edits after we tell people to reverse search. I'm not worried about the post limit. If I was, I wouldn't be fucking posting.
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
>>5694776 So let him, thread doesn't belong to you.
anna !molly997fw
>>5694783 Nor does it belong to you. As free as anons like you and he are to post shitty edits and drag this institution down to /b/-levels of retardedness, I'm free to call you all out on it.
>inb4 u mad >inb4 3edgy5me >inb4 lel back to leddit Anonymous
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>>5694747 Thanks, just what I needed
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
>>5694788 You're equating posting a wholehearted attempt at filling a request to dragging this thread down to retardedness?
It wasn't even a bad edit.
>>5694795 That one wasn't necessarily bad, but the fact that it exists without the watermark means that it wasn't needed.
Everyone posts shitty edits. Even you. No one is forbade from posting, but it looks bad if someone says that it already exists and then someone else posts anyways.
Also can we stop arguing about who the thread "belongs to" it's getting old. This is supposed to be a community, fucking act like it.
anna !molly997fw
>>5694795 You're taking this very personally for someone who I wasn't even talking to. Kindly fuck off. (God, is there an echo in here, or what?)
Can someone change the background color(dark grey) to black while still maintaining the clarity of the earth/stars? if you have a higher quality version of this image, then use that one instead.
Tighermeister !kZqrn4gUjU
>>5694818 can you do the same between the ring and the earth?
Tighermeister !kZqrn4gUjU
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>>5694776 >consistently posts shitty edits At least he posts edits. What do you do? Besides talk shit
>>5694815 I gave it a shot too.
Makise !Kurisu1/PM
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>>5694847 this ones better. thanks
1920x1080 and remove watermark pls
>>5694948 Something along these lines are the only way it's going to look at least decent.
>>5694668 Does anyone know the font?
I really like that font
>>5695026 What tool do you use to remove things like watermarks?
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5694691 >>5695030 take that one that just has the edgy, go to whatthefont, upload it, presto font
anna !molly997fw
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>>5695030 There are a couple different fonts on there, but if you're talking about the movie title and quotes, I'd try League Gothic. It's free and looks great.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5695034 Combination of the lasso and healing brush.
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>>5695035 Thanks i didn't know a site like this existed.
I think its okay to post this here. I already tried /r/ (
http://boards.4chan.org/r/res/12073991 ) to no avail. No, I don't know how to link posts across boards.
I know that I've only tried requesting today, but it is pretty disheartening to see your request be drowned out by ton of porn requests.
Copypasting what I originally posted,
>Okay, so I reverse image searched for this and was surprised that no results came up. I've tried lurking through the usual means and it seems that there really are no wallpapers of this particular screencap. >I was hoping that someone here would like to take the challenge of turning this pretty lame, low quality image and turning it into a decent wallpaper. >I have no shopping skills of my own (all I've ever used is MS Paint), but I really like this show, and this cap is probably one of its best moments. >I know its asking for a lot, but this is really all I can think of to making it happen, short of teaching myself to shop like a pro and doing it myself. If any of you modifiers happen to be a fan of the show, surely you could see why this would be a worthwhile effort.
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
>>5695042 That is far too low quality to enhace, and cross board linking is done like any other quoting
>>12073991 Anonymous
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>>5695039 Thanks im still learning my around photoshop.
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
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>>5695043 or i don't know how to cross board link
>>5695042 cross thread links are like tis:
>>>/r/12073991 Anonymous
>>5695043 >>5695049 Thanks, easy enough to remember.
I know the image is pretty shit, but 360p was the best youtube had to offer.
Anarky !NoliFEm8/Y
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>>5695060 Its impossible to enhance, try downloading a higher quality and screenshot it your self
Real life isn't like CSI
>Enhance Anonymous
>>5695060 Give me a few minutes. I'll put my well honed interwed talents to work.
I'll need some creative license, but I'll give it a shot.
>>5695060 what resolution do you want? You didn't specify
OP Bob
>>5695067 >>5695070 Anything compatible with 1280x800. I love larger images, so long as they look well on my laptop.
>>5695087 Gave it a shot. It looks better at 1280x800.
