Information was previously sent to the White House on or around June 2nd with an interest in sharing some useful, pertinent information I've come into
through years of research into the biological effect of dissociative drug application.
Over an extended course of time, the drugs ability to temporary limit the overall use of resources internally has allowed me personally through tissue
stimulation to alter the basic structure of the interior of my sinus cavity. Upon relating this information, with an interest in trying to get across
the legitimacy of this as a medical discovery, I recently attempted to contact the White House, thinking in the circumstances that if the information
was related to someone in a better position to distribute it, some response might occur in the medical community.
Instead I've found that all products containing dextromethorphan in my surrounding area have suddenly had the dextromethorphan removed. This is an
obvious and simplistic verification of the information that has been shared, but rather than instituting some method of distribution to improve
the circumstances for constituents, has resulted in a blockade of an important medical discovery. I urge you to read over and judge for yourselves. While
certain content in the letter expresses personal religious views, the bio information is all solid and tested, and the response taken by the administration
to block the information from distribution is something I take as a personal affront.
I urge you yourselves to attempt to find dextromethorphan containing products, and should you find the dissociative drug absent, question why an
administration would tactically work towards the removal of an important medical substance immediately following a letter (not the first, but clearly
the last) regarding this important discovery.
Letter is shared word for word as sent to the White House website.
Copy saved on date in personal email.