>>5929580so many icons!
>>5930078nice and simple 7/10
>>5930116watch yourself on that edge
>>5930142why the hell would you do that? 1/10
>>5930460>>5930463>>5930465>>5930479Please god no
>>5930493I would like this much more with a more plain wallpaper, maybe a solid color, for now 6/10
>>5930508pretty nice, 8/10
>>5930559pretty nice 7/10
>>5930663weeb detected
>>5930709Jesus christ, do you ever use that information?
>>5931571fucking beautiful, perhaps a more easily read font would help though 8/10
>>5931724pretty nice 7/10
>>5931840monitors don't match at all 2/10
>>5931853pay attention fags, this is how it's done, easily going to be the best here 10/10
>>5931934didn't expect to like this, but it's nice 7/10
>>5931941Really nice, but difficult to read 7/10, why the hell would you want to ruin this with a taskbar?
>>5932661actually nice 6/10 love the music player
>>5934160really nice, 8/10
>>5934260nice...ish, I'm not sold on the conky thing though 5/10
Anyway, what do you all think of mine?