>>5695087 >>5695091 Made it a bit better
OP Bob
>>5695093 >>5695093 Wow, that really isn't bad. Thanks anon!
Have you tried different background colors? Just curious as to what might look best.
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any chance anyone has this in 1920 x 1080 ? Or can make it that way ? possibly also remove the activision logos
>>5695099 I was actually having more trouble with picking a color than everything else. Here have the transparent png. You can throw it on a different background, one that might be more of what you want.
OP Bob
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>>5695102 You really are the best anon. Thanks again for the help and to anyone who responded at all.
OP Bob
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>>5695102 This is what i was able to come up with on MS Paint.
Really wish I could do better.
1366x768 by extending the right side, please.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Hey guys can you please remove the 2 devianart water marks off this? Thanks
The girl on the left has a circle around her eye instead of the pinky laser smoky effect that it should be, it looks unfinished because of this can you just touch it up to make it look similar to the others?
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5695175 >>5695175 one of those whiskers is not like the other
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
if you could please place this in the lower left corner in some sort of awesome text thank you "Psalm 23:4 - Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."
gatosardina !xpwh8XX/p6
>>5694572 this thread's op is gone, but i requests a 1440x900 version of this and signature removed if possible
>>5694849 Origam1
>>5695239 Simply adjusting the size made it look odd, and so did a crop of the image. So I tried this instead.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Transparent Nonon please?
gatosardina !xpwh8XX/p6
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>>5695247 thank you so much
gatosardina !xpwh8XX/p6
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>>5695246 whoops missed you there
>Blue Girl,jpg lel
>mow it's jinx SosRuvaak
would it be possible to get this in a triple monitor wallpaper? i have 3 1920x1080 monitors. an image link will be needed, since wg doesn't do triple monitor pics.
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>>5695349 Thanks.
Sorry for posting in the wrong thread.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5695344 no, i'd recommend finding 3 images by the same artist
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>>5695355 i cant find any halo forerunner pics large enough.
i want a forerunner wallpaper with my rainmeter skin, but cant find anything for my 3 monitors
thanks though.
can some please 1920x1080 this for me?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5695372 google reverse image search
Can somebody make this
>>5684496 1920x1080?
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Can someone remove the guy please?
Also, I may not remember to come back here after class so if anyone would be able to email the edited pic to
[email protected] I would appreciate it! Thanks :)
>>5694383 Origam1
>>5692586 could anyone make this fit to 1080x1920? I want it as my nexus 5 wallpaper
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Can someone please, please up the resolution on this as much as possible? Thanks.
>>5695802 "as much as possible" isn't a resolution. If you want anyone to do it, state what you have in mind.
Making it larger will most likely degrade the quality so I don't recommend it anyways unless your screen resolution is larger than 1920x1080.
>>5695844 I meant upgrade the quality as much as possible, which I thought you could accomplish by upping the resolution.
>>5695851 too late i already maxed your shit out to 1000 percent, youre getting a huge ass load
>>5695865 >>5695851 >>5695802 here it is, shithead, i blew it up to 1000%, surely this should be big enough to cover your enormous ego
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>>5695870 just "open in new tab" and delete %2F and everything before the www
Would someone cut out the Project330 sticker at the bottom corner of this wallpaper please?
Could somebody blow this up to 1600x1900 and make it not look like crap?
http://imgur.com/J2dYqsh ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5695908 1600x1900? for real?
>>5695910 Shit sorry. 1600x900
I guess I didn't need that other hit
ddd !FuckWITRq.
Could someone remove the text from these wallpapers? 1/2
>>5696083 i'll do this tomorrow if no one does it. Will take some time to look good. If someone does it and it looks like shipe, i'll do it tomorrow anyway, just stick around
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>>5696088 Thanks mate, I really appreciate it.
>>5696082 I tried emailing this to you but it bounced back with some error.
>>5696082 Here is the first one, the second one is more complex though and will take longer.
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>>5696119 i don't think that's a real email
>>5696120 Yeah, not a real email, but thanks; they're great :D
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>>5696134 Rats, I just finished emailing AOL customer support about it too.
