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Mood / venting thread

!HAXOTfjzPU No.5837643 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we have a mood thread or general venting / discussion thread with a pic to sum up the TL;DR? I know there's some out there that are sitting there watching the rain fall and can't sleep a wink, so why not bend each others ear for the night and pour another drink, eh?

Personally, I feel a mix of pleasure and pain at the moment. I lost my first, real job this week that practically fell into my lap due to being a drug user (yes I know, I got what I deserve, no need to preach. This is 4chan, none of us here are angels by any stretch of the word.) I don't have any really good credentials so this has basically fucked me. I've closed myself off from friends and loved ones since. On the flip side, I had the closet female friend I've had for many years, the only one I've talked to during all this, even closer than past girlfriends mind you, told me she deeply loves me and wants to marry me and live in a little cabin in the woods and raise a family. She's the perfect girl for me and we click. I love her to death, but she lives quite a distance currently so thats a rub. I wish she was here. I want to hold her. I'm drunk and a mess of an emotional cocktail and chain smoking like a motherfucker.

Also, wie bis meine Damen and Herren holding up out there? Life is surely strange, and I know some of you are dying to spill out what you've got bottled up. Spill it, you'll feel better. There's always another poor son of a bitch out here who can sympathize.