>>6049355Depends mostly on your WP, if you could post it I could give better advice. Overall however, most of the UCCW clocks I made or got from other people that posted here. I would advise to go to
dafont.com and just look around for fonts you personally feel work well with your wallpaper and build it from scratch.
Icons packs I'd suggest:
Simplex - white backdrop w/ black icons
Tiny White/Black Icons
Mushcube's stuff
I haven't changed my phone homescreen for the past 5-6 months, compared to when I would change it up every few weeks. However, coming back to these threads, I think my stuff is unique, which was always something important to me.
>>6049251Try Tiny White or Simplex imo
>>6049263Well done, stands out well, even compared to other jailbroken iPhones. 9/10
>>6049372Nah looks fine, I would hide the notification bar and make a UCCW version of it so the time would be centered and would work better with the wallpaper. 7/10
>>6049412It's hard to see the icons with the wallpaper, also the clock font doesn't really fit the style