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>>5696083 >>5696134 Well don't mind my previous post of the edit of your 2nd pic, the original exists without the watermark:
http://www.eldojogamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Lords-of-Fallen-13-06-13-003.jpg Origam1
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>>5696083 Well didn't know there was one without a watermark till I finished. Might as well post what I did. =)
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>>5695802 This is about the best I can do without making the image smaller.
Can you guys remove the text and resize it 1920x1080 thanks
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
Can I please have this image taller to fit an iphone screen? Also, if the colors could be inverted (background black, writing white, not super important though)?Thank you!
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
>>5696493 "to fit an iphone screen" is not a resolution.
Please specify the resolution of your iphone.
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>>5696493 Yeah because all iphones have the same resolution.
>>5696494 640x960 I believe, sorry!
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
>>5696497 No problem
Here ya go.
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
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>>5696498 oops, sorry wrong resolution.
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>>5696498 Thank you, but could you love it white background black writing (sorry!) and just elongate it (if that makes sense)
>>5696499 Okay, that red is good! Just need one for the original. Thanks!
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen)
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen) Tue 11 Feb 2014 14:56:47 No. 5696511 Report Can someone make the red eyes on this blue? Thanks in advance ^^
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen)
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen) Tue 11 Feb 2014 14:59:00 No. 5696512 Report Quoted By:
>>5696511 Oh, and, remove the bottom left watermark, please.
>>5696511 Wasn't really sure where the Eye ended and the blood started. Tell me if I missed parts of it..
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>>5696515 That's perfect, thanks.
Would someone please be able to remove the watermarked writing down the bottom over her arm?
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
Could someone remove the watermark off a few of these? Thanks. 1of3
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
Can i get this wallpaper at a size 1920x1080?
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
>>5696613 Or non-cropped, your choice
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>>5696626 The version posted by ,Origam1 was the best one i chose. Thank you for posting another version anyway, gives people to choose which one they like best.
PS. the new verification system sucks.
Could i have this made in to a wallpaper at 1920x1080 and not be blurry or squished at all? I also wouldn't mind if Thanos himself was just put on a different cosmic background which was 1920x1080
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
>>5696670 Thank you very much, exactly what i was looking for
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5696668 >>5696672 just because i wanted to do an edit
Could anon remove the watermark and make a nice 1920x1080 wallpaper of this picture? Much appriciated
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
> Can someone get rid of the "bring me the horizon" text please? and the small water mark in the bottom right corner? but keep the space background? please keep the resolution as 1440x900 so no cropping please! Thankyou
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5696739 asshat of an image to fix
Anyone willing to make/help make a company logo for me? Simple Project I got going on.>Red and black colour scheme >Company name is Bathroom Instalments >Needs to say "Bathroom Instalments presents" >Is a bathroom storage device >Product is "Chilling Storage" Any help is appreciated! In return, my niece
>>5696749 You'd be better of in /gd/
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>>5696750 Cheers for the pointer
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>>5696749 >>5696750 I guarantee /gd/ won't do it. That's the place to ask, but good luck getting anything done
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>>5696748 I know right? I tried it myself but I'm not as photoshop savvy as some of the other guys on here
Can someone make this a smartphone wallpaper?
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>>5696749 >>5696750 a freelancer from odesk would be better
>>5696762 You need to specify a resolution, or you could just crop the image on your phone...
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5696764 I don't have the image on my phone :(
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>>5696768 At least give us your phone resolution or model
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>>5696768 Just specify a resolution.
>>5696768 And it's for the iPhone 4, I am not sure what the resolution is.
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
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>>5696768 well you need to put the image on your phone to use it as a wallpaper...
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http://imgur.com/UzA6c8A Could someone shop this? I need the "blue" to keep going leftwards/rightwards etc. so it could be a wallpaper.
Can someone please get rid of the Canada symbol? I just prefer plain red, thanks in advance.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
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>>5696832 Thanks you bloody lad!
Can someone make this 1366x768 and not as grainy?
http://i46.tinypic.com/fp6s87.jpg !pngR3CNJTc
>>5696867 go to your kitchen and take a better pic?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5696867 the grainy is part of the image
tell the painter to make it more realistic
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
>>5696867 Best I can do I'm afraid.
Maybe someone else can do a better job?
