take a second to think about how many of those apps actually need to be there. the answer is like 1/2 of them max.
seriously tho towelroot will root you in like two seconds flat and then you get xposed and you can get rid of the ugly-ass nav bar
do like your icon-set. looks very nice. also like your music widget. What is that? Could do with a more angular font though, to match the tiling
clock is meh. you can do better
nice job though without a root
>>5896507like it. nice and simple, keep it to the basics. paper is a bit overdone, but if that's your style, fine on you
try to find a different font for that widget that matches the paper look though-- really any "distressed: font will do. I'd recommend either something slab sarif or script
pretty nice effort, 6/10
>>5896322Pretty solid for a first go. I'd recommend looking at Cydget ( for your wakeup screen), Alkaline (for the battery thing),
overall looks like a pretty decent setup imo. not riced to shit, so you have that benefit
>>5896312meh. minimalist, but without an eye for function. decent icons, looks like it might be a low res background but that also might just be that I have it blown up on my screen
if you want thoughts share yours.
>>5896226actually pretty nice. your icons match really well witth the background
you're right that you need more color-- tbh the minimum for a color scheme is three colors-- if you want to stay minimalist go grey or black, if you want to spice it up try something pastel-y that matches the blue. salmon would probably work, maybe a pine green or a sunlight yellow. I'd also personally like to see some more screens
8/10, like it, matches my personal style
>>5896224lose like half the icons or spread them out across a few pages. it's a decent icon set, but it can't dominate like it currently is.
also make sure your icons line up. detail matters.
background it decent, but you could match that and the icons better. try a papery icon set