- Redrew my icons in a circle style, not to sure if i like them or not
- not sure what to do with wifi and data widgets
- can't find any good ways to setup my lockscreen. any suggestions?
>>5776150>>5777752>>5777815>posting the exact same homescreen in every thread.they're allright, but stop boring me with the same shit over and over again
>>5776074Of all the versions you posted, liked this one the most. creative, 8/10
>>5776082kind of bland, 6/10
>>5776160Would be really cool with some colour! don't really like black & white, 7/10
>>5776196doesn't seem really functional, however it looks really good 8/10
>>5776530the red text in the statusbar makes me cringe/10
>>5776555kind of all over the place, i like space 6,5/10
>>5776593unreadable 5/10
>>5776672really like the homescreen! the lockscreen, i don't 7/10
>>5776767awful font on the clock 5/10
>>5776819nailed it! except for the icons (horrible horrible icons) 6/10
>>5776885different clocks/10
>>5776989looks really good! 8/10
>>5777007that's more like it, 10/10
>>5777186remove the bar and it's a 10/10
>>5777444make it more readable and it's a 10/10
>>5777570really creative on the font and such, the wallpaper isn't my taste bitch/10
>>5777694had that wallpaper for a while, looks good! 8/10
>>5777764like it, except for the slider 7/10
>>5777818I seem to be the only one who dislikes this? using chicks on desktops/homescreens always makes me cringe, like sure, i like looking at them, but i would never use them on my homescreen
that being said, really like how creative and out of the box this is.
>>5777858cool wp, don't like pixelicons 7/10
>>5777904looks stock, cut off text, bars around clock 5/10
probably left-handed aswel?
>>57784909/10, am also stuck at the stock clock widget, because it's actually really good.