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No.5768934 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /wg/, long-time lurker and poster here. I have close to 10,000 wallpapers saved from this board.

Anyways, I've come to ask of a favor. I need a wallpaper made.

Preferably 1366 x 768. I want a completely white (or some sort of light shade of grey) wallpaper with an upwards-arrow-like band in the middle. In the manner that the military has for ranks on jackets. I'm like this to be tri-color, starting with black on the bottom, white in the middle, and red on the top. I want it to be minimalistic and I want it to look crisp and cleaned.

I'm providing an image that I crudely drew in MS Paint as reference (pic related).

In return, I'll dump as many minimalist and crisp-looking wallpapers before my request gets filled, or before I realize the nobody will fulfil my request.

I'll start my end of the deal after this post.