>>5720798>Communism is a system which requires total state control of the economy to prevent it from giving way to capitalism. It is simply not compatible with anarchy.marxism-leninism != communism, hell anarcho-communism predates state socialist ideologies like marxism-leninism. try harder.
also Rothbard's an idiot. market competition tends towards monopolies due to economies of scale generated by horizontal and vertical integration. moreover, trust-busting and the like only works in the short term; over time growing firms will reach a point where it is more profitable for them to acquire their competitors than to let them continue to exist as competitors, let alone go bankupt. this is why over the long term sectors of the market are consolidated into smaller and smaller numbers of hands (see: mass media, telecommunications, air travel, agriculture...). this cannot be attributed to state intervention, one because the state intervenes to favor certain firms over others based on the monetary influence of those firms themselves, and two even in a hypothetical "stateless" (more precisely nation-stateless) situation firms would end up fighting each other over resources and capital, i.e. would become de facto states (at least under Weber's definition, as an institution with a monopoly over the legitimate use of force in a territory).
and this doesn't even address the more philosophical point that capitalism is inherently hierarchical and coercive. the idea that labor contracts are consensual is ideology; if one needs the money from wages in order not to starve to death on the street, that contract is not consensual.
i'm not even an anarchist and i get this shit