If you pay attention to some details, you can see that it's the same corner as in the photograph the man is holding.
>Epecuén village was a tourist village that was located in the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, next to the salty Epecuén lake. The salty waters were considered therapeutic, and the village was visited by about 25,000 tourists between November and March, since 1950.>On November 6th of 1985, a seiche caused by a rare weather pattern broke a nearby dam first, then the dike protecting the town. People was forced to evacuate in a night by train, leaving absolutely everything behind. The town reached 2 meters (7 ft) of water in 15 days, reaching up to 10 meters (33 ft) at its maximum a few years later.>The town reached a population of 1,500 inhabitants at its peak but now has a sole resident, Pablo Novak, who returned to his home when the waters receded after covering the town for 25 years.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiF5HHkHvX0