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
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>>5696872 >>5696876 Thanks to the both of you
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
1920x1080 and darken the background please
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5696944 this dark enough?
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>>5696953 That's exactly what I was thinking. Thanks mate.
>>5696953 Could you cut out the smoke from the right of the red line so it looks a bit more natural?
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5696970 and i scaled it down
I don't know how, but this homage to Blade Runner needs to be a wallpaper yesterday. Anyone have any ideas?
>>5696981 Better sized version from DeviantART.
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5696989 Could you smooth the smoke out a bit?
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5696992 i can try, but i don't have a tablet or anything, precision isn't my strong suit
>>5696993 Give me a second ill draw a new red line with my tablet
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5696994 no, don't do that it won't help me
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5696987 1600 x 900 would be fantastic.
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>>5697001 That looks a lot better. Thanks mate.
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5697002 hope you don't mind her on the right, because i don't have any smoke brushes right now
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>>5697008 This works for me, but I won't stop anyone else from giving it a whirl.
Aramis !!BUYQ/a6/7H3
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What's up guys, lookin for a new phone wallpaper, anyone got any ideas? also taking requests
>>5694572 Could I have this image in 1920x1080, also i found another image that made her skin look red and i cant decide which one looks better
>>5697047 Here's the other one, this image is slightly larger and is the biggest one in google images. I can't tell which one looks better but could I have one of the two as 1920x1080?
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5697048 not feeling crafty, and i haven't imported my textures from cs6 to cc yet
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>>5697158 is it possible to get like a white background
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Could someone turn this picture into 1680 x 1605? Please..
Can you make it so that the line up is from the left; Charmander, Bulbasaur, Pikachu and then Squirtle? Thanks in advance :)
>>5697275 It's not perfect, but it looks alright I think
>>5697313 Can you move Pikachu more to the right, closer to Squirtle? :)
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>>5697321 Much appreciated! :)
anna !molly997fw
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Good morning bump.
Excuse me but can i get the text at the bottom of the wallpaper, remove thank you.
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
Theres a line of people waiting to mod. How about something fun. Turn this into a background. How about, 1920x1200.
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
Can the white of this in #70B8FF please? except for the name
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
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>>5697444 >like anyone would want a 4chan background Anonymous
Adn can I get all the lettering remove from this picture replaced with the color please?
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
>>5697539 >>5697556 Please direct the rest of these anime related requests to the /w/ IMT thread:
>>>/w/1630013 Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
ddd !FuckWITRq.
ՖаԌе !oSaGe.Fu/2
>>5697569 damn it dick, fuck off to /w/
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5697570 i figured you were not fulfilling your roll of stupid tripfag who does the edit after someone says bring it to w
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>>5697581 Now you fucked up.
I don't feel like trying to work out the static in the black on cinema4d. Could someone possibly fix it? I want just a flat black background, and maybe if someone could do a tasteful centered gradient? It would be much appreciated
>>5697682 Well here it is strictly black. What kind of gradient are you looking for? Black to grey?
Could someone please make the background in this picture a darker colour? (both the white and the peach colour) Make it grey or something that suits it please.
>>5697682 >>5697692 missed a few spots
>>5697695 thanks, looks good. hmm maybe a dark blue/gray in the middle that just fades to black?
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5697694 >>>/w/1630013 there's a whole board for this stuff
>>5697701 what about the other anime wallpapers that have been modified in this thread? nobody complained about those.
anna !molly997fw
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>>5697701 b-but senpai, b-b-breasts are n-n-n-n-nsfw!
jh !aDhdsuychY
>>5697703 yes we did. we try to keep them separate for a reason. it's like mlp, but not quite as extreme
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>>5697705 Well damn. Off i go.
Can I get these letters (it's a C connected to another C) put onto a background that I will also upload for you? And the texture coming up from the bottom right on the letter is supposed to be ice, so try to give it a dark bluish tint, too.
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>>5697767 Sorry it took a moment to find it.
>>5697558 Could I get these two anything close to 768x1280 aspect ratio? I'd just like the canal to be closest to the center for this one.
>>5697767 One more thing: resize the ice wallpaper to 1920x1080 before applying the letters, so that they don't have to change size with it.
