Currently looking for a way to handle notifications without the factory one. Need a security lockscreen as well.
Suggestions and tips greatly appreciated.
Unnecessary amount of screens. Weather widget doesn't work with the background
Is this 3 or 2 screens? Looks like 2. Great atmosphere. Fix the gap in your clock.
Bland and tasteless. Has no color or tones.
Would be a 10/10 lockscreen
Minimalist. Unrealistic. Would work as a lockscreen
With background find some white or sepia icons. Clock font should be white and maybe 70% visable.
Not digging the battery crescent. Doesn't fit in at all. Too metal
>red 7 >>5755064>4.5mb fileWhy? Looks like Mac n cheese in thumbnail.
Would use. Inspiring.
With a good icon set would be at least 6/10
Clean it up with a drawer/dock/folders
mirin language skills
Needs some personality
The girl ruins the entire screen. Generic mai waifu wallpaper with clean icons. If I had the original pic I would edit it for you to try out.
>>5755281>>575528210/10 would use
Warm as fuck. Makes me want to travel by bike or train.
Feels like California don't understand the background.
Icons need work otherwise would use.
Minimalist with powerful background(artistically speaking) Needs personality/clock/ect ect ect. Icons don't stick out
Love it. I don't get the green though. I forget what it means.
low resolution background ruins it. Add filter. Recommend subtly graining