>>5697770 Same for this one but just whatever look's best when it comes to cropping out anything.
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
Fanged_Wang !Dmv74.Fuck
>>5697772 Like this? Or do you want the symbol sort of transparent?
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>>5697778 Wow, that's very well done.. thank you!
If you feel like trying a transparency, go ahead. I'd like to see your preference, too.
>>5697780 Awesome!
But maybe less transparent? What percentage is this one? And is it possible to make it more transparent on the top part so it blends nicely with the bottom?
>>5697784 Well that was more of a layer blending option than an opacity change.
What about this?
>>5697788 Maybe a little bit darker on the top, but that's pretty good itself.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
>>5697792 i was working it the other direction, with a removal instead of transparency
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>>5697794 That's it.
Thanks very much!
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>>5697801 Also very good!
Thank you, too.
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>>5697706 that is exactly what I wanted. thanks so much!
anna !molly997fw
Could someone either remove the various blue dots on this or replicate them to fill the rest of the black screen? I'd greatly appreciate it.
Hilly !OkNotOPH8U
can someone change the panties to nails ect to lime green and make the background black? (background can stay the same if its to much trouble) thanks in advance
>>5697961 Not sure if this is the green you were going after but here it is.
If anyone else wants to take a stab at making the background black go for it.
I tried the refine edge tool and it didn't help me, but I probably did it wrong.
I'd keep trying but I feel like you've already waited enough time.
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Someone please make this 1360 x 768 or 1920 x 1080, whichever is easier.
http://s1.bild.me/bilder/260513/4120025wallpaper-5896447.jpg Anonymous
>>5697998 How did you get the darker areas on the lace around her neck?
Hi. Can someone please lower the exposure of this image? It is much too bright.
very many thanks, any chance you can also make this lime green? and yes it is a perfect greeen
>>5698002 In photoshop if you change the hue/saturation of an image, only the parts of the picture that are actually colored are affected rather than the black and white parts. So with that in mind, I just selected things that were the same colored, used the hue/saturation tool and changed it to lime green.
Then do the same for the other color and done, the black tones stay black and the colors change. It's really really simple.
>>5698003 Like this?
>>5698004 couldn't get the girl on the left to have lighter color of lime green without it looking horrible. Is this ok?
remove the text and possibly extend the background 1920 x 1080
>>5698013 Many thanks! The bike and background are right on point. I feel bad about complaining, but the flames kind of look "fake?" Could I trouble you to make just the flames look more like they do in the original picture?
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looks great man loving the green
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>>5697794 One further request, if possible:
Would you be able to make the trasparency from the top down to the center of the letters a gradient of dark to however bright it is in the middle?
Turn the black to a charcoal-ish colour and leave a thick outline of black around Deadpool. Leave or remove the signature i dont care.
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Any chance someone can take this image
>>5697827 and make it repeating pattern so that it could be any size? Also possibility of making it a vector?
>>5698034 I forgot my picture cause I'm a nigger
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>>5698014 What tool do you use to change colour like that?
>>5698020 Don't know if this is ok. It's usually not the easiest thing to make an image like that into a 16:9 wallpaper without it looking a bit weird. (at least not at my skill level)
If you want just the image without the text you can crop it, or just tell me and I'll get on it.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5698042 Perfect, thank you
>>5698040 no you did pretty much what i wanted thanks
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>>5698024 Wouldn't let me upload because it says it's a duplicate... and it isn't...
Here it is:
http://i.imgur.com/sjeuECk.jpg Anonymous
>>5698046 Hey, a guy made this and i want it horizontal, and 1920x1800 if its do-able please.
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5698045 good
replied to bump old thread to the top...
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5698053 and now killing it off
ddd !FuckWITRq.
>>5698054 fuck off homosexual boi toi
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>>5698056 The same-fagging, so good. Origam1
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>>5698049 Something like this?
I'm guessing you meant 1920 x 1080?
ddd !FuckWITRq.
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>>5698051 >>5698051 >>5698051 ddd !FuckWITRq.
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verfiying bump limit is still 300...
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Can somebody fix up the colors on the face so that it blends in fluently? Thanks in advance.
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>>5699150 Can you take all the Words, lines, and buttons please!!!